

Jennifer Hudson

1、Jennifer Hudson 詹妮弗·哈德森:因参加选秀节目《美国偶像》而成名的Hudson在今年成功减肥,服装号码从16号(相当于我们的XXL吧)减到了4号(S跟M中间的样子)。刚刚做了妈妈就能成功减肥真是值得骄傲啊。

The 29-year-old singer, Oscar winner and former American Idol contestant has lost  five dress sizes since joining the diet program Weight Watchers, for which she is a spokeswoman.


Christian Bale

2、Christian Bale 克里斯蒂安·贝尔:又为戏牺牲了一次的敬业演员。曾经多次为电影增肥或减重的Bale,今年为了在电影Fighter里扮演一个皮包骨的瘾君子硬是把一身好不容易练出来的肌肉又给减没了。除了敬业两字,我真不知道能说什么了。

When The Machinist was first being talked about after its release in festivals, the talk amidst all movie-goers was Christian Bale's dramatic weight loss. Standing 6' exactly and normally weighing in at 185 pounds, it was a shock to view his body withering away in this role. He lost a staggering 63 pounds for the role. His goal for the movie was to look like as if he had not slept for a year.

Natalie Portman

3、Natalie Portman 娜塔莉·波特曼:又是一个为戏减肥的,本来就挺消瘦的Portman为了在惊悚剧《黑天鹅》里扮演芭蕾舞演员,一举减重20磅。

Natalie Portman is a vegan! She had been a vegetarian since she was eight years old. The young actress revealed that she took part in extreme ballet, cross-training and swimming a year before filming and lost 20 pounds due to it.

Drew Carey

4、Drew Carey 德鲁·凯里:这位中国人可能不是很熟悉,但在美国他可是家喻户晓的游戏节目主持人(相当于中国的李咏吧)。去年因为患上了糖尿病加上突然发现自己胖到连孩子都抱不起来了,于是痛下决心减肥,成功甩掉了80磅肥肉。

You might remember Drew Carey as the roly-poly, round and cuddly character from The Drew Carey Show. In real life, being the ‘big guy’ was starting to cause some big problems for Carey. He developed Type-2 diabetes and could no longer keep up with his five year old son, Connor. Drew implemented an intense exercise regimen and low-to-no-carbon diet and lost 80 pounds.

Kelly Osbourne

5、Kelly Osbourne 凯莉·奥斯本:摇滚歌星Ozzy Osbourne的女儿,从小在聚光灯下长大的她一直体型硕大,自从去年参加了美国真人秀《与星共舞》之后,她在舞伴的帮助下一减再减,现在已经减到了能直接穿伸展台名模尺寸的礼服的程度。

The former reality star from 'The Osbournes' and daughter of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne has dropped over 50 pounds and most importantly, she has let go of the shame she's carried for years because of her weight. And it's not thanks to any super secret diet or quick fix over-the-counter supplement. As the 26-year-old says, it all comes down to simple exercise and eating well.

Kendra Wilkinson

6、Kendra Wilkinson 肯德拉·威尔金森:曾是花花公子真人秀《邻家女孩》中的主角之一,Kendra在嫁给美式足球运动员之后就怀孕生子,一下子胖了不少,也招来了不少批评(毕竟本来就是靠身材吃饭的)。去年成功减肥,终于又能秀比基尼了。

Former Playboy Playmate, Kendra Wilkinson lost 25 pounds after giving birth to a baby. She followed a strict post baby weight loss plan and looks almost unbelievably good in this photo.

Ricky Gervais

7、Ricky Gervais 瑞奇·热维斯:最近一直在美国发展的英国笑星,跟女朋友一起携手减肥,两人都成功减掉了20磅,下巴都尖了呢。

As the star of The Office, Ricky Gervais's bloated appearance perfectly suited his character David Brent. But the comedian has moved on since his days in Slough. And it seems spending time in health-conscious Los Angeles has done wonders for his appearance. On a shopping trip in Marylebone with girlfriend Jane Fallon today, his once double chin was no more.

Gwyneth Paltrow

8、Gwyneth Paltrow 格温妮丝·帕特洛:虽然下面两张对比照看不太出来,但其实Paltrow去年为扮演《Country Strong》里健康型的乡村女歌手而增重了20磅,然后又火速地在停机后减掉了。

Gwyneth shares all of her detoxing secrets over her weekly newsletter, Goop Detox Diet Diary. She periodically cleanses, subsisting on salads and smoothies for weeks at a time, and uses laxatives to speed up her 'elimination.'

50 Cent

9、50 Cent50分:说唱歌手50美分为了扮演癌症病人减肥50磅,满身肌肉消失不见,一副病入膏肓的样子,牺牲大啊。

Famed radio host Big Boy shocked the world with his dramatic weight loss. The host of “Big Boy's” Neighborhood shed over 100 pounds, reportedly from gastric bypass surgery. 50 Cent caused uproar when pictures surfaced of him 50 pounds lighter for a role in the movie “Things Fall Apart.”

Anthony Hopkins

10、Anthony Hopkins 安东尼·霍普金斯:年纪大也不是长肥肉的借口啊,奥斯卡影帝Hopkins为健康减肥75磅,据说他减肥的方法是每天去健身房运动,加上一天只摄入800卡路里。

Big screen legend Anthony Hopkins, best known for playing Hannibal Lecter in “Silence of the Lambs,” remains one of Hollywood’s heavy hitters. He’s just a bit lighter now — 75 pound lighter. He attributes his weight loss to his wife, a strict diet regimen and daily exercise.

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