

Identify Study of Earthquake Prediction & Volcano Prediction

Identify Study of Earthquake Prediction & Volcano Prediction

Lijun Chen

The global earthquake focal depth data from 1963 to 2010 shows, the focal depth of more than 630 km is only 6 places such as Chile, Okhotsk Sea, Philippines, Indonesia, Solomon and Tonga. Focal depth is between 550 km to 630 km only 4 places such as Japan sea, Marianas trench, Jilin in China and west exit of the Mediterranean. Maximum focal depth is between 250 km to 380 km only 7 places such as Guatemala, Haiti, Bering sea, Taiwan and RyukyuHindu kush, Mediterranean and South Sandwich Trench. Also, the maximum focal depth is between 180 km to 250 km in Burma. All add up to 18 centres or strips of deep source seismic activity. The upper seismic activity of these centres just like a tree or a fanlike arrangement, and stretches open along the island arcs or trench nearby the surface. The author has defined the special point as Seismic Cone (see http://blog.sina.com.cn/seisman), top 10 may be defined as Super Seismic Cones.

According to the Seismo-Geothermics (Chen Lijun, 2000, Seismology and Geology), the earthquake at bottom of seismic mantle plume just like an "engine", constitute the active layer of certain depth mantle by way of rapid migration of heat energy or critical boiling of mantle material. Mid-depth source earthquake release does not dissipate, can only transfer to upper mantle layer, i. e energy-storage layer. Energy storage layer will be stored energy or transfer upward step by step with a gradual release. Arrived near-surface, the earth's crust dissipative layer will be spread, and the releases of stored bottom energy will be accrued by way of volcanic eruption, or by way of rupture, dislocation or plastic deformation, etc, along with the existing fragile generated structures, and will be dissipated exhaustedly with the energy form change of heat energy into mainly mechanical energy.

A simple boiled water testing can be roughly simulated the working mechanism of a seismic cone. A beaker of water placed above the plane heat source. When the temperature is appropriate, the bubbles appear and burst immediately on the cup bottom. With increased water temperatures the bubbles rise and burst ceaselessly, the water surface is gradually deformation. When bubbles can rise close to the water surface, it is into "Xiangshui doesn't boil" stage, and then is boiled. Earthquake prediction and volcano prediction is looking for the timing of "Xiangshui doesn't boil".

Indonesia is an ideal place of earthquake prediction and volcano prediction research to its earthquake frequent and volcanic activity. Statistical of the relationship of crust earthquakes and volcanoes with mid-depth source earthquakes in Indonesia, found below phenomenon:

1) By the statistics of 70 volcanic eruptions of index VEI = 1 and above since 2000 in Indonesia, there were many earthquakes magnitude 5 and above almost every volcano eruption in or before 1 ~ 3 months(table limited, to see the blog of Seisman);

2) When appearing a series of deep source seismic activity magnitude 5 and above does to trigger the eruptions of one or more volcanoes (Example Table 1);

3) If deep earthquake magnitude 7 and above accrued it could trigger volcanic eruption and strong crust earthquake magnitude 8 and above (Table 2).

In the Seismo-Geothermic, volcano and mid-depth source earthquake are homologous. The volcano is heat release rushed to the surface, and the mid-depth source earthquake is heat transfer but does not reach the surface.

In this sense, the relationship study of volcano and mid-depth source earthquake may be able to find new ways of the volcano prediction and earthquake prediction.

Hereby thanks to page web http://www.ncedc.org/anss/  for ANSS earthquake catalogue, and to page web http://www.volcano.si.edu/  for GVP monthly volcanic Bulletin.

The 2d draft, 2011.3.16


Table 1

Table 2







1) 统计2000年以来70次火山喷发指数VEI=1以上的火山喷发,几乎每一次火山喷发前1~3个月内都有5级以上的中、深源地震活动(表略,见seisman的博客);

2) 当出现一系列5级以上的中、深源地震活动后,会引发一个或多个火山的喷发(例表1);

3) 当发生7级以上的深源地震后,有可能引发火山喷发和壳内8级以上的强震活动(表2)。


本文所采用的地震资料取自http://www.ncedc.org/ 网页的ANSS地震目录,火山资料取自http://www.volcano.si.edu/网页的GVP火山月报,谨此致谢。

(2011.2.25 初稿)

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