


【全套 主要针对基础】

Unit 1 Wise men in history


( ) 1. This problem seems difficult to solve.

A. write down B. find the correct answer

( ) 2. …as he filled his bath with water.

A. made…full B. emptied

( )3. Next, he put two pots into two big bowls…

A. deep round dishes B. flat dishes

( ) 4. A crown made completely of gold displaces less water…

A. a little B. a smaller amount of

( ) 5. I doubt what he said was based on facts.

A. am not sure B. think C. know D. believe

( )6. I’m certain that I have locked the door.

A. glad B. surprised C. pleased D. sure

( ) 7. He passed the exam through hard work and his teacher was happy with the result.

A. sorry for B. bored with C. disappointed with D. satisfied with

( ) 8. Everyone was amazed at how King Solomon completed the work.

A. interested B. surprised C. excited D. frightened

( ) 9. I don’t doubt about his ability.

A. feel sure B. not feel sure C. happy D. pleasure

( ) 10. I don’t know how to solve this problem.

A. write down B. think of C. think about D. find the correct answer

( ) 11. How long have been you not at school? Less than a week.

A. a little B. a large number of C. few D. a smaller amount of

( ) 12. Find out correct way to learn English.

A. wrong B. first C. right D. clever

( )13.The beautiful girl has _____hair.

A. gold B. golden C. iron D. metal

( )14.I _______ whether his statement is true.

A. think B. believe C. doubt D. know

( )15.We are _________ agreement on this point.

A. at B. under C. on D. in

( )16.Please write about your _______ experience.

A. real B. really C. true D. truly

( )17.She seems ________ the secret.

A. know B. knows C. to know D. knowing

( )18.The hall was ______ of people.

A. fill B. filled C. full D. fulled

( )19.It is about 76 kilos in _______.

A. high B. height C. weigh D. weight

( )20.Why don’t you ask him ______ his advice?

A. for B. to C. with D. in

( )21.He was advised to take more exercise and drink _____ beer.

A. little B. less C. few D. fewer

( )22.The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, and _______ is a doctor.

A. another B. other C. the other D. others


1.王冠_________ 2.奥运会_________ 3.同意_________ 4.confirmation_________

5.真相_________ 6.碗,盆_________ 7.罐_________ 8.真相_________

9.金属_________ 10.监狱_________ 11.拳击_________ 12.赛马_________

13.摔跤________ 14.标点符号________15.错误_________


1.不能确定_____ 2.好像,似乎 ______ 3.解决,处理_________

4.装满________ 5.取代,替代_______ 6.(用手或者器具)击,打____


1.金的,金色的_________ 2.真的,正宗的_________ 3.确定的,肯定的_________

4.勇敢的,无畏的_________ 5.准确无误的,正确的_________


1.(对某人或者某物)满意的_________________ 2.用…把…装满_____________________

3.溢出___________ 4.把…关进监狱___________ 5.确保,设法保证___________

6.加起来;总计__________ 7.起初____________________ 8.对……感到惊奇 __________

9. (对某人或事物)满意的_____________________ 10.为……制造_______________________

11.由……制成 ___________ 12.把……切成两半 _____________________

13.查明真相______________ 14.别管我________________ 15.让某人出来______________

16.相同的重量 ___________ 17.取出__________________ 18.参加___________________

19.说实话________________ 20.考虑__________________ 21.想出办法________________


1.King Hero 让一个王冠工匠去为他制造一顶金王冠。











Unit2 Great minds


( ) 1. It’s a pleasure to work in the fields.

A. please B. happy things C. have interested in D. enjoy

( ) 2. Doctors warn people to avoid too much sun this summer.

A. go away B. take in C. keep away from D. fresh

( ) 3. Trust yourself and your own ideas.

A. believe in B. make better C. do your best D. hope

( ) 4. Students learns the whole dictionary by heart.

A. study B. write C. think D. by remember every word

( ) 5. Astronaut return to Earth without difficulty.

A. with no trouble at all B. single C. simply D. good

( ) 6. Dance on Saturday night! All students are invited to join in the activity.

A. joined B. take part in C. add in D. attend

( ) 7. She consider him is a genius.

A. want B. think of him as C. hate him D. like him

( ) 8. Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.

A. reach to B. against C. carry out  D. oboe dire

( ) 9. We have a leg of mutton for dinner tonight.

A. this evening B. evening C. day and night D. today

( )10. Guan Yuan had no idea of the trouble they would have caused at the airport. In the California night, the little insects trilled the soft, sweet song of a distant home.

A. wanted to know B. came true C. know D. didn’t know

( )11. I need her to help me with the cooking.

A . go bad B. put on C. help do sth. D. drawback

( ) 12. Successful people always trust themselves and their ideas.

A. believe in B. support C. agree D. depend on

( ) 13. You look pale. What’s wrong with you?

A. unhappy B. bored C. rather white D. bad

( ) 14. Are you free tonight? I want to go to the movies with you after work.

A. tomorrow B. this evening C. this afternoon D. this morning

( )15. Mr Smith will give a lecture to us this Sunday.

A. discussion B. journey C. conversation D. long talk

( ) 16. Going fishing in his free time is a pleasure for my grandfather. He likes doing it very much.

A. happy thing B. bad thing C. surprising thing D. boring thing

( )17.I have half a mind ______ with you tomorrow.

A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming

( )18.We are considering ______ a new car.

A. buy B. buying C. buys D. bought

( )19.One of the most important things in a partner is a ______ of humour.

A. feeling B. taste C. sense D. heart

( )20.—Could you please help me clean the floor?


A. Please B. I’m pleased C. With pleasure D. My pleasure

( )21.You should avoid _______ his divorce.

A. mentioning B. to mention C. mentions D. mentioned

( )31.I will truest you ____ your beat.

A. do B. to do C. doing D. does

( )32.She turned _____ when she heard the bad news.

A. pale B. pink C. red D. black

( )33.I have no difficulty _______ myself understood.

A. making B. make C. made D. to make

( )34.I wish he would _____ with the other children.

A. join B. join in C. take part D. take part in

( )35.The question is _______ difficult _____ nobody can answer it.

A. too, to B. such , that C. so, that D. very , that


1.聪明人___________ 2.天文学家___________ 3.天才___________

4.理解力,判断力___________ 5.幽默___________ 6.邀请___________

7.学说;论;说___________ 8.(综合性)大学_______ 9.乐事,快事_______

10.讲座,演讲___________ 11.观众,听众___________ 12.座位___________

13.掌声,喝彩___________ 14.成就,成绩___________ 15.宇宙___________ 16.philosopher___________ 17.(故事、戏剧等中的)情节___________


1.认为,觉得___________ 2.避免,避开___________ 3.信任,信赖___________

4.服从,遵守___________ 5.减少,缩小___________


1.在今晚,在今夜___________ 2.精确的,准确的___________


1.幽默感______________________ 2.使…失望______________________

3.单凭记忆;能背诵______________________ 4.坐下______________________

5.轻而易举______________________ 6.参加,加入______________________

7.丝毫不知道______________________ 8.倒霉,处于困境______________________

9.跟某人开玩笑______________________ 10.转折点______________________

11.一系列______________________ 12.同时

13.对某人诚实______________________ 14.倒霉;处于困境_____________

15.对……厌倦______________________ 16.交换座位_____________

17.有时;时时______________________ 18.讲课______________________

19.记忆力好______________________ 20.作为回报______________________

21.参加;加入______________________ 22.回某人的电话______________________

23.一起;并肩______________________ 24.捎口信______________________








4.他然后问了一个如此难得问题以至于Hans 根本就不知道他在说什么。




6.爱因斯坦坐下来,听着Hans 轻松地发表演说,最后与大家一起鼓掌。




8.过了一会儿,Hans 提出要开车。



Unit 3 Family Life


( )1. It’s always better to share your worries and problems.

A. deal with B. think about C. tell others

( )2. —Have you ever been abroad as an exchange student?

—No, I haven’t.

A. to a big city B. to a foreign country C. to a different school

( )3. More and more students choose to go abroad to study.

A. go to foreign countries B. go to big cities C. go to a far place

( )4. My parents set some rules about my daily life last month.

A. made B. broke C. added

( )5. They set the time of the meeting just now.

A. wasted B. looked at C. decided on

( )6.—What type of house would you prefer to live in?

—The one near the sea.

A .size B. kind C. floor

( )7.There are different types of books in the library.

A .names B. kinds C. models

( )8. Jenny was expecting a present from her father, but she didn’t receive one.

A .hoping B. needing C. buying

( )9. You can’t expect to learn how to use the machine in an hour.

A. stop B. decide C. hope

( )10.I suppose you can take great care of the little boy.

A .imagine B. doubt C. believe

( )11.It is against the law to open personal letters without permission.

A .private B. certain C. public

( )12. I’m afraid that you made the wrong decision about the matter.

A. action B. choice C. mistake

( )13. All of my clothes are out of the date so I want to buy some new ones.

A. not beautiful B. not fashionable C. not expensive

( )14. Would you like to ________your experience with the rest of the group?

A. tell B. ask C. share D. call

( )15. The two T-shirts are both nice, I can’t ______ which to buy.

A. decide B. speak C. ask D. take

( )16. Of course, this is just a ________ opinion.

A. expensive B. beautiful C. personal D. cheap

( )17. We are expected _________ on Saturdays.

A. work B. to work C. working D. works

( )18. He’s away _________ business.

A. for B. on C. at D.in

( )19. They haven’t _________ a date for their wedding yet.

A. minded B. set C. thought D. told

( )20. Would you mind ________ that again?

A. explain B. explained C. to explain D. explaining

( )21. You are supposed _________ hands when you meet soomeone for the first time in China.

A. shake B. to shake C. shook D. shaking

( )22. The girl shows an ________ in music.

A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests

( )23. I’ll need to _________ that dress before I can wear it.

A. take B. mental C. iron D. gold


1.一顿饭_________ 2.决定_________ 3.公事_________ 4.女儿_________

5.流行款式_________ 6.公开活动_________ 7.关系_________ 8.类型_________


1. 把自己的想法告诉某人____ 2. 要求;指望______ 3. 安排;确定_________

4. 介意________ 5. 熨;烫平_______ 6. 认为______ 7. 需付费;价钱为________

8. 邀请_________


1. 私人的_________ 2. 流行的_________ 3. 过时的_________


1.帮着做_________________ 2.出差_____________________

3.对…没有兴趣 ___________ 4. 一次___________ 5. 对某人有耐心___________

6.做饭__________ 7. 不同意____________________ 8. 发怒 __________

9. 帮某人_____________________ 10. 对你有利_______________________

11. 出去吃饭 ___________ 12. 除此之外 ______________13. 熨衣服______________ 14. 有道理;有意义________________ 15. 做饭______________16. 学校活动 ___________ 17. 制定规矩_____________ 18. 交流与分享________________19. 洗碗______________ 20. 整理某人的卧室________________ 21. 给植物浇水________________














Unit4 Problems and advice


( ) 1.The man never asks others for help though he is very poor.

A. because B. although C. so

( ) 2.It was snowy in Tibet and we had an awful holiday there.

A. a long B. a good C. a terrible

( ) 3.She has asked many people about the man, but none knows him.

A. no one B. every one C. only one

( ) 4. ---The manager looks mad today.

---Yes. We’d better start our work quickly.

A. very sad B. very angry C. very excited

( ) 5.The boy felt ashamed of asking such a foolish question.

A. was happy about B. got bored with C. felt embarrassed about

( ) 6. Though it was raining heavily outside, the man went out.

A. Because B. Since C. Although

( ) 7.The doctor suggested giving up smoking.

A. advised B. invited C. supposed

( ) 8.The teacher was so mad because the students didn’t obey school rules.

A. angry B. happy C. cheerful

( ) 9. I hate taking a bus to school because it is always crowded.

A. don’t stop B. don’t like C. don’t finish

( ) 10.The English exam was so difficult that many students failed.

A. test B. speech C. game

( ) 11.His classmates often laughed at him, which made him unhappy.

A. helped with B. made fun of C. felt ashamed of

( ) 12. My sister is a model and she often has to be on a diet.

A. lose weight B. be on business C. be in trouble..

( ) 13. Annie is my pen friend and I hear from her once a week.

A. am happy with B. get a letter from C. live with.

( ) 14. Study hard, or you will fail the English exam next day.

A. will miss B. won’t lose C. won’t pass

( ) 15.The girl doesn’t eat meat. She is _______ a diet.

A. in B. on C. at D. under

( ) 16. ________ the article is short ________ it is very important.

A. Though, but B. But, though C. Though, / D. But, /

( ) 17. You’ll regret _________ that in the end.

A. doing B.do C. did D.does

( ) 18. When I exercised in the park, I saw a cat _______ the tree.

A. climb B. climbed C. climbing D. climbes

( ) 19. We shouldn’t ________ the people who are in trouble.

A. pick up B. laugh at C. lift up D. look at

( ) 20. She hates _________ mistakes.

A. make B. made C. making D. makes

( ) 21. He felt ________ at being the center of attention.

A. embarrass B. embarrassed C. embarrassing D. embarrasses

( ) 22. Her most ________ habit was eating with her mouth open.

A. annoying B. annoy C. annoyed D. annoyes

( ) 23. She suggested ________ a rest.

A. take B. taking C. to take D. takes

( ) 24. Very loud noises can make people ill, hurt their ears, or even drive them _________.

A. friendly B. angry C. mad D. annoyed


1.模特儿_________ 2.规定饮食_________ 3.情况_________ 4. 牙箍_________

5.优势_________ 6.杂乱_________ 7.评论________ 8.要求________ 9.考试________


1. 懊悔________ 2. 厌恶;憎恶______ 3. 建议;提议_________

4. 不及格________


1. 在线的_________ 2. 很坏的_________ 3. 惭愧的_________

4. 窘迫的_________ 5. 气愤的_________ 6. 使生气的_________

7. 粗心的_________ 8. 有礼貌的________


1.节食_________________ 2.嘲笑_____________________

3.对…感到惭愧 ___________ 4. 让某人受不了__________ 5. 搞得一塌糊涂___________

6.格格不入________________ 7. 与某人无关____________________

8. 收到某人的信件 __________ 9. 寻求帮助_____________________

10. 对……生气_____________ 11. 充满活力 ___________ 12. 担心 ______________ 13. 偶然地;意外地______________ 14. 报警________________ 15. 关心______________

16. 与……打架 ___________ 17. 有……的习惯_____________

18. 减肥________________19. 拿…开玩笑______________ 20. 下定决心________________ 21. 注意;留心________________ 22. 与某人分享某物_____________

23. 朝某人叫嚷______________ 24. 送……去医院_____________


















Unit 5 Action

一、 根据句义做出恰当选择.

( ) 1.The major praised the boy_______ his courage.

A. for B. in C. at D.to

( ) 2.The matter appeared at first _______ is of little importance.

A.look B.see C.view D.watch

( ) 3. Once _______ a time there lived a king, who had three daughters.

A. on B. upon C. in D. during

( ) 4. She_______ when she knew her mother’s death.

A. passed out B. gave out C.learned out D. passed through

( ) 5. _______ his novels, I like this best.

A. Between B. Among C. Besides D.About

( ) 6.She has a very _______ manner.

A.relaxed B.relaxing C.excited D. exciting

( )7.He_______ me at tennis.

A. won B. beat C.lose D.bet

( ) 8.Are you married or still _______ ?

A. single B. only C.one D. double

( ) 9.Could you help me put up the maps on the wall?

-_______ ?

( ) 10.The baby cried _______.

A.hard and hard B. harder and harder C.hard and harder D.hardest and hardest

( ) 11.Read the book carefully and write a book .

A.diary B.review C.report D.story

( ) 12. If I had five million dollars, I’d give it to _______ research.

A.medicine B.pill C. medical D. hospital

( ) 13. The facts are clearly_______ in the report.

A.stated B.said C. told D. talked

( ) 14.The doctor told the fat boy to _______ fried food.

A.stay up B.stay away from C. stay in D.stay out

( ) 15. I need _______some sleep.

A.get B. gets C.getting D.to get

( ) 16.There is _______time for it.

A.plenty of B.many C.a lot D. a number of

( ) 17. Despite her problem, she carried on working_______ .

A. as usual B. as usually C.to usual D. for usual

( ) 18. She_______ him to lunch.

A. gave B.treated C.served D.gave

( ) 19. The new order will mean _______ overtime.

A.work B.worked C. working D.to work

( ) 20. _______ general, Japanese cars are very reliable and breakdowns are rare.

A. At B.For C.In D.Under

( ) 21.Thousands of people viewed the opening ceremony of the 2nd Summer Youth Olympic Games.

A. heard B. watched C. took part in.

( )22.I felt relaxed after taking a trip with my parents.

A. didn’t feel bored B. didn’t feel happy C. didn’t feel nervous.

( ) 23.It took them four months to win a victory at last

A. become thin B. become successful C. become patient

( ) 24.The boy threw the book upon the table angrily.

A. on B. under C. in front of

( ) 25. ---When does the library open on weekdays?

---At 8:30a.m

A. on weekends B. during the day C. from Monday to Friday

( ) 26.Tom took part in a singing contest.

A. discussion B. match C exam.

( ) 27.Edward is not prepared for the quiz show.

A. ready B. finished . C. helpful

( )28.Mary was so lucky that she got the chance to study abroad.

A. fortunate B. awful C. bad.

( ) 29.I am glad that you’ve made progress on your study.

A. happy B. interested C. surprised

( ) 30.Students should raise their hands if they want to ask questions in class.

A. put on B. put up C. put off

( ) 31.Linda is ahead of other classmates in English.

A. not good at B. does better than C. is worse than

( ) 32.She won a big prize in the match. So she has a chance to travel abroad.

A. got B. made C. accepted

( ) 33.Everyone kept still when the teacher came into the classroom.

A. noisy B. exciter C. quiet.

( ) 34.With new players, the basketball team finally found victory.

A. success B. energy C. practice

( ) 35.John received a lot of praise from his teachers and classmates.

A. good comments B. bad comments C. wise comments

( ) 36.Both of them has thirty seconds to run out of the studio. What a frightening moment!

A. half a minute B. two thirds of an hour

C. a quarter of a minute

( ) 37.The mad man with a gun asked the girl to keep still and iffier her wallet.

A. to keep quiet B. not to cry out C. not to move

( ) 38.Mel Gibson was rewarded as the best director for Oscar.

A. a man who directs films B. a man in a direction

C. a man leaves directly.

( )39.Orlando turned out to be a lucky dog in the presidential election(总统选举).

A. a dog with luck B. a man with luck

C. a dog without luck.


导演 _____________ 艺术家 _____________ 赞扬 _____________

广播稿 _____________ 化妆品 _____________ 演播室_____________

比赛者 _____________ 秒钟 _____________ 胜利 _____________

英格兰 _____________ 新闻报道 ___________民意调查____________

楼层平面图 _____________达人秀 ____________紧急出口 ________________


观看 _____________ 打败 _____________


在……上 _____________ 在……之间____________

向、朝 _____________ 向前 _____________ 放松的 _____________ 领先_____________


放松的 _____________ 平静的 _____________ 单个的 _____________

幸运的 _____________


楼层平面图 _________________ 达人秀 _________________

保持不动 _________________ 失去知觉 ___________________

在工作日 _________________ 紧急出口 ________________


1. 我很高兴我不是参赛者之一。


2. 我没有那么勇敢。


3. 突然他们当中有一个人晕过去,然后倒趴在桌子上。


4. 尽管Angela没有准备好,但是她看起来很轻松,而且也确实表现得很好。


5. 她毫不费力地回答着问题,而且很快就领先其他两位参赛者。


6. Denise太兴奋了,以致于她不能保持平静。


7. 尽管问题变得越来越难,但是Angela总能答对。


8. 很快在Angela和最终胜利之间就仅仅只有一个问题了。


9. 你已经赢得了今晚的奖品—可爱城市巴黎的双人游。


Unit 6 Healthy diet

一. 根据句义做出恰当选择.

( ) 1 .Please writes a food review to give us some suggestions after you taste it.

A. menu B. reason C. comment

( ) 2. Water and air are necessary in our daily life and we can’t lack them.

A. needed B. expensive C. important

( ) 3. Having plenty of vegetables every day is good for your health.

A. a little B. enough C. a large amount of

( ) 4. I felt terrible after hearing the bad news.

A. happy B. excited C. frightened

( ) 5. You should try to avoid eating unhealthy food because it is bad for your health.

A. agree B. remain C. keep away from

( ) 6. The book states that fried food is not good for our health.

A. says in a clear way B. answers C. reviews

( ) 7. We should stay away form strong sunlight in summer.

A. not view B. go near C. keep off

( ) 8. Could you treat me to some cakes?

A. show me B. pay for me C. bring me

( ) 9. It’s usual for him to say bad things about others, for he is an impolite boy.

A. special B. interesting C. common

( ) 10. This restaurant only serves fast food, fish and chips.

A. supports B. offers C. praises

( ) 11. We’re going to do some research on other planets.

A. study B. programmer C. learning

( ) 12. - What do you think is the best way to lose weight?

-To take much exercise.

A. become taller B. become thinner C. become heavier


偏爱 _____________ 评价 _____________ 豆_____________

牛肉 _____________ 产品 _____________ 蛋白质_____________

汉堡包 _____________ 可乐 _____________ 三明治_____________

色拉 _____________ 脂肪 ___________ 食糖____________

研究_____________ 大量 ____________ 咖啡 ________________

顾客_____________ 标题____________ 英镑_____________

果馅饼_____________ 炸薯条____________ 服务_______


买 _______ 提供 _______ 就座 ___________


必需的 _____________ 医疗的 _____________


均衡饮食 _____________ 乳制品 ___________ 离开;不接近 _____________

油炸食物__________ 软饮料____________


1.Doris and Samuel 正在餐厅吃饭。




















Unit 7 The adventure of Tom Sawyer


( )1.---Do you like your new teacher ?

---Yes. He looks serious, but in fact, he is very humorous.

A. strict B. patient C. funny

( ) 2.This is one of the most celebrated buildings in the city.

A. famous B. wonderful C. unusual

( ) 3.His task is to type these documents on the computer.

A. duty B. dream C. purpose

( ) 4. I will do the housework after having a rest.

A. having a meal B. having a good time C. having a break

( ) 5. During the meeting, all the people sat there in silence and listened to the manager carefully.

A. without making a sound B. in public C. side by side

( ) 6.After a while, Mr Green entered the classroom with a magazine in his hand.

A. at that time B.a moment later C. in general

( ) 7. Although my father was tires, he went on doing his work.

A. stopped doing B. started to do C. kept on doing

( ) 8.---What is the manager doing?

---He is surveying the village from the top of the mountain.

A. is searching the village carefully B. is looking at the village carefully

C. is looking at the village carefully

( ) 9.---”I will give you all my apples. Please give me a chance to paint the fence.”

---”That’s a deal.”

A. Never mind. B All right. C. Thank you.

( ) 10.She invited everyone she knew to come along

A. show up B. on show C. disappear

( ).11What a pity to have lost such a nice pen!

A. What fun B. What a shame C. What a surprise

( ).12After supper, Bob continued working.

A. stopped B. went on C. get on

( ).13 I read a novel yesterday and it’s about the experiences of a soldier.

A. Wonderful palsy B long poem C. long written story

( ).14When did people come along on Earth?

A. disappear B. stay up C. appear

( ) 15. This is a difficult task. But I’m sure that we will complete it.

A. job. B problem C special

( ) 16.He is really annoying because he always makes fun of others.

A, laughs at B. without saying anything C quickly

( ) 17.The teacher walked toward the classroom, and carried a book in his band.

A. read B. followed C. held

( ) 18.My father got a chance to attend an important meeting in London.

A. had a chance B. got an invitation C. made up his mind

( ) 19. After coming back home, I started to do my homework at once.

A. began B. decided C wanted

( ) 20.My friend offers me some advice on the problem.

A. leaves B. gives C. wanted

( ) 21.I am really pleased that you’re feeling better.

A. surprised B. worried C. happy

( ) 22.I enjoyed myself during the summer holidays.

A. was excited B. had a good C. had no idea

( ) 23 Everyone in the train station is waiting to board.

A. get on the train B. get on the bus C. get on the ship

( ) 24 After plenty of hard work, he has made progress in his handwriting.

A. beaten B .increased C. improved.

( ) 25.He is so lazy that he spends his day eating and sleeping.

A. active B. suitable C. inactive

( ) 26.Everyone went to the party except him .

A. expect B. besides C. not including

( ) 27.You should survey the company before making a decision.

A. control B. change C. examine

( ) 28.The play was so humorous that the audience couldn’t help laughing.

A. boring B. funny C. short

( ) 29.The yearly horse show is very celebratedin her home town.

A. famous B. exciting C. unusual

( ) 30. --- We have walked for two hours. Let’s have a rest. --- OK.

A. have a try B. have a break C. have a nice day

( ) 31.They went on reading the book when the teacher came in.

A. stopped reading B. avoided reading C. continued reading

( ) 32. I offer my hearty congratulations _________ you.

A. to B. for C. on D. at

( ) 33. The next morning we __________ the damage caused by the fire.

A. looked B. watched C. surveyed D. found

( ) 34. With the teacher’s help, the boy has made great _____________.

A. progress B. decision C. advice D. program

( ) 35. Just ___________ the cost of that car! We can’t afford it.

A. think over B. think of C. think back D. think out

( ) 36. Do you like the book __________ I bought yesterday?

A. who B. that C. where D. whom

( ) 37. They were listening to his story in ______________.

A. quiet B. quietly C. silence D. silent

( ) 38. He was careful ____________ out of sight

A. keep B. to keep C. kept D. keeping

( ) 39. Let each man _____________ for himself.

A. decide B. to decide C. deciding D. decided

( ) 40. She warned the students _______________ near to the pond.

A. not go B. not to go C. don’t go D. don’t to go

( ) 41. She was very _____________ with her exam results.

A. happy B. pleasant C. pleased D. pleasure


冒险经历 __________ 小说 ___________ 青蛙 ____________

祝贺 ______________ 同情 ______________ 汽船 _______________

作家 _____________ 栅栏 _______________ 任务 ___________

码 _______________ 木板 ____________ 进展 _____________

休息时间 ______________ 遗憾 _______________ 沉默 _______________

一段时间 _____________ 交易 ______________ 铅 ____________

故事情节 ____________


审看 ______________ 假装 _______________


有幽默感的 ____________ 小心、谨慎的 ___________ 著名的 _______________

懒惰的 _______________


过了一会儿 ____________________ 一直 ____________________

一个刷漆的任务 ___________________ 出现 ____________________

充满乐趣 ____________________ 得到机会 ____________________

不停地做 ____________________ 休息一下 ____________________

沉默地 ____________________ 脸上带着担忧 ____________________

三层油漆 ____________________ 唯一的人 ____________________

拿……开玩笑 ____________________ 半个苹果 ____________________

扑灭;熄灭 ____________________ 握手 ____________________

想象到 ____________________ 诱使某人做某事 ____________________

使……翻转 ____________________ 醒来 ____________________

警告某人做某事 ___________________ 真可惜 ____________________


1. Tom开始想起那些他想要玩的游戏。


2. 他知道那些很空闲的男孩们会很快出现,然后嘲笑他。


3. 我是唯一一个能够把它做对的人。


4. 我遇到一位会说四种语言的女士。


6. 我煮的面条美味可口。


7. 他想要见的人在北京。


8. 他是我见过的最聪明的人。


9. 他所说的一切都是对你有好处的。


Unit 8 Surprise endings


( ) 1. On my graduation day, my mother gave me a special gift which made me excited.

A. task B. present C. product

( ) 2. There is a note for her about the things that she does each day.

A. record B. wish C. article

( ) 3. The student is counting the books on the shelf.

A. calculating the total number of B. staying away from

C. trying to look for

( ) 4. I got lots of pocket money during the Spring Festival so I could afford a new cell phone.

A. not have money for B. have lots of time for C. have enough money to buy

( ) 5. Everyone was amazed when the man held out the gun from his bag.

A. gave out B. sent out C. took out

( ) 6. The police are searching for the missing man.

A. giving up B. taking off C. looking for

( ) 7. At last, the man tried his best to save the girl from the river.

A. At that moment B. Finally C. In fact

( ) 8. All of students fixed their attention on the important points about the test.

A. paid their attention to B. treated themselves to C. tricked them into

( ) 9. The police searched for the kid for eight days, but couldn’t find him.

A. questioned B. looked for C. looked after

( ) 10. He draw a box from his pocket and handed it to the manager.

A. took out B. put out C. lit up

( ) 11. If I save 3,000 dollars this year, I can afford the mobile phone.

A. know how to use B. spend less time on C. have enough money to buy

( ) 12. What gift did your parents give you on your birthday?

A. time B. present C. color

( ) 13. ---Can you tell me what happened at last?

---Sure. Jack realized his mistake and he apologized to Mike.

A. in the beginning B. in the middle C. in the end

( ) 14. She has a great gift ___________ music.

A. of B. for C. at D. in

( ) 15. Don’t ____________ your chickens before they hatched.

A. give B. add C. count D. call

( ) 16. We couldn’t afford ______________ any more staff.

A. lose B. losing C. to lose D. lost

( ) 17. We are proud ___________ our son.

A. to B. for C. at D. of

( ) 18. The sign on the wall ___________ “Now wash your hands”.

A. told B. spoke C. talked D. said

( ) 19. I searched through my pocket ___________ the keys.

A. for B. to C. in D. at

( ) 20. He _________ something red out of his pocket.

A. pulled B. drew C. joined D. pushed

( ) 21. He ___________ his hopes on his son.

A. called B. gave C. fixed D. set

( ) 22. There was a worried _______________ on her face.

A. expression B. cook C. sign D. gesture

( ) 23. She is still hunting ___________ a new job.

A. for B. to C. with D. at


礼物 ___________ 毕业典礼 ___________ 账单 _____________

礼品 ____________ 膝盖 ______________ 标牌 ______________

分币 ____________ 货物 _______________ 脚步声 _______________

链子 ___________ 梳子 _______________ 一套 ________________

笔记 ____________ 妻子 ________________ 美洲 _____________

影集、专辑 _______________


买得起 ______________ 计算总数 _____________ 搜寻 _____________

控告 _______________


1. 最终;终于 ________________ 2. 在……岁的时候 ________________

3. 被控告…… _______________ 4. 为……而自豪 ________________

5. 对……严格 _________________ 6. 把目光集中于…… ___________________

7. 出门 ___________________ 8. 递出 _____________

9. 代替;而不是 ________________ 10. 寻找;寻求 ______________

11. 感人的故事 _____________ 12. 脱离危险 _____________

13. 相册 _______________ 14. 逃走 ____________

15. 养家 ____________ 16. 出人意料的结局 _____________

17. 发生 _____________ 18. 以……的名义 __________________

19. 表链 __________________ 20. 买得起一份礼物 _____________


1. 一个是Jim的来自于他爸爸和爷爷的金手表,另一个是Della的头发。


2. 商店门前的标牌上写道:“头发商品”。


3. 这时Della搜遍了所有商店,在一份礼物给Jim。


4. 我搜遍这个城镇就为了找到它。_______________________________________________________________________________

5. 那里放着一套梳子,这些梳子是她一直以来想要的。


6. 我卖了那只手表换了些钱来买你的梳子。




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