




1.(2017江苏无锡一模)—I  amcarrying (carry) too many things to spare a hand.Hold the door open for me,please.

—With pleasure.

2.There  willbe/isgoingtobe (be)a meeting in our school tomorrow afternoon.

3.Mr.Green  waswatching (watch)TV at this time last night.

4.If he  invites (invite) me to go to his party,I’ll go and give him a gift,of course.

5.—Is everyone here?

—No,sir.Jim  hasn’tarrived (not arrive)yet.He is still on the way.

6.If you  aren’t (not be)careful enough in the exam,you will not get a good grade.

7.By the time I got outside,the school bus   hadleft  (leave).

8.He promised to chat with me on the Internet,but so far he  hasn’tdone (not do)so.

9.(2017四川南江测试)What  were  your parents  doing (do) at nine o’clock last night?


1.(2017河北唐山一模)—Look!How clean the classroom is!

—Yes.I’m sure someone D  it up.

A.cleans B.is cleaning

C.will clean D.has cleaned

2.(2017云南曲靖二次月考)The company wants to  B  a school for the poor children.

A.put off B.set up

C.call in D.look after

3.—What about the blue skirt on the right?

—I think it will  B  nice on you.

A.feel B.look

C.taste D.sound

4.The running water makes the stones  D  very smooth.

A.sound B.taste

C.smell D.feel

5.—How much is the dress?

—It  A  me 400 yuan.

A.cost B.spent

C.took D.paid

6.I can’t see anything in the room.Please help me  A  the lights.

A.turn on B.turn up

C.turn down D.turn off

7.The film has  C  for an hour.

A.started B.begun

C.been on D.finished

8.(2017贵州安顺四模)Our hometown  B  a lot in the last few years.

A.changed B.has changed

C.is changing D.changes

9.Steven,go to bed now.You should  B  before six tomorrow,or you will miss the plane.

A.get off B.get up

C.get on D.get along

10.—Hello!Is that Dave?

—Dave  C .

A.telling B.saying

C.speaking D.talking

11.It was such a long way that they didn’t  A  the hotel until it became dark.

A.reach B.arrive

C.get D.reach in

12.Mary used to  B in the countryside,but now she is used to in the city.

A.live;live B.live;living

C.living;live D.living;living

13.(2017湖北随州中考模拟)We’ll go hiking if it  C  rain this weekend.

A.isn’t B.don’t

C.doesn’t D.won’t

14.(2017湖北枣阳期中)—Why did the car hit the boy?

—Because the driver  C on the phone at that time.

A.talked B.is talking

C.was talking D.have talked

15.—Hi,Jack.Nice to meet you here in Taizhou!

—Me too.But I  B  you were in Shanghai.

A.think B.thought

C.am thinking D.will think

16.—Do yon know when Jay  D  here tomorrow?

—Sorry,I don’t know.But when he here tomorrow,I’ll tell you at once.


B.gets;will get

C.will go;will get

D.will get;gets

17.Michael  D  his hometown for a long time.He really misses it!

A.left B.has left

C.was away from D.has been away from

18.—Oh,no!I can’t find my mobile phone!

—Well,where  C  you last put it?

A.have B.do

C.did D.does

19.—Could you please A your cigarette?No smoking here!

—Sorry,I won’t do it again.

A.put out B.put off

C.put on D.put down

20.—Jim,can you  B  this word in Chinese?

—Yes,I can a little Chinese.

A.speak;say B.say;speak

C.tell;talk D.talk;speak



A No.1 bus has just  passed  by .


I  go  out  for a meal with my mother every weekend.


Do you think too many hobbies can  get  in the  way  of schoolwork?


Do you think we teenagers should  keep  away  from  the Internet?


She will set off for home at once as soon as she hears from  her mother.


Thank you for  giving  me  a  lift  in your car.


We  ate  up  all the apples yesterday.



I can’t remember when I 1. fell (fall) in love with music.Maybe it happened when I was 2. feeling (feel) blue sometime long ago.I can’t tell you exactly how music 3.  makes  (make) me feel better.But while listening to music,especially light music,I feel calm and peaceful.Now I 4.  amlistening  (listen) to a song named MoonRiver.It is really a fantastic song.I 5. didn’tlike (like) this song at the beginning,but later I 6. found (find) its slow melody and beautiful lyrics deeply touching.

Oh,dream maker,you heart breaker.Wherever you’re going,I’m going your way.Two drifters are off to see the world.There’s such a lot of world to see.

Yes.Although there is a long way to go for the drifters and maybe there 7. are (be) many troubles ahead,he 8. seems (seem) afraid of nothing.I like music.Music 9. reminds (remind) me that human beings have a lot in common even if they come from different countries or backgrounds,because we all 10. have ( have) the same feeling or understanding of melodies and words. 

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