


Sacred and profane


Mecca: The Sacred City. By Ziauddin Sardar. Bloomsbury; 408 pages


ZIAUDDIN SARDAR is both fascinated and appalled by Islam’s holiest city. One of Britain’s best-known Muslim writers and commentators, he grew up in the Punjab with a fascination for the Kaaba, the huge brick cube, draped in black cloth, which is the centrepiece of Mecca’s Sacred Mosque.
对这座伊斯兰最神圣的城市,ZIAUDDIN SARDAR既曾深深着迷,又曾备感震惊。作为英国著名穆斯林作家和评论家之一,在旁遮普长大的他对位于麦加大清真寺广场中心的、外覆黑布的大型石造建筑克尔白神庙充满了向往。

He knew that it was to Mecca that Muslims must direct their prayers, and to Mecca that they must go on pilgrimage, or haj, at least once in a lifetime. But as he learned more of the city’s history, he discovered another Mecca at odds with the first, a place of feuds and power struggles, of greed and bigotry. These two cities form the subject of his book—a project of love and disenchantment—which tells Mecca’s story from pre-Islamic times until today. The city is unique, and yet, seen through Mr Sardar’s eyes, it is also a microcosm: “a stage where the condition of the Muslim world…could be seen enacted.”

For Western readers much of the story will be unfamiliar. Non-Muslims are now excluded from the city, but this was not always so. The Prophet Muhammad rubbed shoulders with Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and pagans. It was only later, under the seventh-century Umayyads, that Christians and Jews were excluded, something that Mr Sardar deplores. Readers might suppose that, in Islam’s golden age, Mecca, like Baghdad and Damascus, was a centre of culture and civilisation. It was not. It “founded no great library, no university, no hospital”. The city was as profane as it was sacred. The merchants took pleasure in music and dancing, in their concubines—and in fleecing pilgrims.

Arabian history, in which rulers and conquerors come and go with numbing frequency, is not always fun. Mr Sardar tries to enliven it with quirky asides (about religious extremism, the “what ifs” of history and the poetry of William Butler Yeats). Some of the best pages describe his own experience of the haj, including the drama of 1979 when fanatics took over Mecca’s Sacred Mosque and held it for two weeks, an event he witnessed.

In the author’s view, Mecca turned in on itself long before the birth of modern Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. The Saudis, with their puritanical and iconoclastic creed of Wahhabism, have made things much worse, he believes. He is scandalised by their treatment of the holy city, its sanctuaries now dwarfed by high-rise blocks and five-star hotels. Worse, they have destroyed shrines and tombs they feared could become objects of worship. In the process, the city’s religious diversity has “virtually disappeared”.

Mr Sardar worked in Jeddah at the Haj Research Centre between 1975 and 1979. He and his colleagues campaigned for a more enlightened approach to the city’s architecture and human ecology. He left disillusioned that their advice was not heeded.

ZIAUDDIN SARDAR is both fascinated and appalled by Islam’s holiest city. One of Britain’s best-known Muslim writers and commentators, he grew up in the Punjab with a fascination for the Kaaba, the huge brick cube, draped in black cloth, which is the centrepiece of Mecca’s Sacred Mosque.
对这座伊斯兰最神圣的城市,ZIAUDDIN SARDAR既曾深深着迷,又曾备感震惊。作为英国著名穆斯林作家和评论家之一,在旁遮普长大的他对位于麦加大清真寺广场中心的、外覆黑布的大型石造建筑克尔白神庙充满了向往。

He knew that it was to Mecca that Muslims must direct their prayers, and to Mecca that they must go on pilgrimage, or haj, at least once in a lifetime. But as he learned more of the city’s history, he discovered another Mecca at odds with the first, a place of feuds and power struggles, of greed and bigotry. These two cities form the subject of his book—a project of love and disenchantment—which tells Mecca’s story from pre-Islamic times until today. The city is unique, and yet, seen through Mr Sardar’s eyes, it is also a microcosm: “a stage where the condition of the Muslim world…could be seen enacted.”

For Western readers much of the story will be unfamiliar. Non-Muslims are now excluded from the city, but this was not always so. The Prophet Muhammad rubbed shoulders with Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and pagans. It was only later, under the seventh-century Umayyads, that Christians and Jews were excluded, something that Mr Sardar deplores. Readers might suppose that, in Islam’s golden age, Mecca, like Baghdad and Damascus, was a centre of culture and civilisation. It was not. It “founded no great library, no university, no hospital”. The city was as profane as it was sacred. The merchants took pleasure in music and dancing, in their concubines—and in fleecing pilgrims.

Arabian history, in which rulers and conquerors come and go with numbing frequency, is not always fun. Mr Sardar tries to enliven it with quirky asides (about religious extremism, the “what ifs” of history and the poetry of William Butler Yeats). Some of the best pages describe his own experience of the haj, including the drama of 1979 when fanatics took over Mecca’s Sacred Mosque and held it for two weeks, an event he witnessed.

In the author’s view, Mecca turned in on itself long before the birth of modern Saudi Arabia in the 1930s. The Saudis, with their puritanical and iconoclastic creed of Wahhabism, have made things much worse, he believes. He is scandalised by their treatment of the holy city, its sanctuaries now dwarfed by high-rise blocks and five-star hotels. Worse, they have destroyed shrines and tombs they feared could become objects of worship. In the process, the city’s religious diversity has “virtually disappeared”.

Mr Sardar worked in Jeddah at the Haj Research Centre between 1975 and 1979. He and his colleagues campaigned for a more enlightened approach to the city’s architecture and human ecology. He left disillusioned that their advice was not heeded.

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