

胜任力人才悦读之 经典论点│Thomas A.Stewart:炸掉你的人力资源部


《财富》杂志的专栏作家托马斯·斯图沃特(Thomas A.Stewart)在他的文章中写道:“在你的公司中存在着一个暖洋洋的、昏昏欲睡的,就像是克娄巴特拉(古埃及艳后,用毒蛇自杀)胸脯上的毒蛇一样的东西,这个东西就是你公司中的一个部门,人力资源部......因此我想给你的一个小小建议是:为什么不把你的人力资源管理部门炸掉算了?'







1、 缺乏专业精神

2、 缺乏首创精神

3、 沉迷于虚拟社团,而现实的内部沟通一塌糊涂

4、 不适宜的职业动机

5、 缺乏商业视野,对于组织战略,要么一窍不通,要么沉迷于此

6、 官僚主义






















January 15, 1996

(FORTUNE Magazine) – Nestling warm and sleepyin your company, like the asp in Cleopatra's bosom, is a department whoseemployees spend 80% of their time on routine administrative tasks. Nearly everyfunction of this department can be performed more expertly for less by others.Chances are its leaders are unable to describe their contribution to valueadded except in trendy, unquantifiable, and wannabe terms--yet, like a serpentunaffected by its own venom, the department frequently dispenses to othersadvice on how to eliminate work that does not add value. It is also anorganization where the average advertised salary for professional staffersincreased 30% last year.

I am describing, of course, your humanresources department, and have a modest proposal: Why not blow the sucker up?

I don't mean improve HR. Improvement's forwimps. I mean abolish it. Deep-six it. Rub it out; eliminate, toss, obliterate,nuke it; give it the old heave-ho, force it to walk the plank, turn it intoroad kill.

Why not?

Consider what HR does and whether it shoulddo it. Start with payroll, since that's a subject dear to the hearts of HR'sclientele. Outside providers now cut an estimated 25% of all paychecks issuedin the United States. Their business boometh. The employers' services divisionof Automatic Data Processing of Roseland, New Jersey, the biggest business inthe field, grew 13% in 1995 and has been growing at double-digit rates for years.The reason, says Fred Anderson, ADP's chief financial officer: 'Ascompanies move off mainframes, they are taking a look at what applications arestrategic to them. When they decide that payroll and human resources functionsare not strategic, they outsource them.' Back in the office, HR'scontribution to payroll administration comes down to keeping enough forms onhand for new hires to fill in and holding checks for people who were out oftown on payday and haven't yet signed up for direct deposit.

The same thing is happening with benefitsadministration. Johnson & Johnson is just one company that has turnedentirely to outside vendors to run retirement, health, and other plans. In a1995 survey of 314 large American companies, the Conference Board found that26% had outsourced benefits administration, but that overall number hides howmany farm out at least part of the job. As defined-contribution pensions like401(k)s replace defined-benefit plans, for example, companies are more thantwice as likely to turn to outsourcing, according to another Conference Boardsurvey--fully 87% outsource record keeping and 59%, administration and service.Got a question about your 401(k)? Don't call us: Call Fidelity's 800 number.The good news is that you can call at night and reach someone who can actuallyhelp you rather than simply take notes (inaccurately) and get back to you(belatedly).

In an outstanding study of the changing roleof human resources departments, the Corporate Leadership Council, a Washington,D.C., group that conducts research for 500 member companies, concluded thatfour big dollops of HR work have 'significant potential to outsourcefully': benefits design and administration; information systems and recordkeeping; employee services such as retirement counseling, outplacement, andrelocation; and health and safety (workers' compensation, wellness programs,drug testing, and OSHA compliance). None, the Corporate Leadership Councilnoted, have much potential to produce competitive advantage for a company thatdoes them especially well in-house; all offer economies of scale to outsidesuppliers; and for several, outsourcing reduces risk by offloading exposure toliability or regulatory claims.

To their credit, HR departments have seizedthe opportunity to outsource. Under pressure to cut costs, they have jettisonedadministrative bureaucracies like drug dealers tossing hemp into the sea when aCoast Guard cutter heaves into view. The ten biggest employee benefitsconsulting-and-outsourcing firms earned over $3 billion in revenue in 1994,242% more than they did ten years before.

But why stop there? A slew of othertraditional HR functions can also be outsourced or devolved from HR to theline. Take recruiting. Everywhere I've worked where I had to hire people, therule of thumb among managers was to involve HR as little as possible in theprocess. When HR professionals are themselves looking for work, two-thirds ofthe time they find it by networking or using search firms (a form ofoutsourcing), according to a survey of the HR job market by Manchester PartnersInternational, a Philadelphia-based coalition of outplacement andexecutive-coaching consultants. Sure, HR performs a useful role maintainingjob-posting lists, promoting diversity, and monitoring compliance withequal-opportunity laws, but just because the priest has to post the bannsdoesn't mean he should pick your spouse.

Designing and running compensation and rewardsystems is another candidate for the combination of outsourcing and devolution--ironically,especially when state-of-the-art reward mechanisms are of paramount importanceto competing. There may be a few companies with the scope and resources toconceive of innovative compensation plans, study them (necessarily by trial anderror), find and extirpate contradictions (for example, teaching people how towork in cross-functional teams while functional bosses control all rewards),and reinvent them for yet another test. Still fewer might be able to do thatquickly without confusing people and without turning on the organization'simmune system. Says James Kochanski, a principal at the Sibson & Co.consulting firm who has held HR positions at Northern Telecom, Quaker Oats, andKellogg: ' 'Not another new performance appraisal!' is a common lamentamong managers.' Much better to buy the state of the art from outside,customize it, and instill responsibility for running it as far down in theorganization as possible--where the work gets done for which you are paying andrewarding people. A Sibson survey of 50 manufacturers found that'mature' work teams--that is, teams that had shown a history ofmeeting goals and of continuous improvement--evaluated their own members'performance 38% of the time, with 18% (nearly one out of five) being responsiblefor disciplining them too.

As for training: Will every reader who hastaken a training course sponsored by his HR department and found it veryvaluable please raise his hand? There's lots of evidence that training is agood thing, but it points to the worth of just-in-time, close-to-the-worktraining--that is, training that should be lodged in line functions--notoff-the-shelf courses. One company studied by the Corporate Leadership Councilgave business-unit heads the power to sign off on HR's budget; of the $889,000HR proposed spending on training, the general managers okayed only$222,000--one dollar out of four. THAT SHOULDN'T be surprising. You don't haveto visit Washington to realize that bureaucracies self-inflate faster thanairbags and, unlike airbags, often for no good reason. Says Vikesh Mahendroo,executive vice president of William M. Mercer, the big HR consulting firm:'HR is often out of sync with the needs of the business. The importantquestion is, Will companies be able to bring the competence of the HR functionto the level the business requires?' Mahendroo thinks they can--if theydevote the same attention to reinventing human resources that they have tofinance, manufacturing, and other areas.

And if he's wrong, how far can a company go?Steel giant Nucor, with 6,000 employees, runs human resources with aheadquarters staff of just three people (one a secretary), one HR agent at eachplant (who reports to its general manager, not to corporate), and a set ofcompany HR principles. Says Chairman Kenneth Iverson (who answers his own phoneat the famously lean company): 'We pushed the responsibility down to thedivisional level. It works fine.'

Just as Georges Clemenceau said, 'War ismuch too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military,' so humancapital is too important to be left to Personnel. Says Matthew Olson, executivedirector of the corporate Leadership Council: 'This is a make-or-breakmoment for the function.' HR people say that their work, far from becomingless important as they turn administrivia over to others, has become of highstrategic importance. We are, they say, the trustees of the asset that mattersabove all others, proactive custodians of our core competence, holders of thekeys to competitive advantage in the new economy.

True, true, true--but are these the guys youwant to put in charge? Nothing is more dangerous than a group of people trainedin the art of monitoring compliance with rules, fluent in a language that doesnot include a word for 'customer,' and who have time on their handsand are looking for something to do. There's a reason that more and more new HRexecutives come to the post with backgrounds in line management or consultingrather than from HR's own ranks. Says Mahendroo: 'I've seen this much,much more in the last five years.' There are two messages here. One,Mahendroo notes, is that human-capital management has become important enoughthat it is 'an acceptable career path for an up-and-comer.' Thesecond is that many people doing the work now can't cut it in the HR of thefuture.

HUMAN RESOURCES has come to the proverbialfork in the road. One path leads to a highly automated employee-servicesoperation handling what used to be paperwork in a ragingly efficient way. Thisfunction becomes little more than a gateway to outside suppliers, impersonal inone sense but highly amenable to supporting personalized, cafeteria-styleservices. The other leads straight to the CEO's office. Says Sibson'sKochanski: 'I'm not clear whether the two functions have to be in the sameorganization. The high-tech part might be merged with other data centers, andthe strategy part might link up better with other strategy parts.'

Clearly, companies need a place to thinkabout the skills they need and will need, about executive development, about away to focus on human capital. This is precisely why they should ask thedo-or-die question of their human resources departments. The prospect ofhanging, as Dr. Johnson said, is a sure way of concentrating the mind.

Reporter Associate Wilton Woods


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