



1.—Are you in Grade Two?


A.Yes, I'm B.Yes, I'm not

C.No, I am D.No, I'm not

2.All the students ________ here and everyone ________ happy.

A.are; are B.is; is

C.are; is D.is; are

3.I'm Chinese, ________ he is American.

A.too B.so

C.or D.and

4.—Is this girl Mary?

—Yes, ________.

A.he is B.she isn't

C.she is D.it isn't

5.________ name is Wang Xi and ________ is a student.

A.He; he B.She; she

C.His; her D.Her; she

6.—________ they in your class?

—No, they ________.

A.Is; isn't B.Are; aren't

C.Is; aren't D.Are; isn't

7.Tom is from London. He is ________.

A.Chinese B.English

C.American D.Japanese

8.Her name is Kate Joan Green.Kate is her ________.

A.family name B.given name

C.full name D.middle name

9.—I am from Shanghai. ________ you?

—I am from Beijing.

A.What B.How

C.What about D.Where


—I think he is fourteen.

A.Where are you from

B.How old is Mary

C.How old is Sam D.How old are you

11.My mother is English teacher

A.a B.an C.the

12.David’s father is a doctor Beijing International Hospital.

A.in B.at C.on

13.Betty is from America, she can speak English she can’t speak Chinese.

A.and B.so C.but

14.I’m from Inner Mongolia; I can a horse very well.

A.ride B.play C.work

15.Sam’s parents workers in that hotel.

A. is B.am C.are

16. job is a manger in a hotel.

A.Mike’s sister’s B.Tom sister’s C.Tom’s sister

17.What are your brothers’ ?

A.job B.job’s C.jobs

18.This is a photo Miss Li

A.with B.for C. of

19.Welcome you our school.

A. to B. for C.with

20.-----Your English is very good

---- .

A.All right B.I am OK C.Thank you

21.Welcome the Americans our city.

A. at B. in C. to D. /

22.I have new basketball,,Let’s play football.

A. a a B. an a C. an,/ D. a /

23. I want _____________.

A. to go to home B. to go home

C. going home D. go home

24.Where Lucy from?

A.does comes B. does come

C. do come D. is come

25.There are some trees our classroom.

A. in front B. in the front of C. in front of D. front of

26.Who knows the way her home?

A. about B. to C. near D. at

27.The post office is the park.

A. in B. from C. behind D. next

28. There are ________ desks in Li Lei’s classroom.

A. forty-fifth B. fourty C. forty-five D.forty five

29.They can’t see flowers in the picture.

A. some B. a C. an D. any

30.The dining room is behind our school science lab.

 next to the library.

A. It’s B. they are C. The dining room D. its

31.This is ________ orange and ________ orange is green.

A.The; an B.an; the C.an; a

32.— What’s that in English?

— ________ an English book.

A.It’s. B.This is C.That’s

33.Too much sugar is bad ________ your health.

A.for. B.in C.at

34.— Has he got ________ chicken?

— No, he hasn’t.

A.any B.some C.a lot

35.— ________ do you spell “ruler”?

— R-U-L-E-R.

A.What B.How C.Who

36.It is important ________: eat well, stay healthy.

A.remember B.to remember C.remembered

37.— ________

— It’s 65637891.

A.What’s this? B.What’s your phone number? C.What color is it?

38.These are ________ rulers and those blue rulers are ________.

A.his; her B.my; your C.his; mine

39.Meat and fish are healthy food ________ too much meat isn’t healthy.

A.but B.so C.and

40.— Let’s ________ some chicken.

— They’re in the bag.

A.to get B.got C.get

41.Linging's aunt will meet her the airport Saturday morning.

A.in; on B.on; at C.at; on D.on; on

42.I used to be crazy about the film when I was young, but I ____ it that way any more.

A.don’t feel B.didn’t feel C.haven’t felt D.hadn’t felt

43.Millie Beijing now.

A.don't live in B.doesn't lives in

C.don't lives in D.doesn't live in

44.I don't a tennis racket, but Kate one.

A.have; have B.has; has C.have; has D.has; have

45.— What's the time now?— It's .

A.twenty pass six B.half past seven C.at ten past ten D.at five to nine

46.Now let’s go ________ together.

A.the classroom B.the school C.to home D.home

47.I’m really this term.I have no time.

A.interesting B.boring C.busy D.free

48.He doesn’t like maths because it’s .

A.difficult B.interesting C.easy D.relaxing

49.I go to the hall talk my friends.

A.and;in B.but;of C.and;with D.but;to

50.They their homework in the evening.

A.don't do B.don't C.do not D.not do

51.This is __________ European snake and that is __________ African snake.

A.a; an B.an; a C.a; a D.an; an

52.This is my first trip __________ Beijing.

A.in B.to C.at D.for

53.Come in, please! Welcome __________ here.

A.to B./ C.from D.for

54.These __________ come from Europe.

A.wolf B.wolfs C.wolves D.wolvs

55.__________ eats meat. It doesn’t eat grass.

A.The zebra B.The tiger C.The kangaroo D.The panda

56.Camels are the boats of the __________ .

A.forest B.jungle C.grassland D.desert

57.There are __________ books in our school library.

A.thousands of B.thousand of C.two thousands D.two thousand of

58.The monkey comes from South America. It’s ______.

A.Southern America B.Southern American

C.South American D.South America

59.—_______ the elephants African?

—Yes, they _________.

A.Are; are B.Do; do C.Is; is D.Does; does

60.—__________ the snake come from Asia?

—Yes, it __________.

A.Does; does B.Does; is C.Do; do D.Do; are

61.—Excuse me, is this your pencil?

—Yes, it is. It’s __________.

A.hers B.his C.mine D.yours

62.—What’s this in English?

—It’s a (n) __________ . You can listen to music (听音乐) with it.

A.telephone B.eraser C.key D.player

63.—Look over there (那边) .What’s __________ ?

—Oh, it’s a dictionary.

A.this B.that C.these D.those

64.—Does Kate _______ a soccer ball?

—No, she doesn’t. She __________ a baseball.

A.have; has B.have; have C.has; has D.has; have

65.— __________ your cousin have a volleyball?

—No, she __________ .

A.Is; isn’t B.Are; aren’t C.Do; don’t D.Does; doesn’t

66.—Tom, let’s play soccer after class!

—That sounds _____. I love ping-pong.

A.interesting B.difficult

C.relaxing D.fun

67.I usually share a computer ______ my father.

A.at B.in C.with D.for

68.—Let’s watch TV.

— __________. I like it.

A.That sounds good. B.No, it’s boring. C.Have a good day! D.No, thanks.

69.—Thank you for your dinner, Jenny.


A.You’re welcome. B.Sure! C.You, too! D.Great!

70.I can talk__________ her after school.

A.at B.to C.on D.up

71.—Sally is __________ middle school student. How about her brother?

—He is __________ English teacher.

A.a; an B.an; a C.a; a D.an; an

72.—Do you like salad ______ dinner?

—No. I like ______.

A.at, egg B.for, strawberry

C.at, rice D.for, hamburgers

73.— __________ do you write to your parents?

—Once a month.

A.How often B.How long C.How old D.How far

74.—In the afternoon we are not __________. Let’s play soccer.

—That sounds good.

A.busy B.free C.tidy D.useful

75.—______ you _____ your help, Linda.

—You’re welcome.

A.Ask; for B.Thank; of

C.Thank; for D.Think; about

76.__________ Smith is our geography teacher. He is great fun.

A.Mrs B.Ms C.Mr D.Miss

77.—_____ is my baseball? I can’t find it anywhere.

—〇h,it’s under the chair.

A.Who B.What C.Where D.Why

78.Lingling’s mother likes ______ and she always ______ at home.

A.read ; reads B.reading ; read C.reading ; reads D.read ; read

79.She always get many presents on her birthday, so she’s very __________.

A.busy B.tired C.healthy D.happy

80.—Happy birthday to you.


A.Me too B.Fine, thank you C.You’re right D.Thank you

81.There __________ a pen and two pencils in the bag.

A.is B.are. C.has D.have

82.There are __________ on the desk.

A.two pieces of bread B.some bread

C.a box of pencils D.a cup of tea

83.Does Lily __________ her homework in the evening?

A.does B.do C./ D.be

84.Do you want to go there __________ or by ship?

A.on a bus B.on bus C.by a bus D.by buses

85.Li Lei and Li Lin. Here are your shoes. Please put __________.

A.it on B.on them C.on it D.them on

86.─__________ you _________ English every morning?

─Yes,I do.

A.Are;reading B.Do;read C.Can;read D.Is;reading

87.__________ your brother often late for class?

A.Do B.Does C.Are D.Is

88.─Can you send a card __________ me?

─Yes,I can.

A.from B.for C.to D.of

89.─What are you doing?


A.I sing B.I'm singing C.I can sing D.He is singing

90.─What day is it today?


A.It's fine B.It's 4:10 C.It's Monday D.It's January

91.My family go to Shanghai on __________ same day.

A.a B.an C./ D.the

92.Danny's mother is __________ work now.

A.at B.in C.on D.of

93.─There are so many leaves here.

─Please __________.

A.sweep away them B.sweep them away

C.sweeps them away D.sweeps away them

94.Kate __________ 'Tom is __________ with his mother now.”

A.says; talking B.talks; saying

C.says; saying D.talks; talking

95.What does the word __________?

A.mean B.is meaning C.are meaning D.means

96.Tom is getting ready __________ the party.

A.for B.at C.of D.with

97.Maria,your clothes are everywhere. Please __________.

A.put it away B.put away it C.put them away D.put away them

98.─Where is Danny?

─He __________ basketball with his classmates in the playground now.

A.plays B.played C.is playing D.play

99.Lucy is my sister. She is __________ girl.

A.quite a beautiful B.a quite beautiful C.very a beautiful D.very beautiful

100.Chinese people think “eight” is a __________ number.

A.sad B.luck C.unlucky D.lucky


1.D2.C3.D4.C 5.D6.B7.B8.B 9.C10.C

11.B12.B13.C14.A15.C16.A17.C 18.C19.A20.C

21.C22.D23.B 24.B25.C 26.B27.C 28.C29.D30.A

31.B32.A 33.A 34.A 35.B36.B37.B 38.C39.A 40.C

41.C42.A 43.D 44.C 45.B46.D47.C48.A49.C50.A

51.A52.B53.B54.C55.B 56.D57.A 58.C 59.A60.

A61.C62.D 63.B64.A 65.D66.B 67.C 68.A 69.A 70.B

71.A 72.D73.A74.A75.C76.C 77.C 78.C79.D 80.D

81.A 82.A 83.B84.A 85.D 86.B87.D 88.C89.B 90.C

91.D92.A93.B94.A95.A 96.A97.C98.C99.A100.D

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