








(1)     As ishumorously/vividly/clearly/subtly depicted/described/portrayed/illustrated inthe picture/drawing/cartoon, ______________. (句子)

(2)     Thepicture/cartoon displays/portrays a very special scene: __________________. (句子)

(3)     From the picture,a seemingly superficial phenomenon is presented:____________. (句子)

(4)     This photocaptures a critical moment that ___________. (句子).

(5)     The drawingpresents us with a thought-provoking scene: __________________. (句子)

(6)     In the picture wecould see clearly that ______________________. (句子)

(7)     As we can seefrom the picture, ________. (句子)

(8)     As the picturegiven depicts, ________. (句子)

1.      用这些套句足矣,后面你自由发挥的句子更加精彩。

2.      表示图片的说法卡通 cartoon; 素描sketch; 照片photo; 图片 picture; 手绘drawing


(1)    What the picture is trying topresent is that _____(句).

(2)    The picture intends to informus that ______(句).

(3)    What does the cartoonist wantto tell us? Actually, this drawing shows us a social phenomenonthat______________(句子).

(4)    The artist of the cartoonapparently intends to draw our attention to ________. (单词)

(5)    In effect, this cartoon is aminiature of a prevalent phenomenon. _____(句).

(6)    Conspicuously, this cartoonsymbolically characterizes a status quo. _____(句).

(7)    Simpleas it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. _____(句).


Ironically,the cartoon displays a very special scene: a young student is asking for a booknamed “How to Do Well in School Without Studying”, and the lady at the frontdesk suggests him to find it in the fiction section. Obviously, the artist ofthe cartoon intends to draw our attention to a simple truth that there is noshortcut to learning.



(1)    There are mainly two factorscontributing to this social phenomenon.

(2)    Why, you may wonder, does thisphenomenon arise?

(3)    The reasons for this socialphenomenon are as follows.

(4)    Two fundamental factors/reasonscould account for this social phenomenon.

(5)    Personally, among all thefactors that account for this trend, the following are worth mentioning.


(1)     To begin with, ______________ mightbe responsible for this social phenomenon.

(2)     First and foremost, this problemderives/stems/originates/results from ________, which tends to beinevitable/unavoidable.

(3)     In the first place, thisphenomenon could be attributed to ________, which majority of the populationfails to take into consideration.

(4)     For one thing, this situationcould be seen/considered/regarded/deemed as the results/consequences of________, which is of vital importance.

(5)     Perhaps, this primary reason isthat ____________________(句子)


(1)     Moreover/Furthermore/What’s more,_____________________.

(2)     In addition, _____________________.

(3)     Besides, _____________________.

(4)     For another thing,____________________.

(5)     The second reason is that__________________.


经济增长:economic growth; 人口膨胀:population expansion; 教育体制:education system; 家庭教育:family education; 社会影响:social influence; 环境因素:environmental impact;

技术革新:technological innovation




With the reform and opening-up in recentdecades in China, people’s living standard has been very much improved.


With the development of our society,youngsters in mounting numbers are attaching much significance to the livingstandard.


However,nowadays people tend to believe there is such a thing as a shortcut to learning.There are mainly two factors contributing to this social illusion. To beginwith, it derives from the educational system. Schools tend to attach lessimportance to the basic knowledge, but more to the academic scores. Secondly,this situation could be seen as the results of the social influence. Youngpeople are under considerable pressure for a living because the competition isreally fierce. Consequently, majority of the students are always dreaming for ashort path.



1.       倒装句:Only in this way can we _______________.

2.       强调句:Obviously, it is __________ that makes it possible for ______ to_________.

3.       虚拟语气:It is high time that we should take concerted steps to _______________.


(1)     To ____________, in my mind, itcalls for the efforts from all sides.

(2)     To ____________, in my mind, thereare at least two approaches.

(3)     Urgent measures are needed to _______________.

(4)     The following ways can be adoptedto ____________________.


比如:发扬这种精神品质 比如 抑制这种社会现象

发扬:advocate, enhance, strengthen, reinforce,further, advance, accelerate, catalyze

抑制:curb, cease, impede, prevent, put an end to,eliminate, rectify

现象:social phenomenon, situation, condition

问题:problem, issue, quandary (solve, settle,tackle, address, deal with, cope with)

精神:spirit, quality, character, morale

特殊搭配:cultivate the civil morality, arm ourselveswith courage and confidence

好(现象):positive, favorable, desirable

坏(现象):negative, unfavorable, undesirable, adverse


(1)     From my perspective, only when allof us join in the efforts at all levels can we expect to ___________ properly.

(2)     From my perspective, it isparticularly important that we should take actions to ___________.

(3)     It seems to me that it is hightime that we should take concerted steps to __________ properly.

(4)     Personally, I believe it is everyindividual’s duty to ____________________.

(5)     From where I stand, every one ofus might as well _____________________.

(6)     On the micro level, it is everyindividual’s duty to _____________.

(7)     On the micro level, every one ofus might as well learn to / the spirit of ________.


(1)     Equally important/Similarly/Likewise,I gradually realize that the authority and mass media need to ____________.

(2)     In the meantime/Meanwhile/Simultaneously,I personally believe that the authority and mass media need to ________________.

(3)     Since my own voice is too weak tobe heard, I hope we can call on the public to ___________.

(4)     Moreover, if government makesrelevant policies and measures, the problem can be readily solved(e.g.)in the foreseeable future.

(5)     Some relevant laws and regulationsshould be enacted and enforced to _________.

(6)     On the macro level, the governmentand mass media need to shoulder this social responsibility / civil morality to_____________.

(7)     It is urgent and imperative forthe mass media to take some measures to _________.



The following ways, from my perspective, canbe adopted to address the problem. On the macro level, if the department ofeducation can shoulder the responsibility and make relevant measures, theschools will pay more attention to teaching basic knowledge in the future. Onthe micro level, only by hard work can we form the bedrock of good performancein school.



(1)     There is much controversy over__________.

(2)     ________ has given rise to aheated discussion.

(3)     _______has caused quite a stiramong the general public.

(4)     As regards ______, there has beena heated discussion among the general public in our society.

(5)     Opinions vary when it comes to_________.


Some argue/maintain/believe/suggest/holdthat ________.


(1)     Nevertheless, other people adopt acompletely different view. They believe that ______.

(2)     However, those who strongly opposeare not among the minority. They hold that _____.

第四句: 利弊关系(另起一段

(1)     When considering opinions of bothsides, I am inclined to be in favor of the former/latter one in that _____. (犀利)

(2)     When considering opinions of bothsides, I find they are of the equal weight in that _____. (中庸)

(3)     Given the factors I have justoutlined, it can be concluded that the question quite depends on personalchoice. (中庸)


(4)     ______ is just like a double-edgedsword. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensibleuse, always being a master instead of slave of them. (中庸)

(5)     Accordingly, we might as wellavoid those undesirable effects, when making full use of it. (中庸)


There is much controversy over whethertechnology plays an indispensable role in school. Some argue that advancedtechnology has brought much convenience to students, while enriching theteaching methods in class. However, others adopt a completely different view.They believe technology can be used as an auxiliary tool for interactiveteaching and learning, but one can never rely too much on technology.

Given the factors I have justoutlined, it can be concluded that the question quite depends on personalchoice. However, to my knowledge, I am fully convinced that technology is noteverything and one should be very prudent in using the technology.

 模块5: 事例数据


(1)     I can think of no betterillustration of this idea than the following one.

(2)     A case in point is that_____________________(句子).

(3)     Numerous illustrations can begiven, but this will suffice.

(4)     For instance,__________________________.

(5)     There are inspiring (好现象)/upsetting(坏现象) parallels today. _________.



Take Steve Jobs, the Apple company founder, a great innovator, whostrikes to the belief for his life time that __________ comes before victory, for instance. Without it, hecouldn’t have built Apple into an incredibly successful company with a stringof successes no one else can rival. (括号里填上creativity,就成了另一个例子)


There is much controversy over the issue ofwhether electronic communication can replace face-to-face contact. To myknowledge, online communication can replace the traditional way. Last year, Iwent to the US as an exchange student. I talked with my parents through skypeand it was really convenient. We shared all the happiness and sadness on theinternet and I could never forget that experience.


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a short essay based on the picture below. You should focus on theimpact of social networking websites on reading. You are required towrite at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

*Facebook is the name of a social networkingwebsite.

                                    “I love reading. I read about 3hours a day.

                                          My favorite book is Facebook*.

                             *Facebook is the name of a social networkingwebsite.

Aswe can see from the picture, two persons are discussing about reading. While toour amusement, the boy says his favorite book is Facebook. The picture seems tobe humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts, whichintends to inform us that the social network has exerted an important impact onour daily reading.

Opinionsvary when it comes to the impact of social networking websites on reading. Somepeople insist that social network provides them with large collections ofinformation at a tremendous speed and stimulates their reading interest. On thecontrary, other people claim that nowadays a host of youngsters pay so muchattention to reading on social networks that they don’t have adequateopportunities or time to read traditional books.

There is no surprise that there are differentopinions about the impact of social networking websites on reading. However, asa college student, I am convinced that it is necessary for us to read on socialnetworking websites, but it is of greater necessity for us to read traditionalbooks. We can never overly depend on social network. Only in this way can webecome more educated and have a more bright future. (198 words)

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