


At night along the sea’s edge, the ocean sometimes seems to glow, as if lit from within. This glow is the result of bioluminescence, a phenomenon exhibited by many of the sea’s zooplankton. Bioluminescence is the production of cold light through internal biological processes, as opposed to phosphorescence or fluorescence, both of which are re-emitted light that was initially absorbed from an external source.

Many of the sea’s creatures, including squid, dinoflagellates, bacteria, worms, crustaceans, and fish, are known to produce light. The process that marine creatures use to create light is like that of the common firefly and similar to that which creates the luminous green color seen in plastic glow sticks, often used as children’s toys or for illumination during nighttime events. When a glow stick in bent, two chemicals mix, react, and create a third substance that gives off light. Bioluminescent organisms do essentially the same thing; they have a substance, called luciferin, that reacts with oxygen in the presence of enzyme, luciferase. When the reaction is complete, a new molecule is formed that gives off light—glowing blue—green in the underwater world. This biologically driven chemical reaction occurs within the organism’s special light-producing cells, called photocyptes, or light-producing organs, called photophores. Probably one of the most complex light-producing systems is that of the squid. Some squid have both photophores and chromatophores (organs for changing color) with their skin, thus enabling them to control both the color and intensity of the light produced. Recent research has also revealed that in some squid and fish, bioluminescent light may be produced by bacteria that live in a mutually beneficial partnership inside the animal’s light organs.

How and why bioluminescence occurs is not fully understood; however, in the undersea realm, it appears to be used in a variety of interesting and ingenious ways. The most commonly observed form of bioluminescence in the sea is the pinpoint sparking of light at night that can create cometlike trails behind moving objects. Almost always, this is the result of dinoflagellates reacting to water motion. The relatively short, momentary displays of light may have evolved to startle, distract, or frighten would-be predators. Collection nets brought up from the sea’s depths at night frequently glow green at great distance. Slowly fading green blobs or pulses of light can be seen coming from the organisms within, often from gelatinous creatures. This type of light display may be used to stun, disorient, or lure prey. Like a wide-eyed deer caught on a road and dazed by headlights, undersea creatures living within the ocean’s darkness may be momentarily disoriented by short flashes of bioluminescent light. Another of the sea’s light-producing organisms is a small copepod (a type of crustacean) named Sapphirina iris. In the water, Sapphirina creates short flashes of a remarkably rich, azure blue light. But its appearance under a microscope is even more spectacular, the living copepod appears as if constructed of delicately handcrafted, multicolored pieces of stained glass. Within the deep sea, some fish also have a dangling bioluminescent lure or a patch of luminescent skin near the mouth, which may be used to entice unsuspecting prey.

Other sea creatures have both light-sensing and light-producing organs. These creatures are thought to use bioluminescence as a form of communication or as a means of identifying an appropriate mate. In the lantern fish, the pattern of photophores distinguishes one species from another. In other fish, bioluminescence may help to differentiate males from females. The squid uses light as a means of camouflage. By producing light from the photophores on its underside, the squid can match light from above and become nearly invisible to predators looking up from below. Squid, as well as some of the gelatinous zooplankton, have also been known to release luminescent clouds or strands of organic material, possibly as a decoy to facilitate escape. And finally, because what they eat is often bioluminescent, many of the transparent deep-sea creatures have red or black stomachs to hide the potentially flashing contents of ingested bioluminescent creatures. Without such a blacked-out stomach, their digestive organs would flash like a neon sign that says, “Eat me, eat me!”

Paragraph 2Many of the sea’s creatures, including squid, dinoflagellates, bacteria, worms, crustaceans, and fish, are known to produce light. The process that marine creatures use to create light is like that of the common firefly and similar to that which creates the luminous green color seen in plastic glow sticks, often used as children’s toys or for illumination during nighttime events. When a glow stick in bent, two chemicals mix, react, and create a third substance that gives off light. Bioluminescent organisms do essentially the same thing; they have a substance, called luciferin, that reacts with oxygen in the presence of enzyme, luciferase. When the reaction is complete, a new molecule is formed that gives off light—glowing blue—green in the underwater world. This biologically driven chemical reaction occurs within the organism’s special light-producing cells, called photocyptes, or light-producing organs, called photophores. Probably one of the most complex light-producing systems is that of the squid. Some squid have both photophores and chromatophores (organs for changing color) with their skin, thus enabling them to control both the color and intensity of the light produced. Recent research has also revealed that in some squid and fish, bioluminescent light may be produced by bacteria that live in a mutually beneficial partnership inside the animal’s light organs.

1. Why does the author mention the common firefly in the passage?

A. To relate the light production of marine creature to that of a familiar light-producing species

B. To compare the light production of an insect with the more complex light production of marine creatures

C. To provide an example of a species that does not use a chemical reaction to produce light

D. To support the point that bioluminescence usually occurs at night

2. Which of the following statements about the chemical reaction that produces bioluminescence is NOT true, according to paragraph 2?

A. It occurs when luciferin reacts with oxygen.

B. It produces a glowing blue-green light.

C. It is much like the process by which children’s toys are illuminated.

D. It requires organs called chromatophores.

3. Which of the following statements about bioluminescent creatures is implied by paragraph 2?

A. Bioluminescent creatures cannot produce light if bacteria enter their light organs.

B. Not all bioluminescent creatures have both photophores and chromatophores.

C. Most bioluminescent organisms do not need the enzyme luciferase in order to produce light.

D. Creatures with light-producing organs are much more common than those that have only light producing cells.

Paragraph 3How and why bioluminescence occurs is not fully understood; however, in the undersea realm, it appears to be used in a variety of interesting and ingenious ways. The most commonly observed form of bioluminescence in the sea is the pinpoint sparking of light at night that can create cometlike trails behind moving objects. Almost always, this is the result of dinoflagellates reacting to water motion. The relatively short, momentary displays of light may have evolved to startle, distract, or frighten would-be predators. Collection nets brought up from the sea’s depths at night frequently glow green at great distance. Slowly fading green blobs or pulses of light can be seen coming from the organisms within, often from gelatinous creatures. This type of light display may be used to stun disorient, or lure prey. Like a wide-eyed deer caught on a road and dazed by headlights, undersea creatures living within the ocean’s darkness may be momentarily disoriented by short flashes of bioluminescent light. Another of the sea’s light-producing organisms is a small copepod (a type of crustacean) named Sapphirina iris. In the water, Sapphirina creates short flashes of a remarkably rich, azure blue light. But its appearance under a microscope is even more spectacular, the living copepod appears as if constructed of delicately handcrafted, multicolored pieces of stained glass. Within the deep sea, some fish also have a dangling bioluminescent lure or a patch of luminescent skin near the mouth, which may be used to entice unsuspecting prey.

4. The word “ingenious” in the passage is closet in meaning to

A. inventive

B. important

C. unusual

D. specialized

5. According to paragraph 3, when do dinoflagellates produce pinpoint sparkling displays of light?

A. When they are caught in collection nets?

B. When they are hunting food?

C. When there is a sudden movement of the water around them?

D. When they are stunned or disoriented?

6. According to paragraph 3, what is notable when looking at Sapphirina iris under a microscope?

A. It produces brief flashes of light.

B. Its body is a rich azure blue color.

C. It has luminescent skin on its mouth.

D. It looks as if it is made of glass of many colors.

7. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 3 as a possible reason for the use of bioluminescence?

A. To provide a means of lighting the dark marine waters

B. To momentarily disorient other creatures

C. To frighten away potential predators

D. To attract prey

Paragraph 4Other sea creatures have both light-sensing and light-producing organs. These creatures are thought to use bioluminescence as a form of communication or as a means of identifying an appropriate mate. In the lantern fish, the pattern of photophores distinguishes one species from another. In other fish, bioluminescence may help to differentiate males from females. The squid uses light as a means of camouflage. By producing light from the photophores on its underside, the squid can match light from above and become nearly invisible to predators looking up from below. Squid, as well as some of the gelatinous zooplankton, have also been known to release luminescent clouds or strands of organic material, possibly as a decoy to facilitate escape. And finally, because what they eat is often bioluminescent, many of the transparent deep-sea creatures have red or black stomachs to hide the potentially flashing contents of ingested bioluminescent creatures. Without such a blacked-out stomach, their digestive organs would flash like a neon sign that says, “Eat me, eat me!”

8. According to paragraph 4, squid use bioluminescence to

A. communicate with other squid

B. locate mates

C. tell males and females apart

D. hide from predators

Paragraph 4Other sea creatures have both light-sensing and light-producing organs. These creatures are thought to use bioluminescence as a form of communication or as a means of identifying an appropriate mate. ■In the lantern fish, the pattern of photophores distinguishes one species from another. ■In other fish, bioluminescence may help to differentiate males from females. ■The squid uses light as a means of camouflage. ■By producing light from the photophores on its underside, the squid can match light form above and become nearly invisible to predators looking up from below. Squid, as well as some of the gelatinous zooplankton, have also been known to release luminescent clouds or strands of organic material, possibly as a decoy to facilitate escape. And finally, because what they eat is often bioluminescent, many of the transparent deep-sea creatures have red or black stomachs to hide the potentially flashing contents of ingested bioluminescent creatures. Without such a blacked-out stomach, their digestive organs would flash like a neon sign that says, “Eat me, eat me!”

9. Look at the four squaresthat indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage

Yet, certain species use bioluminescence for exactly the opposite purpose -- to blend in with surroundings and become less identifiable.

Where would the sentence best fit?

10. DirectionsAn introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provides below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

Many of the sea’s creatures produce light through bioluminescence.

Answer Choices

A. Bioluminescent creature uses a substance called luciferin and an enzyme to produce light in a biologically driven chemical reaction.

B. Bioluminescence can be used to achieve various and sometimes seemingly opposite goals such as frightening away predators or luring prey.

C. Bioluminescence can be used by some sea creatures as a form of communication or as a means of identifying an appropriate mate.

D. The majority of bioluminescent creatures are gelatinous in nature, allowing them to produce light.

E. The same bioluminescent creature cannot have both light-sensing and light-producing organs.

F. Sea creatures that eat bioluminescent material possess special chemicals that keep their stomach contents from flashing.

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