

US, Russia and China reveal new type army helicopters

US, Russia and China reveal new type army helicopters

U.S. army moves on next-gen helo

US UH-60 helicopter

This impending production cliff has motivated U.S. industry to press with increasing stridency for a new-start program. The Army’s response is the JMR technology demonstration, which falls well short of launching a new acquisition program but sets the stage for development of a next-generation rotorcraft to begin around the end of this decade.

“The Army is struggling with the question of how to put together a future vision and make smart investments with its limited S&T [science and technology] funding,” says Merritt. Although a new program may still be a decade away, “it takes time to develop and integrate technologies, and JMR signals the Army’s determination to move ahead,” he says.

In January, the Army’s Aviation Applied Technology Directorate issued a broad agency announcement (BAA) soliciting proposals for JMR demonstrator configuration trades and analyses. These paper studies will identify essential technologies required to meet the broad performance, survivability and sustainability attributes outlined in the BAA. “They will help identify what we should invest in,” says Merritt.

US AH-1 helicopter

Configuration studies will be focused mainly on the JMR medium class—to replace today’s AH-64D, UH-60M, AH1Z and UH-1Y—with excursions into the light (OH-58D) and heavy (CH-47F) classes to identify technologies that are common across a range of rotorcraft, regardless of size. “We are not addressing ultra,” he says, as work on the heavy-lift JMR ultra is being conducted under the U.S. Air Force-led Joint Future Theater Lift (JFTL) effort.

The Army studied concepts for ultra-large vertical-takeoff-and-landing (VTOL) aircraft under the Joint Heavy Lift project, which later was combined with the Air Force’s emerging requirement for a C-130J replacement to create JFTL. But plans for a formal analysis of alternatives (AOA), as a step toward launching a program, were not approved because the Air Force would not commit to providing further S&T funding after completion of the analysis.

Instead, the AOA was converted to a $4 million technology study with similar guidelines. A capability request for information (CRFI) released in October 2010 sought fixed-wing, tiltwing, rotorcraft and airship concepts for aircraft capable of vertical or short takeoff and landing carrying a 20-36-ton payload and cruising at speeds and altitudes equal to or better than those of the C130J.

US AH-64 helicopter

The JFTL CRFI called for concepts with a technology readiness level of 6 by 2019, ready to begin development for service entry after 2024. The technology study is expected to be completed around the end of this year, in time to inform the fiscal 2014 budget planning cycle. But if JFTL does not produce the vertical-lift solution it seeks, the Army will revisit the JMR ultra concept, says an official close to the program.

In May, the Army plans to award three to five contracts, each worth $3-4 million, for JMR configuration trades and analyses lasting 24-30 months. Although restricted to paper studies, “the trades should be very detailed and the analyses very defendable,” Merritt says. The goal is to identify those key technologies that must be integrated and tested in flight demonstrators to be mature enough to use in an operational JMR.

While increased speed and payload are on the wish list, they come with costs. “The studies will show the cost and weight sensitivity—for example, if you have to increase the size of the aircraft to carry the last 2,000 lb.,” he says. “Speed has been at the top of the list for a long time, but you have to balance it with low-airspeed operations. If you want to go very fast, you have to compromise. So you need to make trades and put speed into an operational and cost context.”

US US-1 helicopter

The basic performance parameters outlined in the BAA will be fine-tuned based on the study results before the demonstrator program moves into its next phase. In parallel with the configuration studies, Army requirements officials will develop an initial capabilities document (ICD) for an operational JMR over the next year or so. It has not been decided whether this will be for the JMR medium or an overarching ICD with separate capability development documents (CDD) for each class, Merritt says. An ICD identifies the operational needs, while a CDD provides performance attributes and guides development of a new weapon system.

Russia renews military helicopter force

Helicopter orders from the Russian military are up and commitments for new types are on the horizon, marking a stark turnaround from the days when military orders were unable to sustain Russia's domestic manufacturing industry.

Now, helicopter manufacturer Rostvertol's export orders are balanced with growing procurement from the Russian air force, with long-term growth on the horizon. In addition to continued production of Mi-28s at the Rostov-on-Don production site, the military plans to launch a modernized Mi-28NM by 2015, Rostvertol CEO Boris Slyusar tells Aviation Week.

Russia Mi-26 heavy transport

Rostvertol has resumed production of Mi-26 heavy transports for the air force. The first three aircraft already are in the final stages of completion. According to Slyusar, the procurement will last until 2015. For now the military has ordered the basic Mi-26T version, but the company hopes to entice the customer into acquiring the modernized Mi-26T2.

The Mi-26T2 was developed to take part in the Indian defense ministry's competition for 15 heavy-lift rotorcraft. It features a new glass cockpit and avionics suite designed to increase commonality with the Mi-28.

Rostvertol officials say an Indian evaluation team visited the facility last week to test the first Mi-26T2 prototype now in factory flight trials. The manufacturer also plans to offer the new modifications to civil operators and hopes to complete all necessary testing within two years.

The Mi-28NM is part of larger air force modernization wave. Lt. Gen. Igor Sadofyev, air force deputy commander, tells RIA Novosti that the military expects to receive about 100 new helicopters this year, including Mil Mi-28 and Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopters as well as Mi-8 transports and Ansat light training rotorcraft. But this list is likely to grow before all is said and done.

This month, Rostvertol showed off the first batch of Mil Mi-35M attack helicopters being assembled for the Russian air force. The six rotorcraft are in final assembly, while the first of them is already conducting onboard system checks. First deliveries are still planned for this year, Slyusar says.

Russia Mi-26T2 heavy transport

The order for 22 Mi-35Ms was placed by the Russian military in June 2010. These helicopters will supplement ongoing deliveries of Mi-28Ns, chosen earlier by the military as the main rotorcraft for battlefield fire support.

The Mi-35M is a further development of the Mi-24 Hind attack helicopter and was initially designed exclusively for export. The main advantage of the Mi-35M is that it incorporates the latest technologies of the Mi-28N, such as the more powerful VK-2500 turboshaft engine, and composite main rotor blades as well as an X-shaped tail rotor.

The Mi-35M already has had some export successes. In 2006-2008, 10 rotorcraft were delivered to Venezuela, while in 2009-2010 Brazil received the first six of 12 aircraft ordered. Rostvertol already has assembled three more Mi-35Ms for Brazil, but their delivery is in limbo owing to the country's defense budget cuts.

According to Russian Helicopters, Rostvertol revenues totaled $500 million in 2010. Slyusar would not disclose the number of helicopters delivered last year, but noted the growth amounted to 30% compared to 2009 results. He says his facility plans to reach annual revenues of $1 billion by 2015.

On April 12, Russian Helicopters announced plans to raise $500 million from an initial public offering to be conducted in Moscow and London. The funds raised will pay down debt and buy out minority interests in the company's subsidiaries.

Russian Helicopters was set up in 2007 and now controls all Russian helicopter manufacturers. In 2010 the holding delivered 214 helicopters, 31 more than in 2009, while its revenue amounted to $2.2 billion, a 42% increase from the previous year.

China helicopter draws great attention

The WZ-10 (WZ,literally "Armed Helicopter") is an attack helicopter developed by the People's Republic of China. It is designed primarily for anti-tank missions but is believed to have a secondary air-to-air capability as well. It is being built by Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation (CAIC).

China WZ-10 helicopter

There are two configurations of the flight instrumentation for WZ-10, one developed from similar foreign system (rumored to be French), and the other one is indigenously developed, and both configurations share the same holographic head-up display. The difference in layout between the two configurations is that in one configuration, there are three color LCD multi-function displays (MFD), while the other, these are replaced by two larger LCD MFDs. It’s not clear which one is originated from foreign system and which is indigenously developed, but it’s reported that the practice of having different configurations thanks to the modular design is for export purposes, to fit the potential customer countries’ pilots’ habits. However, there is a rumor that China initially lacked the faith in its domestic system during the early stage of the development of WZ-10, due to the backward Chinese industrial capability at the time, so a backup was developed in parallel as a precaution, and the help to potential export resulted later was just a coincidence. A small number of mechanical dial indicators are also retained as a backup in case the MFDs have failed.

China WZ-10 helicopter

WZ-10 is also the very first indigenous Chinese helicopter that adopts HOTAS, but a traditional conventional control system had been developed in parallel as a backup, just as the case of cockpit MFDs, and for exactly the same reason why two configurations of flight instrumentation were developed in parallel. The erroneous claim of installing Russian K-36/37 ejection seat in the cockpit of WZ-10 proved to be false, and the survival of pilots in emergencies landing depends on the crashworthiness of helicopter. To counter balance the weight of the armor protecting the pilots, flight instrumentation panel is the place where composite material is mostly used, as in the case of the dashboard of automobiles, where plastic material concentrates. One of the greatest challenges was to find the right composite material that is fit to use, while at the same time, also meets the safety standard so that during a fire, the pilots would not be knocked out by the toxic fume released by the burning composite material.

Aviation Week/Chosun
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