

China must be wary of genetically modified fo...
Edited and Translated by People's Daily Online 

I read the article "Why the Spanish are Not Afraid of Genetically Modified Food" written by Jorge de Saja earlier than other readers. I was astonished because the European Union has always been a pioneer in opposing the genetically modified food, and the British even made a new phrase "Frankenfood," which means evil food. Recently, a reporter in Beijing from a renowned Spanish TV station talked about the GM food issue with me. When I asked him whether he dared to eat genetically modified food or drink genetically modified milk, he replied that he does not and most Spanish do not either.

In fact, the public opinion survey is the best tool for learning Europe's true opinions on genetically modified food, and the most influential public opinion of Europe is the Eurobarometer. According to a Eurobarometer public opinion survey made in 2010, more European people were becoming opposed to the genetically modified food compared to the past. 

In 2007, 58 percent of European people were opposed to genetically modified food, but in 2010, the number grew to 61 percent. Between from 1995 and 2010, European people's support for genetically modified food was on the steady decline, and currently only less than 5 percent of them strongly support genetically modified food. In many countries, people's support for genetically modified food has sharply declined too. 

The most obvious country is Spain. In the past, Spain was a country where genetically modified food enjoyed a relatively large amount of popular support, and it even commercialized the genetically modified corn it planted. But in the past five years, the support of Spain's people for genetically modified foods has constantly been decreasing, and currently only 20 percent of them support it. Therefore, the viewpoint that the Spanish are not afraid of the genetically modified food is only Saja's personal viewpoint. 

Europe's public opinion shows that 59 percent of Europeans considered genetically modified foods unsafe, and 58 percent said that the foods were not safe for the next generation either. Only less than one-third said that genetically modified foods were economically beneficial, and 84 percent are alert to genetically modified foods.

According to the public opinion, it is interesting that the masses do understand genetically modified foods, so those who assert that they can win public support by popularizing the knowledge of genetically modified foods are wrong. Europeans are well aware of the difference between biotechnology and genetically modified foods and are not opposed to the revolution in biotechnology that can bring new medicines. 

Currently, the European Union is the most prudent region in the world in terms of genetically modified foods and has not compromised after the United States repeatedly filed related lawsuits to the World Trade Organization. When the United States strives to promote the transgenic technology across the world in pursuit of commercial benefits, the European Union has always acted as an opponent. The European Union is one of the continents that have approved the least number of genetically modified varieties, have the minimum area of genetically modified crops and have applied the strictest supervision. Only a small amount of corn and potatoes is produced and used to feed animals in the European Union. 

Europe has introduced strict regulations on the labeling of genetically modified food, requiring all food that contains genetically modified organisms to be clearly labeled as such for the convenience of consumers. Certain people suggested that China should introduce similar labeling regulations, but this method may be impractical in China because it requires enterprises to be truly honest and regulators to be highly competent and responsible. 

At present, China's regulation of genetically modified food is unreliable. For example, although related authorities have repeatedly claimed that China has not approved the commercial planting of genetically modified rice, many research institutions have found that it is easy to buy genetically modified rice from supermarkets. Strangely, there have been many such cases over the past many years, but the people involved have not received any due punishment. Not along ago, related authorities reportedly quietly banned a previously approved corn strain because it was later found to be a genetically modified crop. These examples have shown that China has still a long way to go in the regulation of genetically modified food. 

The author Zheng Fengtian is a professor at Renmin University of China.
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