


India and Vietnam inked an agreement for joint oil exploration in the South China Sea on Wednesday. Both countries clearly know what this means for China. China may consider taking actions to show its stance and prevent more reckless attempts in confronting China in the area. 

Just one day after signing an agreement on ground rules to resolve maritime disputes in Beijing, Hanoi reached an agreement with New Delhi for joint exploration. It is hard to tell if this shows a double-dealing mentality from Hanoi, or a disagreement among Vietnam's top decision-makers.

By inking pacts with Vietnam, India probably has deeper considerations in its regional strategy than simply getting barrels of oil and gas. 

India is willing to fish in the troubled waters of the South China Sea so as to accumulate bargaining chips on other issues with China.

There is strong political motivation behind the exploration projects. China's vocal objections may not be heeded. China must take practical and firm actions to make these projects fall through. 

China should denounce this agreement as illegal. Once India and Vietnam initiate their exploration, China can send non-military forces to disturb their work, and cause dispute or friction to halt the two countries' exploration. 

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Indian at 2011-10-1572.211.200.*
What china is doing in Kashmir, SriLanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. China gave missile tech and Nukes to a terrorist state that is Pakistan. China is also exploring Oil and Gas in Indian Ocean. I as an India fully support my Goverment"s Decision to go for Indo Viet treaty in South China sea even if it means we have to fight with China. I will readily give my life for what is right. With rising power china is becoming aggressive India has to deal with this even if it means war.
PD reader at 2011-10-1568.164.191.*
It"s quite obvious this so-called joint venture has the backing of the US government. This "alliance" is only meant to provoke China to respond. If China does nothing, they will say China is a "paper tiger." This weak response will only encourage the countries involved to further expand their provocations along China"s doorsteps. If China intimidates them, these countries involved will seek world organizations help to prevent China from defending it"s territories. China must react strongly irregardless of the economic and political costs, if they fail to heed to China"s instructions.
PD User at 2011-10-15115.135.230.*
The Chinese must beware of Indian. Nobody trust Indian. The whole world don"t trust them. You kill the Indian before you kill the snake.
kattu at 2011-10-1578.141.189.*
If the same rule applies to china, then what are you doing in disputed area of kashmir? So we Indians have every right to do oil exploration in south china sea which belongs to vietnam also..
War Monger at 2011-10-15203.197.118.*
I want to see a war. I am tired of playing Computer Games like Call of Duty MW. CNN"s Iraq War footage is long gone. Now, I want to see real live footages of war on TV while chewing popcorn.
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