

Commentary: Aircraft carrier creates no waves for China-India cooperation
By Lu Rui (Xinhua)    18:40, August 13, 2013
 Sina Microblog    
BEIJING, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- India unveiled its first indigenously built aircraft carrier Monday, joining the elite club of nations capable of making such colossal warships.
Indian Defense Minister A. K. Antony hailed the launch of INS Vikrant as a "crowning glory", saying "India needs a strong navy to defend itself and will press ahead with developing its maritime capabilities."
Pundits obsessed with geopolitical rivalry wasted no time in hyping the Indian feat as a threat to China, fanning speculations the two Asian neighbors would slide deeper into an arms race aimed at regional supremacy.
However, such conflict-obsessed fear-mongers have apparently ignored the larger picture. For starters, China and India, the world's top two developing countries, have vast interests in common.
It is true India, already a regional heavyweight, has always held the dream of becoming a global power. It has been the world's largest importer of weapons over the past few years.
Doomsayers also point to the high-profile support from the United States, which they assume is bent on containing China's rise.
During their visits to India, then U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden suggested India play a bigger role in the Asia-Pacific region.
Underneath the gloomy prophecy also lies the increase in the number of carrier-equipped naval forces in the region. Just days before the Vikrant's launch, Japan launched a new helicopter carrier.
However, the normal buildup of defense capabilities is no cause of worry.
China and India are important trading partners, and they hold identical or similar stances on a wide range of regional and global affairs.
They have also recognized the world is large enough to accommodate the development of both of them.
China and India should have the vision to look beyond slanted interpretations and stick to the right path of cooperation.
With the Asia-Pacific region gaining more weight in the global landscape, their cooperation is particularly necessary.
Joining hands, they can make more contribution to the peace and prosperity of not only the region but also the world at large.
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