

to bitch and moan 抱怨 吐槽
When we are talking about the bad things about the job, one of the most common complains is the burden. It's so repetitive. I'll sit there all day, filling in forms. 简直就是重复劳动,我整天就是坐在那,填表。
To be repetitive, obviously, means doing the same thing over and over again. Now, if you have a job whereby the nature of the work is pretty much the same every day, you can use the expression.
It's the same thing day in, day out. Day in, day out (一日复一日)means there isn't much of the chain job in what you are actually doing on a day to day basis. It’s pretty much the same thing every day.
Now, of course, if you are in a job that you enjoy and you find challenging, you can talk about the benefits of working there. You can talk about the perks.
Perks 额外补贴
It's one of the perks of the job, isn't it?
A perk is something good about the job, maybe for example, you have flexible working hours. (比较灵活的上下班时间,不是朝九晚五,不需要打卡。)
What kind of perks do you have at your current job? Maybe you work from home. That certainly is a perk. The problem is, of course, that you have no excuse to be late.
If you are talking about people that you work with, you may have some people who are very positive, always outgoing, and always look at the bright sides of things. You can say that they are bouncy(精力充沛的).
To be bouncy means to be full of energy, to be always ready with a smile and a positive attitude.
If you are lucky enough to have a bouncy person as your boss, well then, you are probably very lucky indeed.
Monday morning feeling 星期一综合症
Now, Monday morning comes just once a week. But sometimes, we can use Monday morning feeling as a metaphor for the feeling of being very very tired, very unmotivated, and certainly not looking forward to repeating the stress of a job. We can use the Monday morning feeling for any day of the week whenever you will a little bit under the weather.
Finally, if you are a boss and you are complaining about your own workers, maybe you need to think about the following statements:
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. 扔点花生,猴子就来了。这指的是小额投资是不可能获得高额的回报。If you pay peanuts, peanuts of course means money, a small amount of money, not a good wage, then you are going to attract unqualified and unskilled workers. So really, you only have yourself to blame.
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