

Whatever uncertainties the US and Britain face, their language still rules the world.
No scientist can flourish without publishing in English. When Germans trade with Brazilians, or Frenchmen with Angolans, they probably do so in English.
Goldman Sachs has predicted that China’s economy could overtake America’s by 2027. Yet, far from insisting that the world master their language, the Chinese are busily learning English, adding an estimated 20m speakers a year. Walt Disney, the US media group, has opened a chain of English-language schools for children in China.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)预测中国经济将在2027年前超过美国。然而,中国人压根就没坚持让世界掌握自己的语言,而是埋头苦学英语,每年新增约2000万会说英语的中国人。美国传媒集团沃尔特·迪斯尼公司(Walt Disney)在中国开设了专门针对儿童学习英语的连锁学校。
Like empires, however, all lingua francas eventually fade. None has had English’s worldwide currency, but some have been very widespread. Europe’s elite once wrote in Latin. In 100AD, a Greek speaker could travel from Spain to the Hindu Kush, finding people who spoke his language all along the way, Nicholas Ostler writes in The Last Lingua Franca.
然而,与历史上的那些帝国一样,所有世界通用语最终都会没落。还没有哪种语言达到过英语这样的全球流行度,但某些语言也曾广泛用。欧洲的精英阶层曾用拉丁文来写作。尼古拉斯·奥斯特勒(Nicholas Ostler)在其著作《最后的通用语言》(The Last Lingua Franca)中写道:公元100年时,希腊的演说家从西班牙游历到兴都库什地区(Hindu Kush),发现沿途各地使用的都是希腊语。
In this erudite, stimulating book, Ostler traces languages’ rise and fall and asks: what could end English’s rule? Its ascent began with the British empire’s planting of English speakers around the world. The US extended the language’s reach with its economic and military might, its world-ranking universities and its leading position in technology and popular entertainment.
Can worldwide English survive an eclipse of US economic and military dominance? I suspect English will be the world’s lingua franca for as long as anyone reading these words is still alive, if only because learning a language is so difficult and time-consuming. If English is to have a successor as the world’s language, millions of schoolchildren need to start learning it – and, as we have seen, they are learning English.
Mr Ostler argues, however, that there are cases of lingua francas disappearing within a few decades. The most striking example is the collapse of German as the world’s leading scientific language. By 1910, more work in the natural sciences was published in German than in English. By the middle of the century, Germany’s position had collapsed. It was not just defeat in two world wars. When the Nazis came to power, they dismissed one- third of Germany’s professors – most of them Jewish. The emigration of many – primarily to the US, the UK and the then-British mandate of Palestine – ensured the primacy of English as the language of science.
但奥斯特勒辩称,有些通用语言在短短几十年时间里就没落了。其中最突出的例子,就是德语从世界主要科技用语的神坛上跌落下来。直到 1910年,自然科学著作更多地是用德语、而非英语出版。到了20世纪中叶,德国的地位一落千丈。原因不仅是它在两次世界大战中战败。也是因为,纳粹一上台,就开除了德国三分之一的教授——其中大多数是犹太人。其中许多人移居海外——主要移居到了美国、英国以及当时英国的托管地巴勒斯坦——这使英语成为了首要的科技用语。
Those were extraordinary circumstances. Latin as a cross-border language lasted far longer: two millennia. It was still being used for civil administration in parts of central and eastern Europe in the 19th century.
Will English survive as long? Mr Ostler points out that its popularity is skin deep. Of the estimated 1.1bn who speak it, 71 per cent have it as their second language. For all its popularity, English is not acquiring many new native speakers. The decision to learn a lingua franca is pragmatic. If the need changes, so does the language. With the emerging economies increasingly trading with each other, will they eventually ask why they are talking in a language that – with the partial exceptions of India and South Africa – does not belong to them? With China buying so much of the world’s resources, why are their suppliers not negotiating with them in Mandarin? As the old saw has it, you buy in your own language but you sell in your customer’s.
Mr Ostler writes that while Mandarin could be used more in trade between China and Africa, there is no record of a language becoming a lingua franca without first being that of an empire. Instead, he offers a more radical proposition: English will be the last lingua franca.
What precipitated Latin’s decline was a communications revolution. With printing’s rise, newly confident bourgeoisies began to write in their own languages. Mr Ostler says machines may do the same to English. Everyone will speak their own language and their computers will translate it into others’.
I am sceptical, having long regarded computer translation as one of the most reliable forms of contemporary comedy. Take the English section of this bilingual notice at a Chinese supermarket, featured onengrish.com, purveyor of entertaining English: “In case of dense smoke, use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, bend over to evacuate.” At least we know what they meant. Ostler argues that machine translation is improving, although it does struggle with nuance and figurative language.
由于长期以来把电脑翻译视为一种最为稳靠的当代笑料,我本人对它持怀疑态度。诸位不妨读一下专门收集搞笑英语的onengrish.com网站上刊登的一则中国某超市中英文告示上使用的英语:“In case of dense smoke, use wet towel to cover your mouth and nose, bend over to evacuate”。至少我们还能明白它想表达什么意思。奥斯特勒辩称,机器翻译正在改进,不过在对付细微语义差别和形象语言时的确还很吃力。
Can we really imagine a world in which people speak into their computers and their opposite numbers puzzle at what comes out the other side? The spoken word also loses something in translation, but, through give and take, we can resolve misunderstandings. Speech is the essence of human interaction and conversation is at the root of business negotiation. We do not know what the next year will bring, but I suspect it will not include much evidence of English’s decline.
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