

Skating chief believes in Beijing's capability as Winter Olympics host
By Sportswriter Li Jia (Xinhua)    13:37, March 29, 2015

SHANGHAI, March 29  -- International Skating Union chief Ottavio Cinquanta has praised China's work on the world figure skating championships and hailed Beijing's capability to host the Winter Olympic Games.

"From Shanghai's good organizing of the world championships, I don't doubt Beijing's capability," he said as the championships closed on Saturday, the same day when International Olympic Committee's evaluation commission wrapped up their inspection of Beijing's bid for the 2022 Winter Games.

"The world championships in Shanghai are impressive, and all the preparation was very good," said the skating boss. "I want to say thank you to Shanghai and China for holding such a good world championships."

"I can't say it is perfect, but I will give it a very high score," he added.

Ren Hongguo, China's winter sports chief, told Xinhua that the successful world championships had a positive impact on the IOC evaluation.

"The ISU spoke highly of the organization of the Shanghai championships," he said.

"Cinquanta told me that he had been worried before the championships as China had never held such a major figure skating event before. But he is very satisfied now, saying it is one of the best world championships he has seen.

"The opening ceremony and the competition are wonderful. The IOC evaluation commission could see it through TV broadcast. Timing is good."

China won a silver and a bronze at the worlds, both from the pairs. Sui Wenjing/Han Cong were second while veteran pair Pang Qing/Tong Jian finished third.

It was the 16th and the last world championships for Pang/Tong, both 35, as they made a retirement announcement in Shanghai.

The pair had already retired after finishing fourth at the 2014 Sochi Games, but decided to return for the event on home soil.

Young Chinese pair Sui Wenjing/Han Cong expect Beijing to win the Winter Olympics bid. "Of course I want to compete the 2022 Winter Games in Beijing," Han said.

Chinese skater Yan Han said he wants to compete in 2022 if Beijing wins the bid.

Non-Chinese skaters also expressed their anticipation for a Winter Games in Beijing.

"I think Beijing can hold the Winter Olympic Games very well as they have already hosted an amazing Summer Olympic Games," said Hungary's ice dance skater Adam Lukacs.

Japan's reigning Olympic champion Yuzaru Hanyu said: "Beijing is very close to Japan, so it is convenient for me."

Aizhan Madumarova is a photographer from Kazakhstan's Tengrinews who enjoyed her first trip to China.

"It is my first time in China, and everything is great. The shuttle bus is exactly on time and all the staff are professional and helpful," the Kazak said.

"The atmosphere is a big surprise, and I met audience from Japan, Canada, the United States, and other countries."

Talking about Almaty's 2022 bid against Beijing, the Kazak native seemed not so affirmative, saying: "It will cost a lot of money for Almaty to host an Olympic Games because we need to build a lot of venues."

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Du Mingming,Bianji)

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