

Volvo appoints new China head

Volvo appoints new China head

15:00, October 08, 2010  

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Volvo appointed former Geely vice president Shen Hui as the senior vice president to be solely responsible for operation in China, according to the senior executive restructuring plan released on the company's website on Oct. 5.

Steven Armstrong is also due to leave the post of Volvo's chief operating officer to serve Ford in Europe.

As one of the leading figures in the current senior executive restructuring, Shen joined Geely as the vice president at the end of 2009 and was in charge of the company's overseas business. He was the former officer in charge of the China region for Fiat Powertrain Technologies.

In addition, important contents of the current senior executive restructuring plan also include having officers in charge of product development, production, procurement and quality reports to directly report to Stefan Jacoby, CEO of Volvo, instead of reporting to the chief operating officer as they previously did. Meanwhile, the officer in charge of special vehicle business will also report directly to the CEO. Volvo will cancel the post of chief operating officer in the future.

Jacoby said last week that he hopes to increase Volvo's annual sales in the global market to 800,000 vehicles in 10 years. Volvo also attaches importance to the Chinese market, which has shown great potential for growth. The company is preparing to establish factories in China and meanwhile, it also needs to determine the long-term strategy in the U.S. market.

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