


FIGURE 1. Illustration showing Brodmann’s cortical areas of functional


FIGURE 2. Illustration showing subcortical white matter fascicles connecting cortical functional regions.

FIGURE 3. T2-weighted axial MRI scan of a tumor occupying the left supplementary motor area. The motor pathways (white area) are seen to emerge from the anterior portion of the motor cortex, which is flanked posteriorly by the central sulcus.

FIGURE 4. Example of a set-up for MSI to localize functional regions preoperatively.

FIGURE 5. T2-weighted axial MRI scan of a tumor in the posterior frontal region on the left. The white area represents the superimposed DTI of the descending motor pathways.

FIGURE 6. Three-dimensional reconstructed DTI depiction of the descending motor pathways posteriorly located to the lesion.

FIGURE 7. DWI obtained 2 and 4 months postoperatively to identify areas of ischemia (bright signal DWI, dark signal void apparent diffusion coefficient) that enhances briefly postoperatively.

FIGURE 8. MRS image showing voxels of residual tumor (choline to NAA index  2) in areas adjacent to a gross total resection of a glioblastoma. Asterisks, high choline points.


额叶肿瘤依据病变距中线的距离基本上可分为2个不同的位置。对于距中线4cm内的病变,患者的头位可在Mayfield头架固定后垂直或向对侧轻度偏斜摆放。这个头位同样可应用于Rolandic皮层(即中央区)前的扣带回前部的深处肿瘤。手术切口自颧弓至前发际,如果肿瘤非常靠前,则切口可向前额轻度延长。如果必要的话,切口术后采用皮内缝合或创可贴 (3M, St. Paul, MN)粘合,包括前额部(图9)。

FIGURE 9. Illustration showing the surgical position and scalp incision for frontal tumors within 4 cm of the midline.



FIGURE 10. Illustration showing the surgical position and scalp incison for frontal tumors lateral to 4 cm of the midline.



FIGURE 11. Illustrations showing the surgical position and scalp incision for anterior (A) and posterior (B) temporal lobe tumors.



FIGURE 12. Illustrations showing the scalp incision and local anesthetic infusion for parietal tumor resection (A), frontotemporoinsular tumors (B), and anterior temporal tumors (C) under awake mapping conditions.




FIGURE 13. Illustrations showing the surgical position and scalp incision for insular tumors mostly above (A) or below (B) the sylvian fissure.


位于顶叶侧下方的肿瘤可以通过马蹄形的切口暴露,本质上是骑跨耳朵顶部并以此作为基底的一个切口(图14 A)。这种方法也被用于暴露侧脑室房部及其上的区域。如果肿瘤位于顶叶正中或其上半,或者基底位于扣带回的后部,患者需仰卧位,头部前曲45°,做沿中线数厘米,在运动区皮质前的切口,向后延伸越过耳上方,然后向前返折。骨瓣通常覆盖Rolandic皮层。然而,如果运动皮层需要被刺激,而骨瓣不在病变位置,则可插入一个硬膜下电极片寻找运动皮层。如果运动皮层被刺激,肿瘤将会接近顶叶;这种方法对于完全进入扣带回和扣带池病变是很必要的(图14B)。

FIGURE 14. Illustrations showing the surgical position and scalp incision for lateral (A) and mesial (B) parietal lobe tumors.    


FIGURE 15. Illustration showing the surgical position and scalp incision for occipital lobe tumors.

FIGURE 16. Intraoperative electromyogram showing that the tonic-clonis movements induced by cortical stimulation quieted abruptly after cold water irrigation to the stimulated region of cortex.

FIGURE 17. Illustration showing the infiltration of the dura with lidocaine via a 30-gauge needle after the bone is removed to abolish dural-based pain.

FIGURE 18. Intraoperative electromyogram of the hand region showing and increase in stimulation currents.

FIGURE 19. Intraoperative map of non-dominant face motor cortex (A and B) with strip electrode inserted to identify the hand region. The tumor and face motor cortex are resected (C and D).

FIGURE 20. Strip electrode inserted along the dura to find the leg motor cortex after resection of a supplementary motor area tumor.

FIGURE 21. Intraoperative photograph showing the stimulator evoking motor responses when the subcortical motor tracts are identified.

FIGURE 22. Stimulation induced after discharge potentials during intraoperative electrocorticography recordings.

FIGURE 23. Object naming task during intraoperative mapping.

FIGURE 24. A, MRI scan showing a posterior superior temporal lobe tumor in the dominant hemisphere. B and C, intraoperative maps depicting the number 25 as a stimulation-induced anomia before (B) and after (C) tumor resection. D, postresection T1-weighted MRI scans of the resection cavity.

FIGURE 25. Intraoperative tumor identification using IV ICG (A), which shows up white under the fluorescent microscope (B).

FIGURE 26. Functional mapping of the cortex during verb generation tasks using grid electrodes. The red star and pink arrow identify high gamma activity in the cortical area that is activated during verb generation.

原文:Neurosurgery 61[SHC Suppl 1]:SHC-279–SHC-305, 2007;SURGERY OF INTRINSIC CEREBRAL TUMORS;DOI:10.1227/01.NEU.0000255489.88321.18;作者:Mitchel S. Berger, M.D.

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