

【TEDxFuxingPark】2017.04.22 BACK TO THE FUTURE 回到未来...

2017 Sping:Back to the Future

In the 1984 film, Back to the Future, the main character, Marty, meets the eccentric scientist and travels back in time to 1955. In the past, Marty accidentally causes his future father and mother not to meet to fall in love and so he must find a way to get them back together so that he and his siblings can exist 'back in the future'.

There is a lot of deep thinking in the “Back to the Future” film trilogy, including the deepest: determinism vs. free will. Simply put, are we free to choose our choices and thus uniquely determine the destiny of our dreams or is choice an illusion and that our future is determined by forces beyond our control such as fate, genes, family, education, or socio-economic class? There is no definitive answer to one of the oldest philosophical debates known to us.

Back to the Future as an oxymoron is pithily phrased but hardly original in thought. The French poet Paul Valery expressed it differently in 1937, “The future, like everything else, is no longer what it used to be”. His lament was about reflecting on the traumatic legacy of First World War just as the world was sliding into another greater catastrophic second world war.

Human beings are the only creatures in creation that think about the future which is why we often use the past as a premonition of the future. But how we relate to our past (choices, decisions, experiences) and the future (hopes, fears, dreams) doesn't depend on the distance. Distance does not have to mean destination. It is a journey in time about being. What you get by achieving your aspirations is not as important as what you become by achieving your desires.

This Spring at TEDxFuxingPark we try to show that in every moment we face choices defined by an infinity of possibilities. Irrespective of how we come to determine our choices, life doesn’t get better by chance, it gets better by change. It begins with the choice and the courage to change and go 'back to the future'.




“回到未来”是一个具有矛盾性,却简洁而又有深邃的主题:法国诗人Paul Valery在1937年的诗句中写到,“未来,和所有其他事物一样,已不是它原本的样子”。他悲叹,世界在一战中走向悲剧,还顺便感叹,世界在二战中向悲剧越走越远。



TEDx复兴公园 2017Spring  2017年4月22日TEDxFuxingPark 2017  Date: April 22nd,2017

Venue:B2 Hall02,Expo Exhibition Hall


Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 | 2017年4月22日周六

1:30pm - 5:30pm


Speaker Highlight in Session 01

The future is so bright, I gotta wear shades


The past cannot be forgotten only changed in how you choose to remember it. The past cannot be erased only edited in what lessons you take forward. In the end the past can only be accepted. Past choices – good and bad - are there to guide you, not to define you.The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.

我们不会遗忘过去,更重要的是,我们如何记住过去;我们不能改变过去,更重要的是,我们在过去中学习。归根到底,过去只能被接受。过去的选择 – 好的和坏的 – 都会成为指路的明灯,而不是字典的词条。将过去留在身后,并从中汲取力量,未来在前方,准备好面对。现在即永恒,把握当下。


Liang Long 梁龙 

CMO, Xingrui Ying


梁龙于 2016 年加入新锐营,任职 CMO,负责新锐产业在中国的积分商城业务,以及新锐系列产品的整体品牌运营,作为曾经 CCTV-4《走遍中国》栏目的创刊团队成员之一,他还承担了新锐电视栏目制作的总策划。基于曾经在教育、政府、电视、品牌传播、制造等多个行业的不同任职履历,他一直认为,自己积累的是来自于每一个品牌、每一个历程的感悟;他也曾经有创业失败和惨败的回忆,所以他一直认为,年龄越大,越需要不断学习。 

Liang Long joined XinRuiYing in 2016 as CMO, andin charge of the XinRui industry credit mall in Chinaand the overall branding and marketing of the XinRui series of products. As the founding member of CCTV-4 'Travel though China', he also takes on the leading editor role for XinRui TV series. Liang has experiences in different  elds such as education,government, TV production and marketing. He alwaysregards his journey as a learning curve from all thesedifferent experiences. He has also suffered loss inentrepreneurship, though which experience letting himto wanting know more as one ages. 

Adrien Fabry 方威 

Digital Director, Ringier China Adrien

瑞士 Ringier 集团,媒体总监 

来自法国的创业精英,职业生涯横跨欧亚,活跃在巴黎金融投资业,为诸多巴黎知名企业实现项目投资。2012 年, Adrien 先生来到上海,将国际化电商模式带入中国葡萄酒行业,融资创立了臻酒汇, 致力于为中国葡萄酒爱好者提供更加完善可靠的多样化消费互动平台。多次与世界知名侍酒师,酒庄及媒体合作,将最纯粹的葡萄酒文化带入中国市场,影响了新一代葡萄酒爱好者的消费理念。2016 年,Adrien 加入了知名瑞士家族企业荣格(Ringier),负责荣格公司在中国市场的数字产品运营,带领团队成功实现荣格旗下多种产品的数字化转型,使之成为业内风向标。 

Former Investment Banker in Paris specialized inMedia and Digital, 数码营销 Adrien Fabry arrived in Shanghai in 2012 to set up an ecommerce of wineand spirits ( 臻酒汇 ) .Dedicated to smart buyers, he developed the brand and website with VC funding till 2016 to make it a premium marketplace for winebuyers. He recently left the project and joined the Swissmedia group Ringier as the Digital Director. He is nowin charge of the digital projects in a new data-drivenenvironment for one of the leading publisher in Asia. 

Victor Cui 崔伟德 

CEO of ONE ChampionshipTM (ONE)

执行总裁,ONE 冠军赛 

作为 ONE 冠军赛的执行总裁,毫无疑问崔伟德是亚洲MMA 最具权威和影响力的人物之一。在创立 ONE 冠军赛之前,崔先生在亚洲第一大体育直播机构 ESPN体育台从事了 6 年的赛事管理工作,率领团队布阵全亚洲,曾与多家地区性的大型体育赛事投资方及电视转播方共同协作。在 ESPN 之前,崔先生曾任 PGA 高尔夫巡回赛加拿大站的公关总监。同一时间,他还担任过加拿大发行量最大的高尔夫杂志主编一职。2001年崔先生作为最年轻的竞选团总监,成功引导他的候选人在埃德蒙顿市长的竞选中大获全胜。 

As the CEO of ONE ChampionshipTM (ONE), it is no surprise that Victor Cui was recently recognized asThe Most Powerful Man in Asian MMA. You only haveto see Victor’s personal background to understandwhy his career trajectory has created a brand newparadigm for sports marketing in Asia. Prior to launching ONE Championship, Cui spent six years with the Event Management Group forAsia’s number one sports broadcaster – ESPN StarSports (ESS). He successfully headed event businessdevelopment across Asia and project-led some of the biggest sporting properties and television eventpartnerships in the region. 

Jennifer Xu 徐嘉子 

Founder & CEO of Greenapple Health


徐嘉子,青苹果健康创始人,CEO。曾任腾讯合资公司高朋(Groupon)中国西南区总经理。拥有近 10 年丰富的医疗行业背景,先手从事过销售,管理,投资等工作。2011 年毕业于哈佛商学院,现任哈佛医疗健康校友会中国负责人,本科就读于上海交通大学,获得药学理学士和公共管理学士双学位。 

Jennifer Xu, Founder & CEO of Greenapple Health,one of the leading mobile health companies in China.Jennifer was the Regional General Manager forGroupon China (Joint venture of Tencent). With up to 10 years of rich experience in healthcare, Jenniferworked as a pharma sales rep, at sales operation,marketing and investment in the sector. Jennifer Xureceived her MBA education at Harvard BusinessSchool in 2011. She is currently appointed as regionaldirector of Harvard Health Association (HHA) inChina. Ms. Xu received her Bachelor of Science andBachelor of Management degree at Shanghai JiaotongUniversity. 

Reja Bakh 睿智 

Principle, BAKH Architecture

总裁, BAKH 建筑设计咨询 

Reja Bakh 是 BAKH 建筑设计咨询上海公司的创始人和设计总监,拥有康奈尔大学 / 麻省理工学院的建筑学硕士学位,并享有卓越的事业。他在纽约拥有超过 21年的工作经验,通过与 Richard Meier 和 GwathemySiegel 两家建筑事务所的合作,项目遍及美国、意大利、德国及中国等地,从事过住宅、酒店、综合体项目和企业园区建筑设计,项目规模从小型的产品设计到 600万平方米的中国十大企业总部之一的建筑规划设计。Bakh 先生的独特设计风格已达到国际水准,其结合了20 世纪的两大主要设计主流,并加以提炼。一方面是传统欧洲 Bauhaus 极简主义风格的“少即是多”思想,和现代主义的“形式服从功能”思想。另一方面则是以消费者为导向的原则:“极度先进 , 却为人所接受”。 

Reja Bakh, Principal design director in BAKH has beenpracticing architecture design since 1992. BAKH hasof ces in New York, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. Mr.Bakh received his education from the Graduate Schoolof Architecture at Cornell University / MIT. He has adistinguished career with 23 years of experience inArchitecture and Design, as he worked for some of the worlds most renowned design  rms. Before joiningGensler as a Design Principal for the Shanghai Of cein which he oversaw the company’s movement inAsia, he worked in New York with Richard Meier &Partners and Gwathemy Siegel Architects. Mr. Bakhhas developed a strong and diverse internationalportfolio in the United States, Italy, Germany andChina in residential, hospitality, mixed-use andcampus design. The project sizes range from small-scale product design to a 6,000,000 Square Footheadquarter campus for one of China’s top 10 largestcompanies. Mr. Bakh’s unique design has reached itsinternational position because it combines and distilstwo mai stream principles in 20th century design. On one hand stands the idealistic European Bauhaustradition, with its minimalist “Less is More,” and itsmodernist “Form follows Function” philosophy. On theother hand lies the consumer-oriented MAYA principle:“Most Advanced Yet Acceptable.” 

Ben Murdin 本·莫尔丁 

Professor, Quantum Physicist


本·莫尔丁教授本科就读于剑桥大学理论物理专业,毕业之后前往赫瑞 - 瓦特大学攻读理学硕士和博士。在此期间,他对运用短脉冲光研究半导体中电子运动产生了极大的兴趣。这种半导体对几乎所有的现代电子设备来说都是非常重要的材料。本在远红外波段(介于红外与无线波之间),通过使用早期最有威力的自由电子激光成功演示了一些最初期的短时间尺度实验。在博士学成后,他获得了欧盟玛丽居里奖学金,前往荷兰从事研究工作。在那期间他取得的研究成果为好几种半导体设备提供了设计规范。1996 年本来到萨里大学,陆续建立了与英国、欧洲、北美、中国等实验室的合作。在本晋升为终身教授时,他成为了当时萨里大学里最年轻的教授。很快他被提升为工程与物理科学学院副院长,但是在任职 8 年后他毅然决定重回实验室,并赢得了当时英国工程与自然科学研究理事会在物理领域里在单个项目中提供的最大项目经费。这个项目的主要目标是推动在量子技术领域的发展。 

Professor Ben Murdin graduated in Physics withTheoretical Physics at the University of Cambridgeand then went to Heriot-Watt University for an MScand PhD during which he developed an interest inusing short pulses of light to investigate the motion of electrons in semiconductors, which are importantmaterials for almost all modern electronic anddisplay devices. He performed some of the very  rstexperiments on very short time-scales in the region ofthe spectrum called the far-infrared (between infraredand radio waves), using an early version of the most powerful laser available, called a Free ElectronLaser. Following his PhD he won a European UnionMarie Curie Fellowship to go to the Netherlands, and the work he did there resulted in design rules forseveral types of semiconductor device. Ben joined theUniversity of Surrey in 1996 and he has collaborationswith labs across the UK, Europe, North America andChina. When he was promoted he was the youngestProfessor in the University at the time. He becameAssociate Dean for the Faculty of Engineering andPhysical Sciences, but after 8 years he decided to goback to the laboratory, obtaining the biggest singleresearch grant in the UK physics portfolio to developnew quantum technologies. 

Performer 表演嘉宾 

Lee Wei-Chun 李伟淳 

Dancing Artist


华人舞蹈艺术家 / 编舞家 / 时尚跨界先峰者;他创办:舞界限暨艺术总监;北京中国艺术研究院舞蹈身体语言学博士候选人;台北艺术大学舞蹈表演所硕士;师承:游好彦教授;编舞作品:2017(禅舞雅乐)于浙江嘉兴梅花州石佛寺艺术创意园区;2016(布兰诗歌)于上海东方艺术中心;2015(王者之风)于上海大剧院世界首演;同年担任纽约联合国总部 70 周年舞蹈文化大使;意大利米兰世博会、央视公益春晚、哈佛大学国际论坛、亚洲博鳌论坛等地方独舞 SOLO 嘉宾;参与国际舞团:2005-2009 获聘陈美娥担任汉唐乐府1997-2005 获聘林怀民担任云门舞集的舞者 ; 习舞 23年,致力于推动中国文化 - 艺术复兴当代风,以东西方舞蹈文化、艺术教育、公益事业永续发展为人生志业。 

Taiwan Dance Prince /Dancing Unlimited Theatre /while at the sometimes working as the Choreographerand the director of art,He is dedicated to promotingculture art education and social welfare in the Chinesesociety and the word. 

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