

GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K. 

See diagrams A.1 to A.11. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

The shawl can be knitted with other needle sizes than those given here. Use smaller needles for a smaller shawl and larger needles for a larger shawl. Stretch the shawl to shape at the end, possible uneven places should then even out. 

When using another yarn from yarn group A, there is no need to stretch the shawl to measurements, but place it gently out in shape. Leave to dry. Repeat the process when the shawl has been washed.

Cast on 3 sts on circular needle size 3 mm with Lace - read KNITTING TIP above. Then work and inc as follows:
ROW 1: 1 edge st in GARTER ST - see explanation above, 1 YO, 1 st in stocking st, 1 YO, 1 edge st in garter st. Insert a marker in the middle st = 5th st.
ROW 2 and all rows from WS: Work 1 edge st in garter st in each side (K from WS) and P all sts and YOs.
ROW 3: 1 edge st in garter st, K 1, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 1 and 1 edge st in garter st = 7 sts.
ROW 5: 1 edge st in garter st, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 3, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO and 1 edge st in garter st = 11 sts.
ROW 7: 1 edge st in garter st, 1 YO, K 3, 1 YO, K 3, 1 YO, K 3, 1 YO and 1 edge st in garter st = 15 sts.
ROW 9: 1 edge sts in garter st, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 3 and insert a marker in the middle of these st, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 3 (there is a marker in the sts in the middle of these sts = mid st), 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO, K 3 and insert a marker in the middle of these sts, 1 YO, K 1, 1 YO and 1 edge st in garter st = 23 sts.
ROW 11: 1 edge st in garter st, 1 YO, K until marker, 1 YO, K 1 st (= mid st), 1 YO, K until 1 st remain, 1 YO and 1 edge st in garter st = 27 sts.

Work according to diagram A.1 to A.5 as follows from RS:
Work 1 edge st in garter st, A.1 over 3 sts, A.2 over 5 sts (first marker is in the middle of A.2), A.3 over 4 sts, 1 st in stocking st (second marker is in the middle of this st = mid st), A.4 over 4 sts, A.2 over 5 sts (third marker is in the middle of A.2), A.5 over 3 sts and 1 edge st in garter st = 31 sts. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION. When A1-A.5 has been worked 1 time vertically, there are 51 sts on needle. Repeat inc as shown in A.x, inc alternately 4 and 8 sts on every row from RS (i.e. 12 sts for every repetition vertically), work the inc sts in stocking st on each side of every A.2. Move the markers upwards when working to mark mid st and middle of A.2. Repeat as shown in A.x 24 times in total vertically, there are 339 sts in total on needle (piece measures approx. 35 cm). On next row from RS work and inc 4 sts as shown on first row of A.x = 343 sts. P 1 row from WS (work edge sts in each side of piece in garter st until finished measurements). K 1 row from RS and inc 1 st inside 1 edge st in garter st in each side = 345 sts on needle and P 1 row from WS.

Work according to diagram A.6 to A.8 as follows from RS:
1 edge st in garter st, A.6 over 4 sts, repeat A.7 21 times (4 sts remain on needle), A.8 over 3 sts and 1 edge st in garter st. NOTE: In diagram 2 sts are inc on the 11th row in every repetition of diagram A.7, A.6 and A.8. And 2 sts are inc on 17th row of A.6 and A.8. Work diagrams 1 time vertically = 429 sts. 

Work according to diagram A.9 to A.11 as follows from RS: 1 edge st in garter st, A.9 over 25 sts, repeat A.10 21 times (25 sts remain on needle), A.11 over 24 sts and 1 edge st in garter st. NOTE: In diagram 3 sts are inc on the 17th row in every repetition of diagram A.9, A.11 and A.10. And 2 sts are inc on 21st row in A.9 and A.11. Work diagrams 1 time vertically = 517 sts, but on last row from WS loosely cast off with P.

Place the shawl in lukewarm water until it is soaking wet. Carefully squeeze the water out of the shawl - do not twist the shawl - then roll the shawl in a towel and squeeze to remove more water - the shawl will now only be moist. If another yarn from yarn group A is used - read SHAPING above. Place the shawl on a carpet or mattress - carefully stretch it out to size and fasten it with pins. If desired shape the edge by stretching a little bit in the area between the leaves to form tips and fasten these tips with pins along the cast off edge. Leave shawl to dry. Repeat the process when the shawl has been washed.


= K from RS, P from WS
= 1 YO between 2 sts
= K 2 tog
= slip 1 st as if to K, K 1 and psso.
= slip 1 st as if to K, K 2 tog, psso
= no st

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