


  • k = knit
  • p = purl
  • YO = yarn over
  • pm = place stitch marker
  • sm = slip stitch marker
  • ssk = slip two stitches knit-wise, then knit them together
  • k2tog = knit two stitches together
  • sk2togp = slip one stitch knit-wise, knit two stitches together, pass the slipped stitch over

Cast on 3 sts using a double pointed needle.

The Stem

Make 1 inch of I-cord using dpn’s & then switch to straight needles (if you like).

Row 1: k to end (3 sts)

Row 2:  k1, YO, k1, YO, k1 (5 sts)

Row 3: k2, p1, k2

Row 4: k2, YO, k1, YO, k2 (7 sts)

Row 5: k3, pm, p1, pm, k3

The Base (increase section)

Row 1: k to the marker, YO, sm, k1, sm, YO, k to end

Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, k to end

 For the coaster size: Work rows 1 & 2 a total of 6 times (until you have 19 sts)

For the washcloth size:  Work rows 1 & 2 a total of 11 times (until you have 29 sts)

For the placemat size:  Work rows 1 & 2 a total of 29 times (until you have 65 sts)

The markers can be removed now. You won’t need them for the rest.

The Middle

Rows 1: k to end

Rows 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, k to end

 Repeat Rows 1 & 2 of Middle section once more.

The Top (decrease section)

Row 1: k3, ssk, k until 5 sts remain, k2tog, k to end

Row 2: k3, p to last 3 sts, k to end

 Repeat Rows 1 & 2 until 9 sts remain.

The Tip

Row 1:  k2, ssk, k1, k2tog, k2 (7 sts)

Row 2: k to end

Row 3: k1, ssk, k1, k2tog, k1 (5 sts)

Row 4: k to end

Row 5: ssk, k1, k2tog (3 sts)

Row 6: k to end

Row 7: sk2togp

Cut yarn and weave in ends.

 P.S. When you make a leaf it will curl up like a taco. You didn’t do anything wrong, lol. Wash it, press it flat, and let it dry.

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