



1.Employment protection and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China's labor contract law

Journal of Banking & Finance

Volume 92, July 2018

Chenyu Cui

Tsinghua University

Kose John

New York University

Jiaren Pang

Tsinghua University

Haibin Wu

City University of Hong Kong


Employment protection increases labor adjustment costs and hence the expected costs of financial distress for labor-intensive firms. It follows that these firms are likely to increase their cash holdings to reduce the risk of financial distress when employment protection is strengthened. Consistent with this prediction, we find that labor-intensive firms in China significantly increase their cash holdings following the enactment of China's Labor Contract Law; other contemporaneous shocks do not seem to drive the finding. We also find that two events prior to the enactment that increase the likelihood of enacting the law have a similar effect. Further analysis shows that the impact of the law is concentrated on areas with strict law enforcement, state-owned enterprises, and industries that employ large numbers of migrant workers.

Keywords: Cash holdings; Employment protection; Labor adjustment costs



2. Political uncertainty and cash holdings: Evidence from China

Journal of Corporate Finance

Volume 40, October 2016, Pages 276–295

Nianhang Xu

Renmin University of China

Qinyuan Chen

Renmin University of China

Yan Xu

Renmin University of China

Kam C. Chan

Western Kentucky University,


We examine the relation between political uncertainty and cash holdings for firms in China. We document that, during the first year of a new city government official's appointment, a firm, on average, holds less cash, which is consistent with the grabbing hand hypothesis of politician. Our results are robust to alternative measures of cash holdings, instrumental variable estimation, sub-samples without firms in four major cities, a matched sample approach, and placebo tests. In addition, our additional analyses suggest that a firm holds significantly less cash if: (a) the newly appointed official is from a different city relative to that from the same city, (b) it faces high political extraction risk, and (c) it has strong twin agency conflicts. Lastly, our extended results suggest that the market value of cash holdings is significantly negative during periods of political uncertainty and firms hide their cash by moving it to related firms via related party transactions.

Keywords: Political uncertainty; Cash holdings; Twin agency problem; China



3. Family control and corporate cash holdings: Evidence from China

Journal of Corporate Finance

Volume 31, April 2015, Pages 220–245

Qigui Liu

University of Wollongong

Tianpei Luo

University of Wollongong

Gary Gang Tian

University of Wollongong


This study examines the effect of family control on the cash holding policy in China. We find that family firms with excess control rights tend to have high cash holdings that are tunneled rather than being invested or paid to shareholders. We further show that the incentive for controlling families to hold cash and for tunneling is exacerbated by the agency conflict between controlling and minority shareholders, i.e., it is weakened after the Chinese Non-tradable share (NTS) reform and strengthened by the presence of multiple large shareholders who probably play no monitoring role in Chinese family firms. Furthermore, family firms’ incentive to hold cash for tunneling is influenced by the unique characteristics of Chinese firms in the following ways: the incentive is stronger when the family founder has one child and face family succession problem, and when the founder has political connections and directly involves in firm’s management; while it is weakened by family founder’s social interpersonal trust with other entrepreneurs through their membership of Chambers of Commerce. Overall, we argue that family firms in China tend to hold high levels of cash for tunneling, which harms firm value, while the severe controlling minority shareholder agency conflicts and unique Chinese family characteristics only make this situation worse.

Keywords: Cash holdings; Family firms; Excess control rights; Family succession



4. The effect of government quality on corporate cash holdings

Journal of Corporate Finance

Volume 27, August 2014, Pages 384–400

Deqiu Chen

University of International Business and Economics

Sifei Li

Beijing Foreign Studies University

Jason Zezhong Xiao

Cardiff University

Hong Zou

University of Hong Kong


We use China as a laboratory to test the effect of government quality on cash holdings. We build on, and extend, the existing literature on government expropriation and its interaction with firm-level agency problems by proposing a financial constraint mitigation argument. We find that firms hold less cash when local government quality is high, which is not consistent with the state expropriation argument, but supports the financial constraint mitigation argument. A good government lowers the investment sensitivity to cash flows and cash sensitivity to cash flows, decreases cash holdings more significantly in private firms, and improves access to bank and trade credit financing. We also test and find support for Stulz's (2005) model on the interaction between government and firm agency problems.

Keywords: Cash holding; Government quality; Property rights; Twin agency problems; China



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