

Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks.



Word recycling and grammar reviewing


Ⅰ.Write down the correct form of the word according to request.


1.luck(形容词)_____________              2.profession(形容词)_____________

3.forget(反义词)_____________     4.child(复数)_____________

5.easy(副词)_____________           6.happy(最高级)_____________

答案:1.lucky 2.professional 3.remember4.children 5.easily 6.happiest

Ⅱ.Rewrite the sentence according to the request.


1.I’d like to help kids with their schoolwork.(改为同义句)

I’d like to help kids_____________their schoolwork.

2.I’d like to help people who don’t have home.(改为同义句)

I’d like to help_____________.

3.Ming is a tenth grade student.He wants to be a professional singer.(合并成一个句子)

Ming is a tenth grade student _____________to be a professional singer.

4.I get to spend time.I want to repair my bike.(合并成一个句子)

I get to spend time_____________.

5.I want to be a volunteer because I think it is great.(合并成一个句子)

_____________a volunteer_____________great.

答案:.to do help...with...=help...(to) do...意思是帮助……做某事

2.homeless people 根据意思可将定语从句换成一个形容词。

3.who/that wants 先行词是人且在从句中作主语,用who/that引导。

4.repairing my bike spend time doing sth.意思是花时间做某事

5.Being,is 动名词短语作主语应被看作单数形式。




●Preparation for new lessons 


Ⅰ.Spell out the word according the sentence meaning and tip.


1.He is h   (无家可归的) because the flood take his house away.

2.This volunteer work takes each of them several hours a week.So it is a major c   (奉献).

3.The s   (方法) that he came up with worked out fine.

4.Many students think that only Chinese,math and English are m   (主要的)subjects.

5.We often see the s   (标牌)of No Smoking in public places.

答案:1.homeless 从后句“take his house away”可知他现在是homeless

2.commitment 有不定冠词修饰,应用名词形式。

3.strategies 根据句意可知最好用复数。

4.major 句意是许多学生认为语文、数学和英语是主要的学科

5.sign No Smoking是表示禁止吸烟的标志。

Ⅱ.Please go through the text and complete the following sentences according to the tips.


1.I’ll help           (把城市公园打扫干净).

2.We can’t          (推迟所制订的计划).

3.I’d like to          (鼓舞生病的孩子).

4.We’re going to         (建立一家食物银行)to help hungry people.

5.You could      (分发食物) at a food bank.

6.         (什么类型的志愿者工作)do you think I could do?

答案:1.(to) clean up the city parks help后可跟动词不定式,也可跟动词原形作宾语;打扫干净clean up

2.put off making the plan put off意思是推迟,后跟动名词短语作宾语。

3.cheer up sick kids 鼓励cheer up表示,本句也可用定语从句表示“the kids who are sick/ill”

4.set up a food bank 建立set up表示。

5.give out food 分发give out表示。

6.What kind of volunteer work What kind of...意思是什么类型的……




●Exercises for new words


Ⅰ.Spell out the word according the sentence meaning and tip.


1.My bike is broken and I must r    it.

2.The poor old man often suffers (遭受) from h    and illness after his son died.

3.We’re going to e   (set up) a food bank to help hungry people.

4.Kate is s   (alike;the same) to her mother.

5.We should help the b   (not able to see) people to cross the streets.

答案:1.repair 2.hunger 3.establish 4.similar5.blind 

●Exercises for phrases


Ⅱ.Fill in the blank with the right phrase in the box.


give out take after give away work out put off hand out

1.I’ve__________a new way of doing it.

2.Out teacher said the meeting would be__________till next week.

3.I__________some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.

4.I’d like to work in a food bank to__________food to the poor people.

5.Jim __________his father.They are both clever and a bit quiet.

答案:.worked out 2.put off 3.gave away4.give out5.takes after

●Exercises for function items


Ⅲ.Complete the conversation with the right words.


Tom:Excuse me,can you tell me the 1  to No.3 Middle School?

Wang Hai:Yes,I’m a student there,I’m going to school now.You can follow me.

Tom:Thank you!I’m new in No.3 Middle School.My name is Tom,May I know your name?

Wang Hai:Wang Hai,why 2 your parents send you to school for the first time?

Tom:Well.I prefer doing things by myself.However I’m 3 today.You are so helpful.Thank you!

Wang Hai:It’s a 4 !We are schoolmates now. 5 you please help me with my English?

Tom:Certainly!I’m 6 in Chinese,could you teach me Chinese?

Wang Hai:Sure!Let’s help each other.

Tom:Good 7 .

Wang Hai:By the way, 8  do you like Chinese traditional music?

Tom:Very much!Erhu,dizi and pipa sound really wonderful.

Wang Hai:There is going to 9 a Chinese traditional music concert at the Capital Stadium.I’ve got two tickets.Would you like to come?

Tom: 10  love to.Thanks so much!

Wang Hai:Don’t mention it!

答案:1.way 2.don’t 3.lucky 4.pleasure5.Would/Could/Will/Can 6.weak 7.idea8.how 9.be 10.I’d

●Exercises for grammar


Ⅳ.Multiple choice(单项选择)

1.She__________his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A.looked for     B.looked up

C.looked after              D.looked like

答案:B 动词look与不同的介词或副词搭配,有不同的含义:look for寻找;look up查阅;look after照顾;look like看起来像。

2.Our sports meeting has been   till next Monday because of the bad weather.

A.put on                    B.put up 

C.put off                    D.put down

答案:C 句意是由于恶劣天气的影响,运动会已经被推迟到下周一举行

3.—Jimmy,your toys should be in right order.

—OK.I’ll_________them_________right now.

A.put;down                  B.put;away

C.put;up                       D.put;on

答案:B put down的意思是放下put away意思是收拾好put up意思是建立;举起put on意思是穿上。题意是:我立刻把它们收拾好

4.A neighbor helped to keep our dog.It _________while we were on holiday.

A.was taken care          B.took care of

C.is taken care of          D.was taken care of

答案:D 本题考查动词短语的被动语态。take care of是及物动词短语,故of不能省略。

5.The three students plan to_________ a student volunteer project at their school.

A.look up                     B.set up

C.cheer up                    D.clean up

答案:B 句意是这三个学生计划在他们的学校建立一个学生志愿者计划

6.Your school things are here and there.Will you please_________? 

A.throw about them    B.put them away 

C.throw them about    D.put away them

答案:B 句意是请把它们收拾好,好吗?put away动词+副词结构,人称代词作宾语须放在副词之前。

7.I_________to cheer him up for 20 minutes.

A.was trying              B.tried 

C.try                         D.have been trying

答案:D have been doing 意为一直做某事

8.Would you like to tell me_________next,Mr.Feng?

A.what should we do     B.we should do what

C.what we should do     D.should we do what

答案:C 宾语从句的结构关系代/副词+陈述句

●Sentence structure training


Ⅴ.Rewrite the sentence according to the request.


1.We’re going to set up a food bank ot help hungry people.(改为一般疑问句)


2.He had run out of money to buy old bike.(改为否定句)


3Lucky is an amazing dog.(改为反意疑问句)


4I’d like to cheer up the sick kids.(改为同义句)


5I fix up bikes and give them away.(改为一般过去时)


答案:1.Are you going to set up a food bank ot help hungry people?

2.He hadn’t run out of money to buy old bike.

3.Lucky is an amazing dog,isn’t it?

4.I want to cheep up the sick kids.

5.I fixed up bikes and gave them away.


Whose Dog Was the Smartest

Four friends were arguing over whose dog was the smartest.The first man,an engineer,called to his dog,“T Square,show your stuff.” The dog trotted over to a desk,pulled out a paper and pencil,and drew a perfect triangle.

The next guy,an accountant,called to his dog,“Slide Rule,go ahead.” The dog went to the kitchen,nibbled opened a bag of cookies and divided the contents into four equal piles.

The next man,a chemist,beckoned his dog,Beaker,to show what he could do.The dog went to the fridge,took out a quart of milk and poured out exactly eighty ounces into a measuring cup.

The last man was a government worker.“Coffee Break,” he hollered to his dog,“go to it.” With that,the dog jumped to his feet,soiled the paper,ate the cookies and drank the milk.









●Elementary exercises


Ⅰ.Translate the Chinese sentence into English.(翻译句子。)


_________,you have helped make_________for me to have “Luck”.


Dana could_________food at a food bank to help homeless people.


You could volunteer in an after-school study program to_________kids_________their



_________blind and deaf_________something that most people cannot .


Not_________do I feel good about helping other people, _________I get to spend time doing what I love to do.

答案:1.For sure;it possible for true意思是确信无疑地make it+adj.+to do sth.是句型,意思是使做某事怎么样it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。

2.give out give out意为分发

3.help;with 帮助某人做某事可以说成help sb.with sth.help sb.do sth.

4.Being;is;imagine 动名词短语可以作主语,谓语动词用单数。

5.onlybut not only...but (also)...意思是不但……而且……

●Integrated exercises


Ⅱ.Read the following passage,then complete the tasks.


Once there was a man who had two children,a boy and a girl.The boy was goodlooking but the girl was not.One day they found a mirror and for the first time they saw what they looked like.The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister,“How handsome I am!I look much nicer than you!”The girl did not like what her brother said and gave him a hard push.“Go away!”she said.Their father saw what was happening.He went up to them and said to the boy,“You must always be good as well look good.”Then to the girl he said,“My dear,if you help everyone and do your best to please(使人愉快),everyone will love you.It will not matter that you are not as goodlooking as your brother.”


A.looking-glass_____________           B.handsome_____________

C.happy_____________                      D.was going on_____________


①The story is about a man and his two children.

②The boy looked very nice and the girl looked pretty.

③He told the boy that it was enough to be good-looking.

④He told the girl if she could be nice and kind to people and ready to help,everybody would love her.

⑤The story tells us that the most important thing for a person is to be nice and helpful to people.

答案:.A.mirror B.goodlooking C.pleased D.was happening 

2.T 由“Once there was a man who had two children,...”可知。

F 由“The boy was goodlooking but the girl was not”可知。

F 由“You must always be good as well look good”可知爸爸希望儿子要做到表里如一。

T 由“My dear,if you help everyone and do your best to please(使人愉快),everyone will love you”可知。

T 由爸爸对女儿说的那席话可知:做人要做一个善良的、乐于助人的人。

●Link to test


Ⅲ.Multiple choice(单项填空)

1.(2010山东实验区模拟) Carl_____________his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.

Aset off    Btook off      Cfell off            Dturned off

答案:C set off意思是出发;动身take off意思是脱下;起飞fall off意思是……摔下来turn off意思是关闭

2.(2010江苏泰州模拟) _____________ your books,Tom.Don’t leave your things here and there.

A.Put on               B.Put off

C.Put away            D.Put down

答案:C put on意思是穿上put off意思是推迟put away意思是收拾好put down意思是放下

3.(2010江苏宿迁模拟)I have a dream.When I_____________,I want to be a scientist.

A.make up             B.come up

C.grow up             D.turn up

答案:C make up意思是编造come up意思是出现;想出grow up意思是长大turn up意思是调大

4.(2010武汉实验区模拟)—What do you think of the book Harry Potter?

—I like it very much.It’s_____________interesting_____________exciting.

A.neither;nor                B.not;but

C.not only;but also        D.either;or

答案:C 本题主要考查并列连词的用法。题意可理解为:我非常喜欢它。它有趣,刺激。表示两者都肯定。

5.(2010湖北黄石模拟)—May I speak to Mr.Green

—Sorry,he _________London.But he’ll be back in two days.

A.has been to                B.has gone to

C.has been in                D.went to

答案:B have been to意思是曾经去过,强调当事人不在目的地;have gone to意思是去了,强调当事人不在说话的地方;have been in的意思是在(某地呆了一段时间);加入(某组织一段时间

6.(2010贵阳模拟) The girl_________is reading under the tree is my sister

Awho                       Bwhose

Cwhich                    Dwhom

答案:A 本题考查定语从句的用法。定语从句的先行词为girl,因此用who












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