


Chapter 1

Innovation is endless if we start from reform. In the new era of reform and opening up, the development zone should stand on the tide, fight bravely and make good achievements.

1、 Breaking through the shackles of ideas and opening to the system and mechanism. One is to implement the post incentive system. On the basis of the constant salary of the staff, XX million yuan will be provided every month to implement the post incentive. The so-called '4215' means that according to the standard of 4000 yuan for the minister, 2000 yuan for the deputy minister, 1000 yuan for the section chief and 500 yuan for the general staff, the post incentive blonde will be distributed to all departments, adhere to the principle of 'system in advance, regular publicity and special Fund for special use', and formulate specific assessment reward and punishment methods, which will be distributed by the minister. We should really solve the problem of doing more and less, doing better and doing worse. Second, establish cost land supply mechanism. At present, the cost of land supply per mu in the development zone is XX million yuan, for enterprises XX million yuan, and for subsidies XX million yuan per mu. At present, our financial resources can only provide xxx0000 yuan, which can only solve the problem of land supply for industries of XXX mu. How to achieve large-scale and rapid development, we have established a cost land supply mechanism of 'planning management and control, financial profit transfer, management decentralization and financial support'. Establish a central park and a management committee to let the boss of the enterprise be the director of the management committee to independently attract investment, manage and develop. This year, we will build XXX mu of standardized factory buildings, XXXX mu of Automobile Industrial Park, XXXX mu of assembly building industrial park and XXXX mu of gold jewelry characteristic town.

2、 Dare to chew hard bones and promote high-quality development. First, we will pay great attention to investment promotion. For the introduction of industrial projects with an annual tax contribution of more than XXX million yuan and soft economic projects with an annual tax contribution of more than XX million yuan, the introducers shall be rewarded according to XX% of the financial contribution, and the inheritance system shall be implemented; the emphasis shall be placed on attracting investment and tax, and the method of 'one thing, one discussion and financial reward' shall be implemented. RMB x x billion will be invested to build a headquarters economic base integrating schools, hotels, apartments, incubation and training. In the whole year, RMB XXX billion will be realized in soft economy tax revenue, and RMB x billion will be increased in general public budget. Second, we need to expand financial support. Before the end of x month, the Bank of the development zone should be established, three industrial funds, namely infrastructure, airport economy, gold and jewelry, and credit risk compensation should be set up, and tax cuts and fees for enterprises should be reduced by X billion yuan in the whole year, truly singing the drama of financial support for economic development.

3、 Dare to change the world and create a picturesque landscape. In the middle of x month, an investment of X billion yuan was invested to start the construction of XX Street overpass under XX Expressway and XX Road overpass, to thoroughly open the east-west and North-South urban express lanes, to start the construction of XX transformation projects, and to launch the 'hundred regiment war'. Adhere to the guidance of large projects, focus on the construction of XXXX industrial demonstration zone with a total investment of XXX billion yuan and a planned area of X million mu, and excavate XXXX mu of ecological lake in the first half of the year. From now on, we will study and judge every month to find gaps and make up for shortcomings, so as to ensure the upgrading to a national development zone by the end of the year.

Chapter two

After the mobilization meeting of the provincial Party committee, the municipal Party Committee immediately mobilized and deployed, fully reflecting the municipal Party committee's political responsibility, action consciousness and actual combat state. The municipal development and Reform Commission implemented the spirit of the meeting, closely followed the deployment of the municipal Party committee, and made full efforts to do the following three aspects:

First, we need to build XXX again. The construction of XXX is a major strategic deployment of the municipal Party committee to promote the coordinated development of the municipal economy based on the overall situation and long-term, historical thinking and international vision. We should put ourselves in, put our responsibilities in, put our work in, and set the table against the development requirements of 'overall development of a game of chess, turning it into a force of development, planning and developing a map, promoting the integration of development, forming a one-stop development'. We should firmly grasp the development requirements of economic operation analysis and judgment, 'one area, five belts'; we should plan and implement, play a natural endowment card and other key work, and achieve understanding Further improvement, further strengthening of measures, further improvement of standards, taking on responsibilities, further strengthening the self-consciousness and initiative of engaging in the construction of XXX, and persistently pushing forward the construction of XXX to a new level and achieve new results.

Second, reform and innovation. Focusing on 'taking the first chance, standing in the front row, and creating the first-class', adhering to the overall situation and grasping the major events, and firmly focusing on the six key points of 'transformation and comprehensive reform, reform and opening up, real economy, project construction, ecological environmental protection, and people's livelihood improvement', we have made practical moves, made practical achievements, and achieved actual results, and implemented the deployment of the Municipal Committee's economic work conference, especially focused on the year and promotion of deepening the transformation project construction The bank's project approval commitment system, price mechanism, credit system construction, food security and other reform work, formulated a road map, reversed the schedule, moved forward the workload, further enhanced the initiative, enthusiasm and creativity, made efforts to make reform and innovation become a new business card for development and reform work, and provided a strong impetus for the construction of Dayun city.

Third, we should start again after changing our style of work. Building a big XX is the requirement of the times and historical responsibility of the municipal Party committee to promote the revitalization and rise of XX. It is the common pursuit and vision of the whole city. We must resolutely implement the requirements of the municipal Party committee's 'reform and innovation, and strive to make progress' discussion, overcome the problems of insufficient overall thinking, weak implementation ability, and insufficient work grasp, vigorously carry forward the work style of seeking truth and pragmatism, overcoming difficulties and tackling difficulties, and taking on responsibilities, and step on it with a fuller working state, a more efficient working level, and more outstanding work results New journey, new achievements, new contributions, and full efforts to create a new situation in the development and reform work. In the great practice of 'entering a new era, building XXX', we will show our talent and make achievements!

4 model speeches on reform and innovation

Chapter three

Reform is about the National Games and innovation will win the future. 'Reform and innovation, work hard and make progress' is a big discussion. We should hold high the banner of reform and opening up in the new era, actively respond to changes, take the initiative to seek changes, and promote ideological emancipation and reform

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