

目      录            Table of Contents   

中餐   Chinese Food    

冷菜类 Cold Dishes   
热菜类 Hot Dishes   
        猪肉 Pork   
        牛肉 Beef   
        羊肉 Lamb     
   禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs    
        蕈类 Mushrooms    
        海鲜类 Seafood   
蔬菜类 Vegetables   
        豆腐类 Tofu
燕窝类 Bird’s Nest Soup   
煲类 Casserole   
主食、小吃 Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks              
西餐 Western Food
头盘及沙拉 Appetizers and Salads      
汤类 Soups
禽蛋类 Poultry and Eggs
牛肉类 Beef
猪肉类 Pork
羊肉类 Lamb
鱼和海鲜 Fish and Seafood
面、粉及配菜类 Noodles, Pasta and Side Dishes
面包类 Bread and Pastries
甜品及其他西点 Cakes, Cookies and Other Desserts

中国酒 Chinese Alcoholic Drinks

黄酒类 Yellow Wine
白酒类 Liquor       
啤酒 Beer
葡萄酒 Wine

洋酒 Imported Wines

开胃酒 Aperitif
白兰地 Brandy
威士忌 Whisky
金酒 Gin
朗姆酒 Rum
伏特加 Vodka
龙舌兰 Tequila
利口酒 Liqueurs
清酒 Sake
啤酒 Beer
鸡尾酒 Cocktails and Mixed Drinks
餐酒 Table Wine

饮料 Non-Alcoholic Beverages

矿泉水 Spring Water
咖啡 Coffee
茶 Tea
茶饮料 Tea Drinks
果蔬汁 Juice
碳酸饮料 Sodas
混合饮料 Mixed Drinks
其他饮料 Other Drinks
冰品    Ice

1801.   鲜奶馒头 Steamed Bun with Milk   
1802.   烤馒头 Baked Bun   
1803.   椒盐花卷 Steamed Twisted Rolls with Salt and Pepper   
1804.   麻酱花卷 Steamed Twisted Rolls with Sesame Paste    
1805.   小笼葱油花卷 Steamed Twisted Rolls with Scallion   
1806.   黑米小窝头 Wotou with Black Rice ( Steamed Black Rice Bun)   
1807.   宫廷小窝头 Royal Wotou (Steamed Corn Bun)   
1808.   白粥 Rice Congee   
1809.   香菇鸡丝粥 Porridge with Black Mushrooms and Shredded Chicken    
1810.   极品粥 Assorted Seafood Porridge   
1811.   南瓜粥 Pumpkin Porridge   
1812.   皮蛋瘦肉粥 Minced Pork Congee with Preserved Egg   
1813.   生滚海鲜粥 Seafood Congee    
1814.   小米粥 Millet Congee   
1815.   牛肉粥 Minced Beef Congee   
1816.   地瓜粥 Congee with Sweet Potato Congee   
1817.   小米金瓜粥 Millet Congee with Pumpkin   
1818.   绿豆粥 Congee with Mung Bean Congee   
1819.   腊八粥 Porridge with Nuts and Dried Fruits (Eaten on the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month)   
1820.   叉烧酥 BarbecuedBBQ Pork Pastry   
1821.   咖哩牛肉酥盒 Curry Beef Puff   
1822.   榴莲酥 Crispy Durian Cake   
1823.   蜜汁叉烧酥 Honey BBQ Pork Puff   
1824.   蘑菇鸡肉酥盒 Chicken Fricassee Vol-au-vent    
1825.   南瓜酥 Pumpkin Puff   
1826.   松子叉烧酥 BBQ Pork Pastry with Pine Nuts   
1827.   香酥韭菜盒 Crispy Shrimp Dumplings with Leek   
1828.   芝麻叉烧酥 Roast BBQ Pork Pastry with Sesame   
1829.   莲蓉酥 Lotus Seed Puff Pastry   
1830.   水果酥 Fresh Fruit Puff Pastry   
1831.   蛋黄酥 Egg-Yolk Puff   
1832.   蛋黄莲茸酥 Pastry Puff with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk   
1833.   蛋挞 Egg Tart   
1834.   小鸭酥 Duckling-Shaped Crispy Puff   
1835.   鸭油萝卜丝酥 Pan-Fried Turnip Cake with Duck Oil   
1836.   北京鸡汤馄饨 Wonton in Chicken Soup, Beijing Style   
1837.   菜肉大馄饨 Pork and Vegetable Wonton   
1838.   鲜虾小馄饨 Shrimp Wonton   
1839.   菜肉馄饨 Pork and Vegetable Wonton   
1840.   虾肉云吞汤 Shrimp Wonton Soup   
1841.   鸡汤云吞 Chicken Wonton Soup   
1842.   上汤云吞 Wonton Soup   
1843.   红油抄手 Meat Dumplings in Spicy Sauce   
1844.   酸菜龙抄手 Wonton Soup with Preserved Vegetable    
1845.   四川龙抄手 Sichuan Style Wonton, Sichuan Style   
1846.   蛋煎韭菜盒 Deep-Fried Egg-Coated Leek Dumplings   
1847.   醪糟汤圆 Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls) in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup   
1848.   汤圆 Tangyuan (Glutinous Rice Balls)    
1849.   四川汤圆 Tangyuan,Sichuan Style   
1850.   元宵 Yuanxiao (Glutinous Rice Balls for Lantern Festival)   
1851.   炸云吞 Deep-Fried Wonton   
1852.   咸点 Assorted Salty Chinese Pastry   
1853.   香肠卷 Sausage Rolls   
1854.   香煎腐皮卷 Pan-Fried Tofu Skin Rolls Stuffed with Shrimps   
1855.   山菌金针肉卷 Rolls Stuffed with Mushroom and Pork Rolls   
1856.   老北京肉卷 Meat Rolls, Beijing Style   
1857.   油煎蛋皮肉卷 Pan-Fried Egg Rolls   
1858.   蒜香炸虾卷 Deep-Fried Shrimp Rolls with Garlic   
1859.   口蘑煎蛋卷 Mushroom Omelets   
1860.   煎蛋卷 Omelets   
1861.   炸羊肉串 Deep-Fried Lamb Kebabs   
1862.   山竹牛肉球 Steamed Beef Balls   
1863.   牛肉串 Beef Kebabs   
1864.   炸蟹角 Crab Rangoon   
1865.   虾吐司 Shrimp Toast   
1866.   粽香糯米翅 Steamed Chicken Wings with Glutinous Rice in Leaves    
1867.   锦绣糯米鸡 Steamed Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Chicken    
1868.   五香茶叶蛋 Tea Flavored Boiled Eggs   
1869.   醪糟鸡蛋 Poached Egg in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup    
1870.   北京炒肝 Stewed Liver, Beijing Style   
1871.   杂碎 Lamb Chop Suey   
1872.   羊肉泡馍 Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup   
1873.   杏片炸鱼条 Deep-Fried Fish Filet with Almonds   
1874.   蒜汁煎灌肠 Pan-Fried Starch Sausage with Garlic   
1875.   火鸭三宝扎 Steamed Three Delicacies of Duck in Roll   
1876.   韭菜果 Pan-Fried Leek Dumplings    
1877.   豆沙粽子 Zongzi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste (Glutinous Rice Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves)    
1878.   蜂巢炸芋头 Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings   
1879.   广东点心 Cantonese Dim Sum   
1880.   蚝皇鲜竹卷 Steamed Tofu Skin Rolls with Oyster Sauce   
1881.   麻团 Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame   
1882.   蘑菇牛肉乳蛋派 Beef and Mushroom Pie   
1883.   南瓜团子 Pumpkin Dumplings    
1884.   糯米卷 Glutinous Rice Rolls   
1885.   什果杏仁豆腐 Tofu with Chilled Almond and Fresh Fruit   
1886.   豌豆黄 Pea Cake   
1887.   炸麻球 Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls with Sesame   
1888.   银丝卷 Steamed Rolls   
1889.   烤银丝卷 Baked Steamed Rolls   
1890.   油条 Youtiao(Deep-Fried Dough Sticks)   
1891.   芸豆卷 French Bean Rolls   
1892.   芝麻凉卷 Sesame Rolls   
1893.   疙瘩汤 Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup   
1894.   扁食汤 Dumpling Soup   
1895.   咖喱角 Curry Puff   
1896.   麻薯 Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Cake Stuffed with Bean Paste   
1897.   芝麻芋条 Deep-Fried Taro Sticks with Sesame   
1898.   枣泥方圃 Steamed Small Square Dumplings Stuffed with Jujube Paste   
1899.   寿桃 Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling    
1900.   精品点心六种 Refined Assorted Dim Sum (Six Kinds)   
1901.   水果醪糟 Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup with Fresh Fruits   
1902.   南瓜酪 Pumpkin Pastry   
1903.   枇杷果 Loquat-Shaped Cake   
1904.   双皮樱桃盏 Cheese and Egg Cake   
1905.   火烧 Baked Wheat Cake   
1906.   艾窝窝 Aiwowo (Steamed Rice Cakes with Sweet Stuffing)   
1907.   驴打滚 Lǘdagunr (Glutinous Rice Rolls with Sweet Bean Flour)   
1908.   香芋枣排 Taro and Chinese Date Cake   
1909.   油炸臭豆腐 Deep-Fried Fermented Tofu    
1910.   虾片 Prawn Crackers   
1911.   卷果 Chinese Yam and Date Rolls, Beijing Style   
1912.   豆汁儿 Douzhir (Fermented Bean Drink)   
1913.   豆浆 Soybean Milk   
1914.   豆腐脑儿 Jellied Tofu   
1915.   奶香粟米片片饼 Golden Corn Pancake   
1916.   巧克力松饼 Chocolate Muffins   
1917.   什锦水果松饼 Mixed Fruit Muffin   
1918.   桂花酒酿圆子 Glutinous Rice Dumplings in Fermented Rice Wine   
1919.   红豆沙圆子 Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste   
1920.   红豆沙圆子羹 Soup of Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Red Bean Paste    
1921.   酒酿圆子 Boiled Glutinous Rice Balls in Fermented Glutinous Rice   
1922.   雪圆子 Snow Balls   
1923.   马蹄西米花生糊 Cream Soup of Peanut with Water Chestnuts   
1924.   蜜糖龟苓膏 Guiling Jelly (Chinese Herbal Jelly) Served with Honey   
1925.   爱玉冰 Aiyu Jelly (Vegetarian Gelatin)   
1926.   莲子红豆沙 Sweetened Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seeds    
1927.   陈皮红豆沙 Orange Flavored Red Bean Paste   
1928.   莲子百合红豆沙 Sweetened Red Bean Paste with Lotus Seeds and Lily Bulbs   
1929.   杏仁豆腐 Almond Jelly   
1930.   水果盘 Fresh Fruit Platter   
1931.   杏汁芦荟木瓜 Papaya with Aloe and Almond Juice   
1932.   京味什锦甜食 Traditional Assorted Sweets, Beijing Style   
1933.   果茶山药 Chinese Yam and Nectar   
1934.   红果山药 Chinese Yam and Hawthorn   
1935.   杨枝甘露 Chilled Mango Sago Cream with Pomelo   
1936.   椰丝糯米糍 Glutinous Rice Balls Stuffed with Coconut and Sugar   
1937.   奶皇糯米糍 Glutinous Rice Balls Suffed with Cream Custard    
1938.   拔丝苹果 Apple in Hot Toffee   
1939.   拔丝山药 Chinese Yam in Hot Toffee   
1940.   雪梨炖百合 Snow Pear and Lily Bulbs Soup   
1941.   冰糖莲子银耳羹?                          Lotus Seeds and White Fungus Soup   
1942.   冰糖银耳炖雪梨 Stewed Pear with White Fungus and Rock Candy   
1943.   椰汁西米露 Sweet Sago Cream with Coconut Milk   
1944.   冰镇南瓜茸 Iced Pumpkin Mash   
1945.   冰镇三果 Iced Fruits   
1946.   冰镇银耳 Iced White Fungus    
1947.   冰糖葫芦 Bingtanghulu /Crispy Sugar-Coated Fruit (haws, yam, etc.) on a Stick

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