

荷尔蒙 --- 女性减肥的绊脚石




In my career as a Trainer and health Coachin the past 30 years. I have been successfully helping women lose weight. 

In all these years there is always that oneclient that seems that she is doing everything right:  exercise every day, eat healthy, sleep etc.but cannot lose the fat.

I have found that most of them are womenover 36yrs old or mothers in their 30s. And now a days with all the junk foodout there I start to see this problem in women without children and in their20s!



If you go to the gym often you probablyalso know women that have this problem. That friend that goes to the gym for3hrs everyday but never seems to lose the fat.

Do those statements also resonate with you or any of yourfriends?


激素专家、哈佛大学的医学博士萨拉·戈特弗里德(Sara Gottfried)解释了荷尔蒙失衡是如何妨碍你的减肥。虽然荷尔蒙很复杂,但有四种激素在失去平衡时几乎是不可能减掉脂肪的。


So I have been doing a lot of research on womenhormones and how they affect our bodies.

In this piece, Dr. Sara Gottfried, hormoneexpert and Harvard-trained MD, explains how hormonal imbalances can hold youback from fat loss.

Although hormones are complex, there arefour that make losing fat close to impossible when they’re out of balance.

Here, I'll share what they are, how theyaffect your fat burning, and at least one simple action you can take to bringeach hormone back into balance.


Weight-Loss Blocker #1: 

Estrogen Imbalance



Estrogen is the female hormone that giveswomen breasts and hips and keeps joints lubricated. (While estrogen levels arelower after menopause, if your progesterone levels are lower than your estrogen,you can still have estrogen dominance.) 

Estrogen, along with other hormones, isresponsible for how you respond to food, drink, and supplements. If yourestrogen levels are higher than your progesteron levels you have estrogendominance , simply put, estrogen is the main reason women have a harder timelosing weight regardless of age, when compared with men.

如何治疗 How To Heal :

1. 限制红色肉类和酒精的摄入量


我并不是说你必须永远放弃所有的肉类 — 但是有强有力的数据论证,需要限制你对红肉的摄入

1. Limit your intake of RED meat and Alcohol

Red meat and alcohol are major contributorsto estrogen overload And women are particularly at risk from the effect of meaton their estrogen. The connection between meat and estrogen is profound.

I’m not saying you have to give up all meatforever -- but there are powerful arguments to limit your consumption of RED meat.

2. 重新平衡雌激素


2. To rebalance your estrogen hormone

Eat apound of vegetables per day. The fiber from the vegetables helps to balanceyour estrogen levels.

3. 摄入量


3. Acceptable Daily Intake

Aim for 35 to 45 grams of fiber per day forwomen (fiber from dark green vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds), but slowlyincrease in 5-gram increments each day to get to your goal without gas or bloating.


Weight-Loss Blocker #2: Excess Insulin





When you eat a lot of sugar and a lot of emptycalories (simple carbohydrates in junk food), you develope an addiction tosugar.  Have you nottest when you eatsweets and/or junk food you are always craving for more?. you eat one and thenyou cant stop! you want it everyday.  

Processed food like the one you buy in apackage in the supermarket , sodas, KFC , Mc donalds, etc etc All of these have empty calories that do you no good.


So if you’re overweight or skinny fat(normal weight but you have too much fat mass), because you eat too much sugarand empty calories your insulin hormone is probably imbalanced and your cellsbecome insuline resistant.  As a result,you experience blood-sugar highs and lows, you are always craving food and youstore fat because your glucose regulator is broken. Insulin isn’t working. Yourhormone and weight loss are off track.

如何治疗 How To Heal:

1. 放弃糖和人工甜味剂3天(所有含糖或无热量的东西)


1. Give up sugar and artificial sweeteners for3 days (everything that has sugar or empty calories. Soda, sweets, bread, McDonald, KFC... for 3 day ) Brake the addiction. You need only 3 days to resetyour hormone and brake the bad habit.

2. 饭前喝一杯水,加两汤匙苹果醋


2. Take a glass of water with two tablespoonsof apple cider vinegar before every meal

Studies have found that consuming twotablespoons of apple cider vinegar (unpasteurized) before a meal significantlyreduces blood glucose levels in people with insulin resistance.


Keepin mind that if your metabolism is broken, your hormones are misfiring, andinsulin is the most likely to be a problem.


Weight-Loss Blocker #3: Excess Cortisol





You make cortisol in response to stress, but many of us run around stressed most of the time.  Dr Gottfried believes it is the root cause of many women’s battle with fat loss. When it comes to hormone imbalance and weight gain, all roads lead back to cortisol.

Bathing the poor body in all those stress hormones wreaks havoc over time, and makes you store fat—especially in your abdomen as visceral fat, the most deadly type of fat.

High cortisol is also linked to food addiction and sugar cravings, so that you overeat the wrong foods like cookies and processed foods.

Net result? You get fat.

如何治疗 How To Heal: 

1. 按下咖啡因摄入量的停止🤚按钮



1. Hit the pause button on your caffeine intake

Wean off of caffeine over the next week, and notice how your sleep and stress levels improve.

Go first from coffee to half caf. Then from half caf to green tea. Then, if needed, green tea to white tea, then off to hot water with lemon.

2.早晨代谢 --- 用咖啡代替柠檬水或辣椒水

早上喝一两杯咖啡有助于刺激胃痉挛的反流, 让你每天早上大便, 释放有毒激素,这将帮助你重置你的皮质醇水平。

2. Substitute your coffe for a mug of hot water with lemon and a pinch of cayenne

Drinking one to two cups in the morning will help stimulate the gastro-colic reflux so that you poop each morning, and allow toxic hormones to be released.This will help you reset your cortisol levels.

3. 找些活动来帮助你放松: 看书、洗个热水澡、按摩、跑步...... 只要能让你全身心 放松的,你都需要去做!

3. Find some activity to help you relax: read a book, take a hot bath, massage, running.. what ever makes you relax.. you need to go do it!


Weight-Loss Blocker #4: Insufficient Adiponectin



Adiponectin is one of the key hormones that tells your body to burn fat. Its role is to regulate glucose levels and fatty acid breakdown. 

When it comes to weight loss resistance, the brain plays an important role, and there exists a secret conversation between fat tissue and the central nervous system. Adiponectin is one of the chemical messengers in this secret conversation, and regulates inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which contribute to weight gain.

如何治疗 How To Heal: 



1.To reset adiponectin feed your brain: by eating GOOD FAT : Specially pistachios and avocados. All other seeds and nuts are are also very helpfull.

Studies shows that eating avocado and pistachos daily improved adiponectin. Plus, improvements were also seen in waist circumference, fasting blood sugar, total cholesterol, LDL (the so-called “bad cholesterol”), high sensitivity C-reactive protein, among other biomarkers.

2. 运动给你的脑细胞带来更多的氧气


当你感到精力充沛、强壮、与自己的身体接触时,美妙的事情就会发生。你不再感到饥饿,不再渴望食物,不再浮躁易怒,不再痴迷神经质,不再对自己的身体感到内疚和自我厌恶 — 你终于可以专注于你最初的希望和梦想,达到你的人生目标。你可以发现是什么让你感觉到如此充沛和清醒!

2. Exercise to bring more oxigen to your brain cells

Understanding that permanent weight loss occurs as a result of hormone balance can change your life.

When you feel energetic, strong, and in touch with your body, wonderful things can happen. You no longer feel hungry, or craving foods, nor bloated and cranky, obsessed and neurotic, or guilty and self-loathing about your body—you can finally focus on your deepest hopes and dreams, your purpose in life. You can discover what makes you feel most alive and awake.


Hope this is helpfull to all the women


See you next time

My power fit team

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