

On the significance of calligraphy has two points of inheritance and innovation

The significanceof calligrapghy has two points of inheritance and innovation

------Natonal-brushachieves national-nature

As we all know,for thousands of years, our ancestors crearted a tool to write with a brush,writing well and having appreciation value is called calligraphy, and carryforward to become a calligraphy font, from generation to generation, there arefive fonts, such as Kai-writing art, Xing-writing art, Li-writing art,Cao-writing art, Zhuan-writing art, and the sixth is a Alive-writing art. Inorder to weed out the old and bring forth the new, calligraphy competitions ofvarious sizes have been held every year in history, the examiners are seniorcitizens and experienced artists with good brush calligraphy skills, excellentinnovative talents in calligraphy art have been selected, so brush calligraphyhas been well inherited.

Calligraphy showin black-color font and white Xuan-paper, with a brush as a writing tool, withChina-ink as the color of the performance a simple art, this ancient royalnobility is consistent, in ancient times, the black gauze hat and black bootswere used as the product of royalty, not owned by the public. Due to the reformof Dynasties over thousands of year, brush calligraphy has gradually becomepopular, it has become the writing symbol of the nation, brush-words has comesunique “national-nature” and the brush has comes into being “national-brush”.

In modern times,it is no longer necessary to use brushes to write, and brushes natureally intoan art of writing, so there are two significance of calligraphy:

No.1: The first isinheritance, which in herits the unique writing and expression methods of thesoul of the Chinese nation from generation to generation. The reason why aChinese a dragon is the pronoun of perseverance and strength, this isinseparable from the pursuit of brush art with the strongest personality, thenature of the brush needs to be self-taught, moreover, it is recognized thatthe works written by everyone should have a stonger personality, in such aChinese-brush’s nature, China-ink’s water nature, Xuan-paper’s soft nature self”tortured”out of the work is “soft with hard” and “hard with soft”, not to mention theauthor oneself, the author oneself has long been “Xianfengdaogu” already,indviduals are good witnesses of “how steel is made”.

No.2: the secondis innovation. To enhance personal temperament and health, Qin, Chess,Calliraphy and painting, calligraphy art is one of ways to enhance one’s “temperament”.Since ancient times, there have been countless excelent calligraphy artists,they not only inherited the calligraphy art well, but also innovated thecalligraphy art, organically combined calligraphy with self-cultivation, andbecame one of the healthy health preserving methods.

As the modernChinese-brush is upgraded to be used for health care and enhance a personaltemperament, the entertainment of the brush is greatly increased, theChinese-brush entertaiment is obvious in modern companies and families.Personal calligraphy innovation is even more multifarious, all striving to be “thebenchmark of modern art”, because the society needs to be calm, not impetuous,and how to make oneself calm and happy in the noisy city and impetuousatmosphere, the need for artistic innovation is imminent.

The upsurge ofmodern art innovation, especially the innovation of caglligraphy, has beenlasting for a long time, and there is no sign of decline. Many people have felttired of vision five Calligraphy fonts: Kai-writing, Xing-Writing, Li-writing,Cao-writing and Zhuan-writing. It is also reasonable for some “moderncalligraphy art innovation” to appear in the society, the society is callingfor and history is calling for the emergence of new calligraphy art. At thistime,the sixth calligraphy brush art the emergence of Alive-writing font, thebirth of the sixth font is a symbol of the era of modern calligraphy artinnovation, because it is easy to learn, as soon as it comes out, and soonbecome popular.

Alive-writing artwhich are originates in thousands of years of ture root calligraphy, are also anew and unfamilliar calligraphy art that has inherited the essence of ture rootcalligraphy and transported the ture roots and calligraphy of nature to paper.Take the common roots materials in life, use the Chinese brush strokes andrules of the calligraphy composition, take pictures of the roots you see withthe mobile phone in your hand, compare the root pictures, find out the sideradicals of Chinese characters you need, use the common simplifiled Chinese charactersto conceive, turn the lines of Chinese characters into “roots”, patchwork wordsinto works, and use the commonly used Arabic numerals as the ending. Theformula “there is the whole fo find the whole first, not the whole to find theside radicals”, and lowly combine them into the calligraphy works you want.

Alive-writing artis free heart writing, free heart writing is the Alive-writing art method andrule, that is to say, it has no rule , and unique created a breakthough “aheavenly girl scatter flowers” the new rules of composion, is one of the ruleof it, known as “Dunhuang reappearance, flourishing flying”

The sixthAlive-writing art, because the founder Mr.Chenxiaolian realized that the coreif tree root is “human”, “movement” is the human nature, the only constant oftree root is “change”, “change” is the root instinct, “The art of makingoneself happy” defines the Alive-writing art, as its name implies, it is tomake Chinese characters vivivd. Therefore, it is also called “calligraphy andpainting” because it is both a character and a painting, reflecting the factthat painting is written, and the writing formula is “The beginning of thestroke is like a flower, and the end is like a foot”, Alive-writing art becauseof feet and live, because of the shape and move, such as thousands of troopsand horses, magnificent, three hundred and sixty degrees pleasure vision,people never tired seeing .

The real author ofthe Alive-writing art is the reader, just as people are appreciating what theroot of a tree is like. The method of using the Chinese brush in theAlive-writing art: Hiding, Chaneling, Winding, Circle and Drilling. As the artof “making oneself happy”, Alive-writing art have no threshold and artisticbasis, when directly makes you feel the sweet feeling of “I am the uniquecreator”.

Of course, thereare unexpeted gains in the art of Alive-writing, you can also draw and copy thetree root in the air with hand, perhaps, smart you will be inspired tocreate  better calligraphy art, or create a tree root dance “Mysteriousdance” and a tree root fist “Mysterious fist”, so that your infinite creativtycan create more inventions for the benefit of human society.

Above-mentions,the significance of calligraphy is inheritance and innocation, and innovationis the belief of Chinese people, and Alive-writing art also subverted theaesthetic root of tree.

May 25,2020


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