

美国LO3公司如何用区块链技术能源分享 英语新闻难点注释

能源分享 A debate`s growing about whether blockchain technology could change the way people get electricity. Here`s an example of how this could go. Let`s say a home gets it`s energy from it`s own solar panels. It stores more energy than it needs so it`s owner makes an agreement to sell the extra energy to a neighbor. Potentially sharing costs. Potentially moving both these homes from a centralized energy station to their own. There are questions about whether this would work especially when expanded to communities.

What if one home used more energy than others, say for Christmas lights in December or air conditioning in summer? Would the others be willing to settle or make energy sacrifices? What if one family went on vacation, their home used very little energy and they wanted to pay less that month?

Some sort of agreement or binding legal document may be needed. And some analysts suggest this whole idea might work better when it`s combined with current energy stations instead of being used as a replacement for them. But real world experiments are underway.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Imagine a shared economy innovation like Air B&B or Uber for the utility sector that can shift energy generation away from remote power stations into the hands of the community.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: About three years ago, our family along with 11 other neighbors purchased a rooftop solar for our houses. So we were at that point starting to produce more energy than we consumed and that`s when I discovered the Brooklyn Microgrid and their vision for the future of more localized energy system.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Garrett Golden (ph) is part of a developing community powered energy platform which could eventually enable more than 100 homes in his neighborhood to share electricity with one another. So the way the Brooklyn Microgrid works is here in Brooklyn we`ve got a lot of community members that really want to buy energy from people that are producing it here in the community.

LO3 CEO Lawrence Orsini is the man behind one of the world`s first pier to pier energy trade initiatives using blockchain technology. Usually associated with Bitcoin, blockchain technology is used for verifying and recording transactions and is now being leveraged for trading in renewable energy. So I can actually put panels on my roof. I can produce my own electricity. So what that does is that shifts economically the way that we get to participate on an energy grid. Now it`s not just one way anymore. It`s me, participating in this market.

 There are some challenges. Users have to sign up, set up some hardware and an app and there could be Federal regulation down the road. Traditionally, energy has come from a large central station and flowed in one direction. The Brooklyn Microgrid allows power to be generated and distributed locally which they say could take stress off the grid. And with New York`s ambitious plan to power 50 percent of the city with renewable energy by 2030, locally produced clean energy coming from homes like Golden`s might help that transformation. I think what`s really important about this transformation underway in the electric system is as much as it is a technology story, what doesn`t get talked about a lot is it`s also a human story. That has a human impact on how people interact with and think about energy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And this mentality shift is happening globally with similar initiatives taking place in Australia to Germany proving that blockchain technology is about more than just Bitcoin.

保护猴子  Twenty-six squirrel monkeys have arrived at their new home at a wildlife sanctuary facility in Florida. They used to be part of a research study by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says just under 76,000 primates were used in experiments last year and more than 34,000 were held in facilities but not used in studies. People who support animal research say it helps develop drugs and medical treatments that benefit people, pets, farm animals and wildlife.

People who oppose it say it`s inhumane and wasteful and that computer models could replace animals in research. Regardless of where folks stand, the monkeys that recently arrived in Florida will soon stand on grass for the first time. But that has to happen gradually since the outside is something completely new to them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`ve never been outside. So they`ve never felt the sun on their face or the grass under their feet or rain or wind. It`s all going to be such a new experience for them. Bongo. Casey. You too Jenny (ph).  Not only from laboratory research but we`ve got monkeys from the exotic pet trade from defunct animal facilities, zoos. White Coast Waste Project first uncovered the nicotine testing experiments on monkeys in 2016 and immediately launched a grassroots campaign who united to get these monkeys out of the lab. And get them sent down here to Jungle Friends where they can live out the rest of their lives. No other monkeys have ever retired from the FDA.

And we`re absolutely thrilled that they showed incredibly bold leadership and did the right thing for the monkeys. They have the same emotions that we do and you can just watch their little wheels turning in their head. You know, and they`re just so funny. They have a sense of humor. 

能源分享 注释

1. blockchain数据区块链技术。是记录比特币流通情况的透明化账单。是分布式数据存储、点对点传输、共识机制、加密算法等计算机技术的 新型应用模式。

2. electricity

3. solar panel太阳电池板

4. store存储

5. owner所有者

6. centralized中央控制的

7. energy station能源站

8. community社区

9. say-例如

10. light

11. air conditioning空调

12. what if...假使…将会怎么样

13. settle买单,偿付

14. make energy sacrifices多付电费

15. go on vacation度假

16. binding有法律约束力的

17. legal document法律文件

18. current现在的

19. replacement更换

20. real-wo  rld现实生活中的

21. experiment试验

22. underway在进行中的

23. shared economy共享经济

24. innovation创新

25. Air B&B爱彼迎(Air Bed and Breakfast),总部设在美国加州旧金山市的旅行房屋租赁服务型网站

26. Uber/uː.bər/ 优步,美国科技公司,打车应用Uber开发商。

27. utility sector公用事业部门

28. generation(尤指电、热等)产生

29. remote偏远的

30. into the hands of sb(交)到某人手中

31. purchase购买

32. rooftop solar 屋顶太阳能电池板

33. consume消费

34. discover发现

35. Brooklyn Microgrid布鲁克林微电网,一个虚拟交易平台,使太阳能生产商将超额电力卖给电网中中的买家。

36. vision愿景

37. localized局限于特定地区的

38. community-powered社区提供电力的

39. platform平台

40. neighborhood民区

41. LO3--纽约布鲁克林的区块链创业公司,创建世界上第一个区块链微电网,使用区块链技术来推动点对点能源传输。

42. CEO首席执行官(chief executive officer

43. pier to pier码头到码头,此指点对点,即个人或社区供电商对用户,而非电网对用户。

44. trade initiative交易方案

45. associated with与…有关系

46. Bitcoin比特币

47. verify核实;查证

48. transaction交易

49. leverage /'liːv(ə)rɪdʒ; 'lev(ə)rɪdʒ/充分利用〔资源、观点等〕

50. renewable可再生的

51. panel此指太阳能电池板

52. economically经济地;实惠地

53. participate参与

54. grid电网

55. one way单向

56. challenge挑战

57. sign up签约参加

58. set up 安排; 创建

59. hardware硬件

60. app/æp/ application program的缩写。应用软件

61. Federal联邦政府的

62. regulation规条

63. down the road将来

64. flow in one directon单向流动

65. generate产生 (电等能量)

66. distribute分配,分送

67. locally在本地

68. take stress off ....缓解对.....压力

69. ambitious野心勃勃的

70. power......提供动力

71. transformation转变

72. as much as正如.....

73. have an impact on.....有影响

74. interact互相作用

75. mentality shift转变意识,转变思维意识

76. globally全球范围内


77. squirrel monkey松鼠猴

78. wildlife sanctuary facility野生动物保护中心ˈsæŋktʃuəri/

79. research study调查研究

80. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)美国食品药品监督管理局

81. Department of Agriculture美国农业部

82. primate灵长类的动物/ˈpraɪmeɪt/

83. be held in facilities关在(保护)设施中

84. develop研发

85. medical treatment治疗,医疗

86. farm animal家畜,耕畜

87. inhumane/ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪn/不人道的

88. wasteful浪费的

89. computer model计算机模型

90. regardless of where folks stand不管大家立场如何

91. exotic pet 作为宠物来豢养的野生动物

92. defunct 废弃的

93. White Coast Waste Project“反对白大褂浪费”工程,一个美国动物保护组织。旨在反对美国政府浪费150亿美元税收做动物医学实验。

94. uncover揭露

95. nicotine尼古丁 /'nɪkətiːn/

96. launch发起

97. grassroots campaign草根运动

98. get sb sent down to ....把某人送到......

99. Jungle Friends森林之友。Kari Bagnall女士创立的灵长类动物保护中心,收养实验室弃用的、当局罚没的、非法交易中解救的灵长类动物。

100. live out the rest of their lives渡过余生

101. retire退休

102. thrilled非常激动的

103. incredibly非常地i,ɪnˋkrɛdəblɪ/

104. leadership领导力

105. wheels turn in one’s head-- think carefully about something思考

106. sense of humor幽默感

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