

FREE Globalization vs. Protectionism Essay

            In the modern age, we have seen progressively diminishing borders and boundaries that once separated the world and its people. Although we look at the idea of the shrinking world as a new one, the idea of global shrinking has been around since civilizations began to trade with one another. Because of globalization, the world has had to adjust and redevelop its self in the new image. Now countries are not bound by the lack of natural resources or a small labor force because it is no longer necessary to have to have all of these resources to compete in the global market place. Globalization has already done a great deal of good for the world, but at the same time has destroyed the cultures of various countries and taken away unique local economies. .
            Many people around the world feel threatened by this global community and free trade. They are worried that jobs are going to be taken away. The United States is making the transition from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy. This shift in manufacturing has a caused a great loss of low income jobs. People are no longer able to graduate from high school and get a job working in a mill their whole lives. No longer are people able to live off of the wages of one low income worker. Now it seems that many people are fighting to stay afloat in a world that requires both spouses to work. .
            When we talk about globalization, we need to clarify which type we are referring to. On one hand there is corporate globalization, which controls most of our current views on the world trade situation. This is the belief is that globalization is formed and run mainly by multinational corporations. These corporations want to use globalization to support their own interests and reduce all tariffs and quotas restricting worldwide free trade. The only thing that corporations care about is making money and in the process usually neglect their factory workers.

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It became a referendum on the basic direction of American trade policy; on the issue of free trade vs. protectionism. ... Samuelson of the Washington Post wrote; 'The issue is no longer 'free trade' vs. 'protectionism,' because history and technology have settled that question. ... Although the Fast Track was defeated, the US continued to become increasingly involved in the global economy. Protectionism may have won that battle, but free trade is winning the war and will continue triumph. ...

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  • Has Bibliography

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