

面试 | 英文面试 : 如何回答我的五年计划?(含模板)这题很难!


Where do you see yourself in five years?

可替代的但本质上是一模一样的有:Tell me about your plans in five years.




1. 解除面试者对你“投机面试”的顾虑。不要让他以为,你是海投了100家公司之后,中了一家,就随随便便来面试了

2. 你要让面试者相信你有计划留在公司,并和公司一起成长(grow with the company)

3. 表达出你对公司的足够了解,找出公司可以带给你的职位升迁(move up in the company)和发展路线(比如,专员-资深专员-项目组长-部门经理)

4. 如果组织内部有多种升迁的方式,请指出发展道路,以及可供选择的职位,结合个人兴趣和公司发展需求,说出你设想的职业道路(比如你以前是marketing部门的专员,可是你经过研究发现,工作一年之后进入Branding部门也是可以的,请在面试中指出你的兴趣点

5. 说出你对进入公司是有目的的,有积极性的(you are motivated),你对如何做得比Job Description更多更好,有明确的计划(Doing more in the company)

6. 避免提及一个具体的工作职位,因为第一年进公司不免部门调动或者轮岗

7. 不要提及个人的目标和计划(too personal goals or plans)


My goal is that in five years, I will be working in a managerial position in this company. I see the next few years here at Qiaobutang as an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge to run one of the departments in this company.

One of the reasons I am applying for this position is that this is a large company with a lot of opportunities for advancement. If I continue working in the department where this position is, I hope to be a senior manager with a hand in shaping the strategic plans for development in this area of technology.

Another possibility in five years is to transfer to one of the regional offices, where I would oversee local operations. Ultimately, the direction I would take in this company depends on many factors, such as the changing priorities of the market, the expertise I will have gained at the end of the five years, and the changing needs of the company.

I have worn different hats in the companies I have once interned, and my flexibility has allowed me fill the needs of different companies. I hope to have even more opportunities to learn and advance here at Qiaobutang, and to contribute to its future growth.


  • 第一段

My goal is that in five years, I will be working in a managerial position (可换,这里是管理职位,适合管理培训生,可换成software development/ product design)in this company. I see the next few years here at Qiaobutang(公司名字,可换,这里是乔布堂) as an opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge(体现自己是学习型人才) to run one of the departments in this company.


  • 第二段

One of the reasons I am applying for this position is that this is a large company with a lot of opportunities for advancement(提高,提升,简直是加分词). If I continue working in the department where this position is, I hope to be a senior manager(升迁职位,高级经理) with a hand in shaping the strategic plans(高级经理职责是战略计划) for development in this area of technology. (指明是科技领域的高级经理

  • 第三段

Another possibility in five years is to transfer to one of the regional offices, where I would oversee local operations(负责海外业务). Ultimately, the direction I would take in this company depends on many factors, such as the changing priorities(市场优先级) of the market, the expertise (能力,专长)I will have gained at the end of the five years, and the changing needs of the company(公司发展需要).


  • 第四段

I have worn different hats in the companies I have once interned, and my flexibility(自身的灵活性) has allowed me fill the needs of different companies. I hope to have even more opportunities to learn and advance here at Qiaobutang, and to contribute to its future growth.(为公司发展做贡献)这一段是给出你为什么适合这样的职业发展途径:因为之前的实习做过不同职位,我可以胜任这样的工作。给出例子让面试者信服。思路是纵向(部门内升迁)和横向(不同地区业务)来说职业发展,然后给出事例佐证你的观点。有点像辩论的立论神马的。


At the end of three years in college, I intend to study to be a leading expert in the field of marketing. That’s why I want to work for Qiaobutang. As a leader in the industry, Qiaobutang has the resources, talent, and the vision to be the best in the business. Working for this company is an ambition for many people in this field, and I’m no different.

If I’m hired, I plan to cultivate new accounts in industries that Qiaobutang has not yet explored, including the automotive and healthcare fields. By doing this, I hope to break new ground for this company and to expand its influence in the marketplace. I see being here at this company long term, not only to continue to build my expertise, but to influence the direction that this company will take in the next ten years.

I could do this in any number of official roles in the company, such as managing a region or heading one of the main offices.  I’ve had the opportunity to work all over the country, but I consider this city my home. Working with  Qiaobutang would allow me to come back to my hometown, where I’d plan to stay for a long time. I can’t think of a better place to call my new professional home than Qiaobutang.

  • 第一段

At the end of three years in college, I intend to study to be a leading expert in the field of marketing.(专业可换) That’s why I want to work for Qiaobutang(申请企业可换,这里是乔布堂). As a leader in the industry, Qiaobutang has the resources, talent, and the vision to be the best in the business. Working for this company is an ambition for many people in this field, and I’m no different. 首先一句话简单带过自己的专业背景。然后说为啥要来这个企业工作,因为企业有资源,有资质,有发展远见。

  • 第二段

If I’m hired(经典短语,如果我被雇佣), I plan to cultivate new accounts in industries that Qiaobutang has not yet explored, including the automotive and healthcare fields.(我为企业开拓新的业务领域,比如AA和BB) By doing this, I hope to break new ground for this company and to expand its influence in the marketplace.(谈论为什么这样设想:可以增加市场影响力)I see being here at this company long term,(长期发展!加分词) not only to continue to build my expertise, but to influence the direction that this company will take in the next ten years.(体现和公司一起成长,表忠心,不仅发展自己,也发展公司)

  • 第三段

I could do this in any number of official roles(行政工作,新人不易冒进) in the company, such as managing a region or heading one of the main offices.(区域办公室) I’ve had the opportunity to study and interned in Beijing(可换,说你上学的城市), but I consider this city my home(说你回到家乡工作). Working with  Qiaobutang would allow me to come back to my hometown, where I’d plan to stay for a long time. I can’t think of a better place to call my new professional home than Qiaobutang.最后一段,可以适当删改或者换说法。在家乡工作可以让面试官认为你在公司有长远发展的计划,有职业稳定性。最后还是那句话,模板写出来还是我的模板,自己加入自己的细节,完善了背诵了,就是你的专属模板。







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(3) How do you see yourself in five years' time?
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