


2023.05.15 重庆




第一条 博览会名称、地址及期限

Article 1 Name, address and duration of the fair

第二条 展前审查

Article 2. Pre-exhibition review

第三条 展中投诉处理

Article 3. Complaint handling in the exhibition

第四条 违约责任

Article 4 Liability for breach

第五条 争议解决方式

Article 5 Dispute Settlement

第六条 其他事项

Article 6 Miscellaneous

附件一 参展知识产权承诺书

Attachment 1



第二条 展前审查 Article 2. Pre-exhibition review

1. 乙方应当在参展前自行检查参展项目的知识产权内容,并于年 月 日前向甲方提交《参展知识产权承诺书》(见附件一)。

1. Party B shall make self-inspection of the contents of the intellectual property rights of its exhibited items prior to the exhibition and shall, prior to the ___ day ___ month ____ year, submit the Commitment to Exhibit Intellectual Property Rights (refer to Annex I) to Party A

2. 乙方应当携带与参展项目相关的权利证明原件或者复印件参展,并按照有关规定对参展项目标注知识产权标记、标识。

2. Party B shall take along the original or a copy of the proof of rights related to the exhibited items and label the exhibited items with the intellectual property mark and logo in accordance with the relevant regulations.

3. 甲方或甲方设立的知识产权投诉机构 (以下简称“投诉机构”)有权在博览会开始前对乙方参展项目知识产权状况进行审查,审查内容包括:展品、展台、展板、相关宣传资料及其他。

3. Party A or the complaints body for intellectual property rights which established by Party A (hereinafter referred to as the Complaints Body) shall, prior to the commencement of the Fair, have the right to examine the intellectual property rights of Party B's exhibits, including exhibits, booths, panels, related promotional materials and others.

4. 乙方应当积极配合甲方的展前审查工作,并于年 月 日前向甲方提交审查所需物品及资料。

4. Party B shall make active cooperation with Party A in the pre-exhibition review and, prior to the ___ day ___ month ____ year, submit the items and materials required to Party A for the review.

5. 甲方的展前审查工作应当于年 月 日前完成。甲方发现乙方的参展项目可能引起知识产权纠纷的,有权督促乙方再查或者采取相应措施。

5. Party A's pre-show review should be completed prior to the ___ day ___ month ____ year, and if Party A believe Party B's exhibits maybe give rise to intellectual property disputes, has the right to urge Party B to re-investigate or take appropriate measures.

第三条 展中投诉处理

Article 3. Complaint handling in the exhibition

1. 甲方应当向乙方提供与博览会有关的知识产权保护法律和相关专业技术方面的宣传咨询服务。

1. Party A shall provide Party B with information and advisory services on the legal and technical aspects of IPR protection in relation to the Fair.

2. 甲方应当在显著位置向乙方公示知识产权行政管理部门的受案范围和联系方式,并公布甲方或者投诉机构的服务事项、投诉程序、投诉地点和联系方式。

2. Party A shall, in a prominent position, publicize to Party B the case scope and contact information of the intellectual property administrative department, and publish the service matters, complaint procedures, complaint locations and contact details of Party A or the complaining body.

3. 乙方应当依据中华人民共和国关于知识产权的相关法律规定,规范使用其参展项目涉及的知识产权。

3. Party B shall standardize the use of the intellectual property rights involved in its exhibits in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China on intellectual property rights.

4. 乙方认为其他参展方的参展项目侵犯其知识产权的,有权向甲方投诉,也可以自行与该参展方交涉,但不得扰乱博览会秩序。

4. Provided that Party B considers the exhibition items of other exhibitors infringe its intellectual property rights, it shall have the right to complain to Party A, or may negotiate with the exhibitors in question by itself, however shall not disturb the order of the fair.

5. 甲方应当按照《博览会知识产权投诉处理程序》(见附件二),接受乙方对其他参展方或第三方对乙方的知识产权侵权投诉。

5. Party A shall accept complaints from Party B in respect of IPR infringement by other exhibitors or third parties against Party B in accordance with the Procedures for Handling IPR Complaints at the Fair (refer to Annex II).

6. 甲方接受投诉后,有权对投诉涉及的情况进行调查处理,对乙方的参展项目采取拍照、复印、录像等措施,并在各方自愿的基础上进行调解。

6. Party A has the right, upon receipt of complaint, to investigate and deal with the issues involved in the complaint, take measures such as photographing, photocopying and video recording of Party B's exhibits, and conduct mediation on a voluntary basis between the parties.

7. 乙方被投诉的,应当积极配合甲方的调查处理,并根据甲方的要求提交书面陈述意见和相关证据材料,做出不侵权的举证。

7. Party B, upon being complained, shall actively cooperate with Party A in the investigation and handling of the cases, and submit written statements and relevant evidential materials in light of Party A’s requirements, in addition to make evidence of non-infringement.

8. 甲方应当妥善保管投诉有关资料,并根据乙方的要求对投诉涉及的有关情况出具相关事实证明,提供相关证据材料。

8. Party A shall properly keep the relevant materials of the complaint, and provide relevant evidence of facts and relevant materials related to the complaint in light of Party B's requirements.

9. 甲方应当对在合同履行过程中掌握的乙方商业秘密承担保密义务。

9. Party A shall keep confidential Party B's trade secrets which acknowledged during the performance of the Contract.

第四条 违约责任

Article 4 Liability for breach

1. 属于下列情况的,甲方有权要求乙方立即采取撤展、遮盖等处理措施:

1. Party A shall have the right to require Party B to take immediate measures to remove or cover up the exhibition in the following cases.

(1) 生效的法律文书确认乙方参展项目侵犯第三方知识产权的;

(1) Effective legal documents confirm that Party B's exhibition project infringes the intellectual property rights of a third party;

(2) 乙方承认其参展项目涉嫌侵权的;

(2) Party B’s admission of its infringement of the exhibition item;

(3) 乙方无正当理由拒不提供陈述意见和相关证据材料的。

(3) Party B refuses to submit representations and relevant evidential materials without valid reasons.

2. 属于下列情况的,甲方有权直接对乙方参展项目采取撤展或者遮盖等处理措施,并由乙方承担甲方采取处理措施的费用。情节严重的,甲方有权终止乙方的参展资格:

2. Party A has the right to directly take measures, for the following cases, such as withdrawing or covering the exhibits of Party B which shall bear the expense of the measures taken by Party A. In serious cases, Party A has the right to terminate Party B's eligibility to exhibit.

(1) 乙方拒不采取撤展、遮盖等处理措施的;

(1) Party B’s refusal of taking measures to remove or cover up the exhibition;

(2) 采取撤展、遮盖等处理措施后乙方擅自恢复的;

(2) Party B’s re-preparation of the exhibit without permission subsequent to taking measures to remove or cover it up;

(3) 乙方拒不配合甲方的调查处理的。

(3) Party B refusal of taking cooperation with Party A's investigation and handling.

3. 除前款情况外,甲方直接采取撤展、遮盖等处理措施给乙方造成损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。

3. Except as the cases specified in the preceding paragraph, Party A shall be liable for the damages caused to Party B due to Party A’s direct action to remove or cover up the exhibition or other handling measures.

4. 乙方与第三方的交涉扰乱了博览会秩序的,甲方有权要求乙方立即停止交涉,通过投诉机构解决知识产权纠纷;乙方拒不停止交涉的,甲方有权终止乙方的参展资格。

4. Where Party B's negotiation with third parties disturb the order of the fair, Party A has the right to request Party B to stop the same immediately and, through the complaint agency, resolve the IPR dispute; where Party B refuses to stop the dealings, Party A has the right to terminate Party B's eligibility to exhibit.

5. 甲方违反保密义务的,应当承担由此给乙方造成的损失。

5. Party A in breach its confidentiality obligations shall bear the losses caused to Party B as a result.


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