


1. Visa - 签证 - I need to apply for a visa before I can travel to China. (我需要在去中国之前申请签证。)

2. Passport - 护照 - Make sure your passport is valid for at least six months before you travel. (确保你的护照在旅行前至少还有六个月的有效期。)

3. Immigration - 移民局 - You will need to go through immigration when you arrive at the airport. (当你到达机场时,你需要通过移民局。)

4. Consulate - 领事馆 - You can apply for a visa at the nearest consulate or embassy. (你可以在最近的领事馆或大使馆申请签证。)

5. Entry requirements - 入境要求 - Make sure you are aware of the entry requirements before you travel. (确保你在旅行前了解入境要求。)

6. Duration of stay - 停留期限 - The duration of stay allowed on your visa will be stated on the document. (你签证上允许停留的期限会在文件上说明。)

7. Extension - 延期 - If you need to stay longer than your visa allows, you will need to apply for an extension. (如果你需要停留的时间超过签证允许的时间,你需要申请延期。)

8. Multiple entry - 多次入境 - A multiple entry visa allows you to enter and exit the country multiple times within a certain period. (多次入境签证允许你在一定期限内多次进出该国家。)

9. Single entry - 单次入境 - A single entry visa allows you to enter the country only once. (单次入境签证只允许你进入该国一次。)

10. Work permit - 工作许可证 - You will need a work permit if you plan to work in the country. (如果你计划在该国工作,你需要一份工作许可证。)

11. Student visa - 学生签证 - If you plan to study in the country, you will need a student visa. (如果你计划在该国学习,你需要一份学生签证。)

12. Tourist visa - 旅游签证 - A tourist visa is required for those who plan to visit the country for leisure or sightseeing purposes. (旅游签证适用于那些计划为休闲或观光目的而访问该国的人。)

13. Business visa - 商务签证 - A business visa is required for those who plan to conduct business activities in the country. (商务签证适用于那些计划在该国从事商业活动的人。)

14. Transit visa - 过境签证 - If you are transiting through a country, you may need a transit visa. (如果你要通过一个国家,你可能需要一份过境签证。)

15. Visa application form - 签证申请表格 - You will need to fill out a visa application form when applying for a visa. (当申请签证时,你需要填写一份签证申请表格。)

16. Visa fee - 签证费用 - You will need to pay a visa fee when applying for a visa. (当申请签证时,你需要支付签证费用。)

17. Visa processing time - 签证处理时间 - The visa processing time can vary depending on the country and type of visa. (签证处理时间会根据国家和签证类型而有所不同。)

18. Visa validity - 签证有效期 - The visa validity refers to the period of time during which you can use the visa to enter the country. (签证有效期是指你可以使用签证进入该国的时间段。)

19. Immigration officer - 移民官员 - You will need to present your documents to the immigration officer when you arrive at the airport. (当你到达机场时,你需要向移民官员出示你的文件。)

20. Border control - 边境管制 - Border control is responsible for monitoring who enters and exits the country. (边境管制负责监控谁进出该国。)

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