


2023.08.12 重庆



The employer should as per contract agreement make any contract cost in time.


Before the designer submits all design documents. the design charge is all squared by the employer, and no final payment left.

The employer should as per contract agreement organize the completion acceptance in time.


The employer should abide by the laws and conduct the permission, approval and filing, which are stipulated by laws, include inter alia Planning permission of construction used land, Permission of construction project planning, Permission of project execution, and other permissions or approvals for temporary water, temporary power, interrupt traffic, temporary use land, and so on. The employer should assist the contractor to conduct the licenses and approval documents for construction, which are stipulated by laws.


The employer should require its personnel on site to abide by the laws and regulations of safety, quality, environmental protection, ordered construction and so on, and indemnify the contractor against the loss and liability due to the employer personnel to observe above requirements.


Unless otherwise stipulated in the particular condition the employer should no later than seven days prior to the commencement date hand over the site to the contractor.

提供施工条件 Provision of construction conditions


Except otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should provide the necessary conditions for construction including:


The facilities of water, power and communication lines, which necessary for construction, should be connected into the site.


Ensure to provide the contractor with the normal and usual transportation and communication conditions necessary for entering the site.


Coordination of treatment for the underground pipelines around the site in addition to the protection of the adjacent buildings, structures and famous trees and undertake related costs thereof.


Provision of other facilities and conditions which should be provided pursuant to the particular condition.


The employer should, prior to transfer the site, make available to the contractor with the data which are necessary for the site and construction, concerned the adjacent zone’s drainage, supplies of water, power, gas, heat and underground pipelines of communication and radio / TV and so on, in addition to the information of meteorological, hydrological observation and geology survey, and the basis information in relation to the adjacent buildings, structures and underground engineering, and should be liable for the authenticity and completeness of the submitted data.

The Employer shall (where he is in a position to do so) provide reasonable assistance to the Contractor at the request of the Contractor:

雇主应(按其所能) 根据承包商的请求,对其提供以下合理的协助:

(a) by obtaining copies of the Laws of the Country which are relevant to the Contract but are not readily available, and


(b) for the Contractor’s applications for any permits, licenses or approvals required by the Laws of the Country:


The Employer shall submit, within 28 days after receiving any request from the Contractor, reasonable evidence that financial arrangements have been made and are being maintained which will enable the Employer to pay the Contract Price (as estimated at that time) in accordance with Clause 14 [Contract Price and Payment]. If the Employer intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars.


Unless otherwise stipulated in particular condition the employer should within 28 days following receipt of the contractor’s written notice of requiring provision of Fund Resource Certificate, make available to the contractor with the certificate of fund resource to have capacity to make contract payment.


The Employer shall deliver basic materials and documents to the designer within the specified time in accordance requirements stipulated in Article 5, and shall be responsible for their completeness, correctness and time limit. The employer shall not request the designer to design by violating the concerned national standards.

The employer promises to the contractor that he shall pay to the contractor the contract price and any other payable amounts in accordance with the payment terms and methods as agreed in the contract.



The Owner shall make available the Site and grant the Contractor free and uninterrupted access thereto throughout the duration of this Contract.


The Owner shall provide those items and facilities specified in Appendix (…) at the time therein established.


The Owner will obtain from the relevant Authorities those licenses and permits necessary to construct and operate the Plant on the Site including work permit for the Contractor's employees.


Employer's Responsibilities


If under Clause 66 the Employer shall carry out work on the Site with his own workmen he shall, in respect of such works:


have full regard to the safety of all persons entitled to the upon the Site, and


keep the Site in an orderly state appropriate to the avoidance of danger to such persons.


If under Clause 66 the Employer shall employ other contractors on the Site he shall require them to have the same regard for safety and avoidance of danger.

The Client shall pay an advance payment to the Supervisor prior to the commencement of the services of the Supervisor, if such advance payment is stated in the Conditions of Particular Application.



Rights and Obligations of Party A


Party A shall provide FIVE copies of confirmed construction drawings and explanations of work procedures, and shall conduct technical clarification. Party A shall provide Party B with necessary water and power equipment and the instructions on using the equipment.


Party A should make payments to Party B according to the payment terms.


When Party A confirms the pre-construction and construction drawings, he must also make sure there is sufficient space available at the construction site for construction to take place. Party A must make sure that Party B has everything necessary on site for completion of the construction, particularly electricity and water.


Party A must take care of the public relations in the construction site area – particularly with the neighbors.


The employer should complete the following work according to the content and time specified in special terms.


Expropriate land, compensate for resettlement and level off land for construction. After the construction starts, the employer will continue to deal with the left problems of the above work.


Connect wires and pipes for water, power and telecommunication from outside to the site specified in special terms to meet construction demands.


Build passages between construction site and public roads and also main roads in the construction site which are specified in special terms. This is to guarantee smooth traffic during construction.


Provide information on construction geography and underground pipelines of construction site to the contractor. The employer should be responsible for truth and veracity of the information provided.


Apply license for the construction and other certificates and approvals for construction (Certificates that prove aptitude of the contractor are excluded). Get approvals for temporary land use, cut-off of water supply, cut-off of power supply, intermission of traffic and blast practice.


Rights and Responsibilities of Party A


Being responsible for the provision of execution drawing including the amended same thereof and issue the explanation and interpretation on the related safety and technology.


Being responsible for the construction Setting out and inspection / acceptance of engineering in addition to the quality management of technical quality on site as well as for coordinating construction.


Making the payment of project cost to party B.

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