


  * ICMP messages are transmitted within IP datagrams
  ICMP messages encapsulated within an IP datagram

  ICMP message

* ICMP message types
  Here we will show you a incomplete list of permitted ICMP control messages
0 – Echo Reply[4]0Echo reply (used to ping)
1 and 2Reserved
3 – Destination Unreachable[5]0Destination network unreachable
1Destination host unreachable
2Destination protocol unreachable
3Destination port unreachable
4Fragmentation required, and DF flag set
5Source route failed
6Destination network unknown
7Destination host unknown
8Source host isolated
9Network administratively prohibited
10Host administratively prohibited
11Network unreachable for TOS
12Host unreachable for TOS
13Communication administratively prohibited
4 – Source Quench0Source quench (congestion control)
5 – Redirect Message0Redirect Datagram for the Network
1Redirect Datagram for the Host
2Redirect Datagram for the TOS & network
3Redirect Datagram for the TOS & host
6Alternate Host Address
8 – Echo Request0Echo request
9 – Router Advertisement0Router Advertisement
10 – Router Solicitation0Router discovery/selection/solicitation
11 – Time Exceeded[6]0TTL expired in transit
1Fragment reassembly time exceeded
12 – Parameter Problem: Bad IP header0Pointer indicates the error
1Missing a required option
2Bad length
13 – Timestamp0Timestamp
14 – Timestamp Reply0Timestamp reply
15 – Information Request0Information Request
16 – Information Reply0Information Reply
17 – Address Mask Request0Address Mask Request
18 – Address Mask Reply0Address Mask Reply
19Reserved for security
20 through 29Reserved for robustness experiment
30 – Traceroute0Information Request
31Datagram Conversion Error
32Mobile Host Redirect
33Where-Are-You (originally meant for IPv6)
34Here-I-Am (originally meant for IPv6)
35Mobile Registration Request
36Mobile Registration Reply
37Domain Name Request
38Domain Name Reply
39SKIP Algorithm Discovery Protocol, Simple Key-Management for Internet Protocol
40Photuris, Security failures
41ICMP for experimental mobility protocols such as Seamoby [RFC4065]
42 through 255Reserved

  list of permitted control messages

  When an ICMP error message is sent, the message always contains the IP header and the first 8 bytes of the IP datagram that caused the ICMP error to be generated. This lets the receiving ICMP module associate the message with one particular protocol(TCP or UDP from the protocol field in the IP header) and one particular user process(from the TCP or UDP port numbers that are in the TCP or UDP header contained in the first 8 bytes of the IP datagram).

  An ICMP error message is never generated in response to 
  1)an icmp error message
  2)a datagram destined to an ip broadcast address or an ip multicast address
  3)a datagram sent as a link-layer broadcast
  4)a fragment other than the first
  5)a datagram whose source address does not define a single host.(means:the source address can not be 0, a loopback address, a broadcast address, a multicast address).
These rules are meant to prevent the broadcast storms that have occurred in the past when ICMP errors were sent in response to broadcast packets.

* ICMP address mask request request and reply
  the ICMP address mask request is intended for a diskless system to obtain its subnet mask at bootstrap time(the same as a diskless system using RARP to obtain its IP address at bootstrap time). An alternative method is the BOOTP protocol.
  ICMP address mask request and reply messages

  you can get more through here
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