



  • 监督学习
  • 1. 线性回归
  • 2. 逻辑回归
  • 3. 神经网络
  • 4. SVM支持向量机
  • 5. K邻近
  • 6. 贝叶斯
  • 7. 决策树
  • 8. 集成学习(Adaboost)
  • 非监督学习
  • 9. 降维—主成分分析
  • 10. 聚类分析


1. 线性回归


import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,0]y_data = data[:,1]# 学习率learning ratelr = 0.0001# 截距b = 0 # 斜率k = 0 # 最大迭代次数epochs = 50# 最小二乘法def compute_error(b, k, x_data, y_data): totalError = 0 for i in range(0, len(x_data)): totalError += (y_data[i] - (k * x_data[i] + b)) ** 2 return totalError / float(len(x_data)) / 2.0def gradient_descent_runner(x_data, y_data, b, k, lr, epochs): # 计算总数据量 m = float(len(x_data)) # 循环epochs次 for i in range(epochs): b_grad = 0 k_grad = 0 # 计算梯度的总和再求平均 for j in range(0, len(x_data)): b_grad += (1/m) * (((k * x_data[j]) + b) - y_data[j]) k_grad += (1/m) * x_data[j] * (((k * x_data[j]) + b) - y_data[j]) # 更新b和k b = b - (lr * b_grad) k = k - (lr * k_grad) return b, kprint('Starting b = {0}, k = {1}, error = {2}'.format(b, k, compute_error(b, k, x_data, y_data)))print('Running...')b, k = gradient_descent_runner(x_data, y_data, b, k, lr, epochs)print('After {0} iterations b = {1}, k = {2}, error = {3}'.format(epochs, b, k, compute_error(b, k, x_data, y_data)))#画图plt.plot(x_data, y_data, 'b.')plt.plot(x_data, k*x_data + b, 'r')plt.show()


import numpy as npfrom numpy import genfromtxtimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt  from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # 读入数据 data = genfromtxt(r'Delivery.csv',delimiter=',')# 切分数据x_data = data[:,:-1]y_data = data[:,-1]# 学习率learning ratelr = 0.0001# 参数theta0 = 0theta1 = 0theta2 = 0# 最大迭代次数epochs = 1000# 最小二乘法def compute_error(theta0, theta1, theta2, x_data, y_data):    totalError = 0    for i in range(0, len(x_data)):        totalError += (y_data[i] - (theta1 * x_data[i,0] + theta2*x_data[i,1] + theta0)) ** 2    return totalError / float(len(x_data))def gradient_descent_runner(x_data, y_data, theta0, theta1, theta2, lr, epochs):    # 计算总数据量    m = float(len(x_data))    # 循环epochs次    for i in range(epochs):        theta0_grad = 0        theta1_grad = 0        theta2_grad = 0        # 计算梯度的总和再求平均        for j in range(0, len(x_data)):            theta0_grad += (1/m) * ((theta1 * x_data[j,0] + theta2*x_data[j,1] + theta0) - y_data[j])            theta1_grad += (1/m) * x_data[j,0] * ((theta1 * x_data[j,0] + theta2*x_data[j,1] + theta0) - y_data[j])            theta2_grad += (1/m) * x_data[j,1] * ((theta1 * x_data[j,0] + theta2*x_data[j,1] + theta0) - y_data[j])        # 更新b和k        theta0 = theta0 - (lr*theta0_grad)        theta1 = theta1 - (lr*theta1_grad)        theta2 = theta2 - (lr*theta2_grad)    return theta0, theta1, theta2print('Starting theta0 = {0}, theta1 = {1}, theta2 = {2}, error = {3}'.      format(theta0, theta1, theta2, compute_error(theta0, theta1, theta2, x_data, y_data)))print('Running...')theta0, theta1, theta2 = gradient_descent_runner(x_data, y_data, theta0, theta1, theta2, lr, epochs)print('After {0} iterations theta0 = {1}, theta1 = {2}, theta2 = {3}, error = {4}'.      format(epochs, theta0, theta1, theta2, compute_error(theta0, theta1, theta2, x_data, y_data)))ax = plt.figure().add_subplot(111, projection = '3d') ax.scatter(x_data[:,0], x_data[:,1], y_data, c = 'r', marker = 'o', s = 100) #点为红色三角形  x0 = x_data[:,0]x1 = x_data[:,1]# 生成网格矩阵x0, x1 = np.meshgrid(x0, x1)z = theta0 + x0*theta1 + x1*theta2# 画3D图ax.plot_surface(x0, x1, z)#设置坐标轴  ax.set_xlabel('Miles')  ax.set_ylabel('Num of Deliveries')  ax.set_zlabel('Time')    #显示图像  plt.show()  



import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_reportfrom sklearn import preprocessing# 数据是否需要标准化scale = True# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('LR-testSet.csv', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,:-1]y_data = data[:,-1] def plot(): x0 = [] x1 = [] y0 = [] y1 = [] # 切分不同类别的数据 for i in range(len(x_data)): if y_data[i]==0: x0.append(x_data[i,0]) y0.append(x_data[i,1]) else: x1.append(x_data[i,0]) y1.append(x_data[i,1]) # 画图 scatter0 = plt.scatter(x0, y0, c='b', marker='o') scatter1 = plt.scatter(x1, y1, c='r', marker='x') #画图例 plt.legend(handles=[scatter0,scatter1],labels=['label0','label1'],loc='best') plot()#查看数据plt.show()
# 数据处理,添加偏置项x_data = data[:,:-1]y_data = data[:,-1,np.newaxis]print(np.mat(x_data).shape)print(np.mat(y_data).shape)# 给样本添加偏置项X_data = np.concatenate((np.ones((100,1)),x_data),axis=1)def sigmoid(x):    return 1.0/(1+np.exp(-x))def cost(xMat, yMat, ws):    left = np.multiply(yMat, np.log(sigmoid(xMat*ws)))    right = np.multiply(1 - yMat, np.log(1 - sigmoid(xMat*ws)))    return np.sum(left + right) / -(len(xMat))def gradAscent(xArr, yArr):        if scale == True:        xArr = preprocessing.scale(xArr)    xMat = np.mat(xArr)    yMat = np.mat(yArr)        lr = 0.001    epochs = 10000    costList = []    # 计算数据行列数    # 行代表数据个数,列代表权值个数    m,n = np.shape(xMat)    # 初始化权值    ws = np.mat(np.ones((n,1)))        for i in range(epochs+1):                     # xMat和weights矩阵相乘        h = sigmoid(xMat*ws)           # 计算误差        ws_grad = xMat.T*(h - yMat)/m        ws = ws - lr*ws_grad                 if i % 50 == 0:            costList.append(cost(xMat,yMat,ws))    return ws,costList# 训练模型,得到权值和cost值的变化ws,costList = gradAscent(X_data, y_data)print(ws)if scale == False:    # 画图决策边界    plot()    x_test = [[-4],[3]]    y_test = (-ws[0] - x_test*ws[1])/ws[2]    plt.plot(x_test, y_test, 'k')    plt.show()# 画图 loss值的变化x = np.linspace(0,10000,201)plt.plot(x, costList, c='r')plt.title('Train')plt.xlabel('Epochs')plt.ylabel('Cost')plt.show()
# 预测def predict(x_data, ws): if scale == True: x_data = preprocessing.scale(x_data) xMat = np.mat(x_data) ws = np.mat(ws) return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in sigmoid(xMat*ws)]predictions = predict(X_data, ws)print(classification_report(y_data, predictions))


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_reportfrom sklearn import preprocessingfrom sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures# 数据是否需要标准化scale = False# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('LR-testSet2.txt', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,:-1]y_data = data[:,-1,np.newaxis]    def plot():    x0 = []    x1 = []    y0 = []    y1 = []    # 切分不同类别的数据    for i in range(len(x_data)):        if y_data[i]==0:            x0.append(x_data[i,0])            y0.append(x_data[i,1])        else:            x1.append(x_data[i,0])            y1.append(x_data[i,1])    # 画图    scatter0 = plt.scatter(x0, y0, c='b', marker='o')    scatter1 = plt.scatter(x1, y1, c='r', marker='x')    #画图例    plt.legend(handles=[scatter0,scatter1],labels=['label0','label1'],loc='best')    plot()plt.show()
# 定义多项式回归,degree的值可以调节多项式的特征poly_reg = PolynomialFeatures(degree=3) # 特征处理x_poly = poly_reg.fit_transform(x_data)def sigmoid(x): return 1.0/(1+np.exp(-x))def cost(xMat, yMat, ws): left = np.multiply(yMat, np.log(sigmoid(xMat*ws))) right = np.multiply(1 - yMat, np.log(1 - sigmoid(xMat*ws))) return np.sum(left + right) / -(len(xMat))def gradAscent(xArr, yArr): if scale == True: xArr = preprocessing.scale(xArr) xMat = np.mat(xArr) yMat = np.mat(yArr) lr = 0.03 epochs = 50000 costList = [] # 计算数据列数,有几列就有几个权值 m,n = np.shape(xMat) # 初始化权值 ws = np.mat(np.ones((n,1))) for i in range(epochs+1): # xMat和weights矩阵相乘 h = sigmoid(xMat*ws) # 计算误差 ws_grad = xMat.T*(h - yMat)/m ws = ws - lr*ws_grad if i % 50 == 0: costList.append(cost(xMat,yMat,ws)) return ws,costList# 训练模型,得到权值和cost值的变化ws,costList = gradAscent(x_poly, y_data)print(ws)# 获取数据值所在的范围x_min, x_max = x_data[:, 0].min() - 1, x_data[:, 0].max() + 1y_min, y_max = x_data[:, 1].min() - 1, x_data[:, 1].max() + 1# 生成网格矩阵xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02), np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.02))# np.r_按row来组合array, # np.c_按colunm来组合array# >>> a = np.array([1,2,3])# >>> b = np.array([5,2,5])# >>> np.r_[a,b]# array([1, 2, 3, 5, 2, 5])# >>> np.c_[a,b]# array([[1, 5],# [2, 2],# [3, 5]])# >>> np.c_[a,[0,0,0],b]# array([[1, 0, 5],# [2, 0, 2],# [3, 0, 5]])z = sigmoid(poly_reg.fit_transform(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]).dot(np.array(ws)))# ravel与flatten类似,多维数据转一维。flatten不会改变原始数据,ravel会改变原始数据for i in range(len(z)): if z[i] > 0.5: z[i] = 1 else: z[i] = 0z = z.reshape(xx.shape)# 等高线图cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, z)plot() plt.show()
# 预测def predict(x_data, ws):#     if scale == True:#         x_data = preprocessing.scale(x_data)    xMat = np.mat(x_data)    ws = np.mat(ws)    return [1 if x >= 0.5 else 0 for x in sigmoid(xMat*ws)]predictions = predict(x_poly, ws)print(classification_report(y_data, predictions))



4. SVM支持向量机


import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_reportfrom sklearn import svm# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('LR-testSet2.txt', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,:-1]y_data = data[:,-1] def plot(): x0 = [] x1 = [] y0 = [] y1 = [] # 切分不同类别的数据 for i in range(len(x_data)): if y_data[i]==0: x0.append(x_data[i,0]) y0.append(x_data[i,1]) else: x1.append(x_data[i,0]) y1.append(x_data[i,1]) # 画图 scatter0 = plt.scatter(x0, y0, c='b', marker='o') scatter1 = plt.scatter(x1, y1, c='r', marker='x') #画图例 plt.legend(handles=[scatter0,scatter1],labels=['label0','label1'],loc='best') plot()plt.show()# fit the model# C和gammamodel = svm.SVC(kernel='rbf')model.fit(x_data, y_data)model.score(x_data,y_data)# 获取数据值所在的范围x_min, x_max = x_data[:, 0].min() - 1, x_data[:, 0].max() + 1y_min, y_max = x_data[:, 1].min() - 1, x_data[:, 1].max() + 1# 生成网格矩阵xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02), np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.02))z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])# ravel与flatten类似,多维数据转一维。flatten不会改变原始数据,ravel会改变原始数据z = z.reshape(xx.shape)# 等高线图cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, z)plot() plt.show()

5. K邻近


# 导入算法包以及数据集import numpy as npfrom sklearn import datasetsfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom tqdm.notebook import tqdmfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_report,confusion_matriximport operatorimport randomdef knn(x_test, x_data, y_data, k):    # 计算样本数量    x_data_size = x_data.shape[0]    # 复制x_test    np.tile(x_test, (x_data_size,1))    # 计算x_test与每一个样本的差值    diffMat = np.tile(x_test, (x_data_size,1)) - x_data    # 计算差值的平方    sqDiffMat = diffMat**2    # 求和    sqDistances = sqDiffMat.sum(axis=1)    # 开方    distances = sqDistances**0.5    # 从小到大排序    sortedDistances = distances.argsort()    classCount = {}    for i in range(k):        # 获取标签        votelabel = y_data[sortedDistances[i]]        # 统计标签数量        classCount[votelabel] = classCount.get(votelabel,0) + 1    # 根据operator.itemgetter(1)-第1个值对classCount排序,然后再取倒序    sortedClassCount = sorted(classCount.items(),key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)    # 获取数量最多的标签    return sortedClassCount[0][0]# 载入数据iris = datasets.load_iris()#打乱数据data_size = iris.data.shape[0]index = [i for i in range(data_size)] random.shuffle(index)  iris.data = iris.data[index]iris.target = iris.target[index]#切分数据集test_size = 40x_train = iris.data[test_size:]x_test =  iris.data[:test_size]y_train = iris.target[test_size:]y_test = iris.target[:test_size]#分类predictions = []for i in tqdm(range(x_test.shape[0])):    predictions.append(knn(x_test[i], x_train, y_train, 5))    #评估target_names = ['class 0', 'class 1', 'class 2']print(classification_report(y_test, predictions,target_names=target_names))

6. 贝叶斯

设每个数据样本用一个n维特征向量来描述n个属性的值,即:X={x1,x2,…,xn},假定有m个类,分别用C1, C2,…,Cm表示。给定一个未知的数据样本X(即没有类标号),若朴素贝叶斯分类法将未知的样本X分配给类Ci,则一定是

P(Ci|X)>P(Cj|X) 1≤j≤m,j≠i

from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNBfrom sklearn.model_selection import train_test_splitfrom sklearn.metrics import accuracy_scorefrom sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoderimport pandas as pdfrom numpy import *import operator#计算高斯分布密度函数的值def calculate_gaussian_probability(mean, var, x): coeff = (1.0 / (math.sqrt((2.0 * math.pi) * var))) exponent = math.exp(-(math.pow(x - mean, 2) / (2 * var))) c= coeff * exponent return c#计算均值def averagenum(num): nsum = 0 for i in range(len(num)): nsum += num[i] return nsum / len(num)#计算方差def var(list,avg): var1=0 for i in list: var1+=float((i-avg)**2) var2=(math.sqrt(var1/(len(list)*1.0))) return var2#朴素贝叶斯分类模型def Naivebeys(splitData, classset, test): classify = [] for s in range(len(test)): c = {} for i in classset: splitdata = splitData[i] num = len(splitdata) mu = num + 2 character = len(splitdata[0])-1 #具体数据集,个数有变 classp = [] for j in range(character): zi = 1 if isinstance(splitdata[0][j], (int, float)): numlist=[example[j] for example in splitdata] Mean=averagenum(numlist) Var=var(numlist,Mean) a = calculate_gaussian_probability(Mean, Var, test[s][j]) else: for l in range(num): if test[s][j] == splitdata[l][j]: zi += 1 a=zi/mu classp.append(a) zhi = 1 for k in range(character): zhi *= classp[k] c.setdefault(i, zhi) sorta = sorted(c.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) classify.append(sorta[0][0]) return classify#评估def accuracy(y, y_pred): yarr=array(y) y_predarr=array(y_pred) yarr = yarr.reshape(yarr.shape[0], -1) y_predarr = y_predarr.reshape(y_predarr.shape[0], -1) return sum(yarr == y_predarr) / len(yarr)#数据处理def splitDataset(dataSet): #按照属性把数据划分 classList = [example[-1] for example in dataSet] classSet = set(classList) splitDir = {} for i in classSet: for j in range(len(dataSet)): if dataSet[j][-1] == i: splitDir.setdefault(i, []).append(dataSet[j]) return splitDir, classSet open('test.txt')df = pd.read_csv('test.txt')class_le = LabelEncoder()dataSet = df.values[:, :]dataset_train,dataset_test=train_test_split(dataSet, test_size=0.1)splitDataset_train, classSet_train = splitDataset(dataset_train)classSet_test=[example[-1] for example in dataset_test]y_pred= Naivebeys(splitDataset_train, classSet_train, dataset_test)accu=accuracy(classSet_test,y_pred)print('Accuracy:', accu)

Accuracy: 0.65

7. 决策树




import pandas as pdfrom math import log2from pylab import *import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def load_dataset(): # 数据集文件所在位置 path = './西瓜.csv' data = pd.read_csv(path, header=0) dataset = [] for a in data.values: dataset.append(list(a)) # 返回数据列表 attribute = list(data.keys()) # 返回数据集和每个维度的名称 return dataset, attributedataset,attribute = load_dataset()attribute,dataset
(['色泽', '根蒂', '敲声', '纹理', '脐部', '触感', '好瓜'], [['青绿', '蜷缩', '浊响', '清晰', '凹陷', '硬滑', '是'],  ['乌黑', '蜷缩', '沉闷', '清晰', '凹陷', '硬滑', '是'],  ['乌黑', '蜷缩', '浊响', '清晰', '凹陷', '硬滑', '是'],  ['青绿', '蜷缩', '沉闷', '清晰', '凹陷', '硬滑', '是'],  ['浅白', '蜷缩', '浊响', '清晰', '凹陷', '硬滑', '是'],  ['青绿', '稍蜷', '浊响', '清晰', '稍凹', '软粘', '是'],  ['乌黑', '稍蜷', '浊响', '稍糊', '稍凹', '软粘', '是'],  ['乌黑', '稍蜷', '浊响', '清晰', '稍凹', '硬滑', '是'],  ['乌黑', '稍蜷', '沉闷', '稍糊', '稍凹', '硬滑', '否'],  ['青绿', '硬挺', '清脆', '清晰', '平坦', '软粘', '否'],  ['浅白', '硬挺', '清脆', '模糊', '平坦', '硬滑', '否'],  ['浅白', '蜷缩', '浊响', '模糊', '平坦', '软粘', '否'],  ['青绿', '稍蜷', '浊响', '稍糊', '凹陷', '硬滑', '否'],  ['浅白', '稍蜷', '沉闷', '稍糊', '凹陷', '硬滑', '否'],  ['乌黑', '稍蜷', '浊响', '清晰', '稍凹', '软粘', '否'],  ['浅白', '蜷缩', '浊响', '模糊', '平坦', '硬滑', '否'],  ['青绿', '蜷缩', '沉闷', '稍糊', '稍凹', '硬滑', '否']])


def calculate_info_entropy(dataset): # 记录样本数量 n = len(dataset) # 记录分类属性数量 attribute_count = {} # 遍历所有实例,统计类别出现频次 for attribute in dataset: # 每一个实例最后一列为类别属性,因此取最后一列 class_attribute = attribute[-1] # 如果当前类标号不在label_count中,则加入该类标号 if class_attribute not in attribute_count.keys(): attribute_count[class_attribute] = 0 # 类标号出现次数加1 attribute_count[class_attribute] += 1 info_entropy = 0 for class_attribute in attribute_count: # 计算该类在实例中出现的概率 p = float(attribute_count[class_attribute]) / n info_entropy -= p * log2(p) return info_entropy


def split_dataset(dataset,i,value):    split_set = []    for attribute in dataset:        if attribute[i] == value:            # 删除该维属性            reduce_attribute = attribute[:i]            reduce_attribute.extend(attribute[i+1:])            split_set.append(reduce_attribute)    return split_set


def calculate_attribute_entropy(dataset,i,values): attribute_entropy = 0 for value in values: sub_dataset = split_dataset(dataset,i,value) p = len(sub_dataset) / float(len(dataset)) attribute_entropy += p*calculate_info_entropy(sub_dataset) return attribute_entropy


def calculate_info_gain(dataset,info_entropy,i):    # 第i维特征列表    attribute = [example[i] for example in dataset]    # 转为不重复元素的集合    values = set(attribute)    attribute_entropy = calculate_attribute_entropy(dataset,i,values)    info_gain = info_entropy - attribute_entropy    return info_gain


def split_by_info_gain(dataset): # 描述属性数量 attribute_num = len(dataset[0]) - 1 # 整个数据集的信息熵 info_entropy = calculate_info_entropy(dataset) # 最高的信息增益 max_info_gain = 0 # 最佳划分维度属性 best_attribute = -1 for i in range(attribute_num): info_gain = calculate_info_gain(dataset,info_entropy,i) if(info_gain > max_info_gain): max_info_gain = info_gain best_attribute = i return best_attribute


def create_tree(dataset,attribute):    # 类别列表    class_list = [example[-1] for example in dataset]    # 统计类别class_list[0]的数量    if class_list.count(class_list[0]) == len(class_list):        # 当类别相同则停止划分        return class_list[0]    # 最佳划分维度对应的索引    best_attribute = split_by_info_gain(dataset)    # 最佳划分维度对应的名称    best_attribute_name = attribute[best_attribute]    tree = {best_attribute_name:{}}    del(attribute[best_attribute])    # 查找需要分类的特征子集    attribute_values = [example[best_attribute] for example in dataset]    values = set(attribute_values)    for value in values:        sub_attribute = attribute[:]        tree[best_attribute_name][value] =create_tree(split_dataset(dataset,best_attribute,value),sub_attribute)    return treetree = create_tree(dataset,attribute)tree
{'纹理': {'清晰': {'根蒂': {'蜷缩': '是', '硬挺': '否', '稍蜷': {'色泽': {'青绿': '是', '乌黑': {'触感': {'软粘': '否', '硬滑': '是'}}}}}}, '模糊': '否', '稍糊': {'触感': {'软粘': '是', '硬滑': '否'}}}}
# 定义划分属性节点样式attribute_node = dict(boxstyle='round', color='#00B0F0')# 定义分类属性节点样式class_node = dict(boxstyle='circle', color='#00F064')# 定义箭头样式arrow = dict(arrowstyle='<-', color='#000000')
# 计算叶结点数def get_num_leaf(tree): numLeafs = 0 firstStr = list(tree.keys())[0] secondDict = tree[firstStr] for key in secondDict.keys(): if type(secondDict[key]).__name__ == 'dict': numLeafs += get_num_leaf(secondDict[key]) else: numLeafs += 1 return numLeafs
# 计算树的层数def get_depth_tree(tree):    maxDepth = 0    firstStr = list(tree.keys())[0]    secondDict = tree[firstStr]    for key in secondDict.keys():        if type(secondDict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':            thisDepth = 1 + get_depth_tree(secondDict[key])        else:            thisDepth = 1        if thisDepth > maxDepth:            maxDepth = thisDepth    return maxDepth
# 绘制文本框def plot_text(cntrPt, parentPt, txtString): xMid = (parentPt[0] - cntrPt[0]) / 2.0 + cntrPt[0] yMid = (parentPt[1] - cntrPt[1]) / 2.0 + cntrPt[1] createPlot.ax1.text(xMid, yMid, txtString, va='center', ha='center', rotation=30)


def plotTree(tree, parentPt, nodeTxt):    numLeafs = get_num_leaf(tree)    depth = get_depth_tree(tree)    firstStr = list(tree.keys())[0]    cntrPt = (plotTree.xOff + (1.0 + float(numLeafs)) / 2.0 / plotTree.totalW, plotTree.yOff)    plot_text(cntrPt, parentPt, nodeTxt)  #在父子结点间绘制文本框并填充文本信息    plotNode(firstStr, cntrPt, parentPt, attribute_node)  #绘制带箭头的注释    secondDict = tree[firstStr]    plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff - 1.0 / plotTree.totalD    for key in secondDict.keys():        if type(secondDict[key]).__name__ == 'dict':            plotTree(secondDict[key], cntrPt, str(key))        else:            plotTree.xOff = plotTree.xOff + 1.0 / plotTree.totalW            plotNode(secondDict[key], (plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, class_node)            plot_text((plotTree.xOff, plotTree.yOff), cntrPt, str(key))    plotTree.yOff = plotTree.yOff + 1.0 / plotTree.totalD
# 绘制箭头def plotNode(nodeTxt, centerPt, parentPt, nodeType): createPlot.ax1.annotate(nodeTxt, xy=parentPt, xycoords='axes fraction', xytext=centerPt, textcoords='axes fraction', va='center', ha='center', bbox=nodeType, arrowprops=arrow)
# 绘图def createPlot(tree):    fig = plt.figure(1, facecolor='white')    fig.clf()    axprops = dict(xticks=[], yticks=[])    createPlot.ax1 = plt.subplot(111, frameon=False, **axprops)    plotTree.totalW = float(get_num_leaf(tree))    plotTree.totalD = float(get_depth_tree(tree))    plotTree.xOff = -0.5 / plotTree.totalW;    plotTree.yOff = 1.0;    plotTree(tree, (0.5, 1.0), '')    plt.show()
#指定默认字体mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False# 绘制决策树createPlot(tree)

8. 集成学习(Adaboost)

集成学习(Ensemble Learning),就是使用一系列学习器进行学习,并使用某种规则将各个学习器的结果进行整合,从而获得比单个学习器效果更好的学习效果的一种方法。



  1. 基分类器之间具有差异性。如果使用的是同一个分类器集成,集成分类器的性能是不会有提升的。
  2. 每个基分类器的分类精度必须大于0.5。如下图所示,当基分类器精度小于0.5时,随着集成规模的增加,分类集成分类器的分类精度会下降;但是如果基分类器的精度大于0.5时,集成分类器的最终分类精度是趋近于1的。


  1. 如何构建具有差异性的基分类器
  2. 如何对基分类器的结果进行整合


  1. 通过处理数据集生成差异性分类器
  2. 通过处理数据特征构建差异性分类器
  3. 对分类器的处理构建差异性分类器

集成学习常见的三种元算法是Bagging, Boosting和Stacking。Bagging用于提升机器学习算法的稳定性和准确性。Boosting主要用于减少bias(偏差)和variance(方差),是将一个弱分类器转化为强分类器的算法。Stacking是一种组合多个模型的方法。






4)最终经过提升的强分类器h_final=Majority Vote(h1,h2,h3)。即某个数据被分为哪一类要通过h1,h2,h3的多数表决。







import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom sklearn import treefrom sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifierfrom sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifierfrom sklearn.datasets import make_gaussian_quantilesfrom sklearn.metrics import classification_report
# 生成2维正态分布,生成的数据按分位数分为两类,500个样本,2个样本特征x1, y1 = make_gaussian_quantiles(n_samples=500, n_features=2,n_classes=2)# 生成2维正态分布,生成的数据按分位数分为两类,400个样本,2个样本特征均值都为3x2, y2 = make_gaussian_quantiles(mean=(3, 3), n_samples=500, n_features=2, n_classes=2)# 将两组数据合成一组数据x_data = np.concatenate((x1, x2))y_data = np.concatenate((y1, - y2 + 1))
plt.scatter(x_data[:, 0], x_data[:, 1], c=y_data)plt.show()
# 决策树模型model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)# 输入数据建立模型model.fit(x_data, y_data)# 获取数据值所在的范围x_min, x_max = x_data[:, 0].min() - 1, x_data[:, 0].max() + 1y_min, y_max = x_data[:, 1].min() - 1, x_data[:, 1].max() + 1# 生成网格矩阵xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02), np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.02))z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])# ravel与flatten类似,多维数据转一维。flatten不会改变原始数据,ravel会改变原始数据z = z.reshape(xx.shape)# 等高线图cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, z)# 样本散点图plt.scatter(x_data[:, 0], x_data[:, 1], c=y_data)plt.show()
# 模型准确率model.score(x_data,y_data)
# AdaBoost模型model = AdaBoostClassifier(DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3),n_estimators=10)# 训练模型model.fit(x_data, y_data)# 获取数据值所在的范围x_min, x_max = x_data[:, 0].min() - 1, x_data[:, 0].max() + 1y_min, y_max = x_data[:, 1].min() - 1, x_data[:, 1].max() + 1# 生成网格矩阵xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_min, x_max, 0.02),                     np.arange(y_min, y_max, 0.02))# 获取预测值z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])z = z.reshape(xx.shape)# 等高线图cs = plt.contourf(xx, yy, z)# 样本散点图plt.scatter(x_data[:, 0], x_data[:, 1], c=y_data)plt.show()
# 模型准确率model.score(x_data,y_data)

总结一下,组合算法(combiner algorithm)使用所有其他算法的预测作为附加输入(additional inputs)来训练得到最终的预测结果。理论上可以表示任何一种组合学习方法(ensemble techniques);实际中,单层的逻辑回归模型(single-layer logistic regression model)通常被用作组合器(combiner)。


9. 降维—主成分分析

import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,0]y_data = data[:,1]plt.scatter(x_data,y_data)plt.show()print(x_data.shape)
# 数据中心化def zeroMean(dataMat):    # 按列求平均,即各个特征的平均    meanVal = np.mean(dataMat, axis=0)     newData = dataMat - meanVal    return newData, meanVal
newData,meanVal=zeroMean(data) # np.cov用于求协方差矩阵,参数rowvar=0说明数据一行代表一个样本covMat = np.cov(newData, rowvar=0)
# 协方差矩阵covMat
array([[ 94.99190951, 125.62024804], [125.62024804, 277.49520751]])
# np.linalg.eig求矩阵的特征值和特征向量eigVals, eigVects = np.linalg.eig(np.mat(covMat))
# 特征值eigVals
array([ 30.97826888, 341.50884814])
# 特征向量eigVects
matrix([[-0.89098665, -0.45402951],        [ 0.45402951, -0.89098665]])
# 对特征值从小到大排序eigValIndice = np.argsort(eigVals)eigValIndice
array([0, 1], dtype=int64)
top = 1# 最大的n个特征值的下标n_eigValIndice = eigValIndice[-1:-(top+1):-1]
array([1], dtype=int64)
# 最大的n个特征值对应的特征向量n_eigVect = eigVects[:,n_eigValIndice]n_eigVect
matrix([[-0.45402951], [-0.89098665]])
# 低维特征空间的数据lowDDataMat = newData*n_eigVectlowDDataMat
# 利用低纬度数据来重构数据reconMat = (lowDDataMat*n_eigVect.T) + meanValreconMat
# 载入数据data = np.genfromtxt('data.csv', delimiter=',')x_data = data[:,0]y_data = data[:,1]plt.scatter(x_data,y_data)# 重构的数据x_data = np.array(reconMat)[:,0]y_data = np.array(reconMat)[:,1]plt.scatter(x_data,y_data,c='r')plt.show()

10. 聚类分析


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