

craft lessons: lace fan! tatting tutorial

The word “tatting” is borrowed from French. Italians call this type of lace “occhi”, ie, the “eyes” (compare with the Russian “eyes”), for its characteristic shape of eyes. Occurs and one more name: “shuttle lace” – by making him drunk for the instrument.

Craft lessons:  Lace fan!

Tatting tutorial

The technology is based solely on tatting uzlovyazanii. The thread is fed from a small spool, located in the hull canoe, and processed with both hands.


The right hand holds a hook and leads it around the thread, which pulls from the spool and hold taut the left hand. As a result of processing only one thread obtained the ranks of nodes, formed in circles and bows. Drawn from one part of the thread there is a rod of another braided rod, like a looped stitches, alternately face, then purl. Both parts together make a double hinge assembly.


The guidelines for making lace tatting, he simply referred to as “double bind.” Lace tatting sign is continuous, without gaps, the connection of nodes and the formation of some nodes and arcs of circle. The shuttle is used as a tool for simultaneously holding and feeding the thread like bobbins bobbin lace upon receipt.


Originally the shuttles were larger and were used with rougher than it is now a thread. In the 18th century. When all kinds of lace were made of fine linen thread, shuttles have become less and elegant. Usually they were made of metal, and sometimes – of porcelain or ivory. Were used and shuttles from tortoise shell, finished with a metal or mother of pearl. Now these canoes are made mostly of bone or plastic.


The most suitable raw material for lace tatting thread is twisted, as well as nodular yarn of flax, cotton or silk.In addition to the shuttle used another support tool – crochet hook, and sometimes – quite thick sewing needle.

Each kind of lace has a story his way through the centuries. Sometimes, it can be seen clearly and distinctly, and, at times, completely lost. Many references are ambiguous, their interpretation is sometimes difficult due to the fact that they have to repeatedly transfer. First, from the ancient to the modern language, then the languages ??of those countries where translations of the books out. Of course, this could have been avoided if those who took up his studies, owned the original version. But this is not always possible. So you have to be content with transferable titles.


Modern researchers have come, sometimes, to quite unexpected conclusions. Everyone knows the great works of ancient – Greek poet Homer, the blind, “Odyssey.” One episode tells the story of how Penelope – wife of Odysseus long deceived their husbands. She promised to give an answer when weaves a funeral for his mother-in cover. The essence of the fraud was that night, she dissolved her day job. However, on the loom is very difficult to dismiss made, it takes almost more time than the new weaving, in addition, traces remain. It is very likely that Penelope wove not, as she knitted blanket on the needles as a knitted fabric can be easily and quickly dissolve without visible traces. And a lot of similar mistakes.

For these reasons remained little historical material. With high probability we can advance the theory of “Eastern” origin of the lace. Since the shuttle was invented by the peoples of the East and was named “Manuk”.In Europe, it first appeared in Spain, where it was called occhi (okko, ie, eye), since the Spanish guipure made ??by canoe, consisted mainly of rings with an oval shape that resembles the shape of the eye. In Germany it is called lace Schiffchenspitze (Schiff Spitz) – weaving shuttle or shuttle lace .




In England, tatting (tetin of “tat” – tat) – tatting. The origin of the French word frivilite (tatting) in two ways. On the one hand: “frivole” – “empty” can be attributed to the structure of lace – loose, with large, empty holes, with another the same word can be translated as “frivolous”, which in turn can be attributed either to the general levity of any decoration or to the characteristics of the ladies of high society, engaged in needlework. Indeed, it was very popular in these circles, as did not require great concentration and allowed to empty, frivolous conversation. Anyway, in Russia shuttle lace came from France, and so we call him “tatting.”


Particularly fashionable tatting was the XVII century. Woven laces with this technique were made ??of more coarse than other types of lace materials (even from a thin cord) were used to trim coats, skin furniture slipcovers, curtains, drapes. 
At the end of XVII early XVIII centuries, when it was fashionable to decorate especially clothing even men’s, lace collars and cuffs, frills, lace trimmed skirts, aprons, bonnets, it was a privilege of the nobility. Since the basic material for its production at that time served as a thin gold and silver thread.

But already in the middle of the XVIII century lace-read silk and linen entered string, in this connection, the lace is becoming more widespread. In Russian estates our masters with interest mastered the technique of weaving the western lace, complementing his findings. Unknown lace creating unique products that were used by women of high society.


Gloves, bags, capes, umbrellas – this is an incomplete list of products, a valuable accessory society lady. Lace and taught at home, (skill handed down from mother to daughter), and in boarding schools, and institutes of noble maidens. The ability to embroider, sew, knit, weave was one of the duties of women. Needlework took with them at night, on a trip, at least remember the novels of Tolstoy’s “War and Peace,” “Anna Karenina”.


Very affordable master-class on needle tatting, I hope pictures will allow you to learn this technique) (c) The history of tatting

Lace tatting special. And that’s his identity.  
This lace is made ??up of   about a n d a site about . In order to master the technique of weaving it is enough to learn to weave on g and n node .

Double knot
the thread should be for the needle.

Node is completed. This is the only node in tatting.

All variety of drawings of lace based on a combination of three elements  
  * ring   
                      * arch   
                      * pico

Made a double knot

 Knit 4 more node to only get 5 dv.uzlov. Knit the next node, leaving a bit of a free filament. Once it forms a peak.

 Pull the double knot vpoltnuyu to other sites. Now the needle 5 dv.uzlov, pico, 1 dv.uzel. 

Tie another 4 dv.uzla, pico, 5dv.uzla, pico, 5 dv.uzla. 
Pico – a loop between nodes

Making a ring
to ring sdeat: 
right hand to hold the needle and pulls the left nodes in the direction of the needle eye

CONTINUE pull down the thread nodes

Continue zatyanivat. allowing the ring formed between your fingers. 

This ready-closed ring. The more you tighten it, the less it will be, but need only to pull the long piece

Connection Rings
Tie dv.uzlov 5. 
To connect (), let the thread of the work 

pull the needle thread through the picot of the ring with the previous tip of the needle

Pull the string, as shown in photo

Then, link the five dv.uzlov, pico, 5dv.uzlov, pico, 5 dv.uzlov on the needle. close the ring, removing the needle connected. Now the two rings soedineny.Soedinennye ring have a common peak. 
Connection always occurs only in this way.

Ready result

The addition of a new thread and masking all
if you end the thread, cut a new piece of the coil. Tighten the needle and pull the needle through the last double knot. Continue to pull until there is a long tail of a few cm

Tie a knot near the dv.uzlom.

Leave some free yarn and Knit on

To hide the end, it is necessary to tighten the thread into the needle and the needle to reach within 4.2 dv.uzlov

Making a ring from the coil filament
not type needle: 
2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 bits. site, pico, 2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 bits. site, pico, 2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 dv.uzla

The needle should look like.

Hold the double knots, gently deflate it with a needle, leaving a small loop at the end

Pull the needle through the loop. continuing to pull and form a ring.

The finished ring

To turn the ring, turn it backwards, like a book.

Once you turn the ring, the threads of the cross. forming a loop

Pull the needle through a loop and tighten the knot

The finished ring

Making the chain
Put the needle on the newly made ??site

3 double knit unit, pico, 3 dv.uzla, pico, 3 dv.uzla, pico, 3 dv.uzla the needle. Do not leave any space between the first node and the ring.

Remove the nodes from the needle, and continue to pull the ring itself. The chain is finished

Turn the work. Turn it inside out upwards, as if perernuli page book. Form loops.

Pull the needle through a loop end up. 
The only difference between the ring and the chain is that for the ring stretch needle and thread up through the ring and chain to pull the thread until the loop disappears.

We make 2 double knot, pico, 2 double node, + (to last picot penultimate ring), 2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 dv.uzla, pico, 2 dv.uzla on the needle

Close the ring, but do not forget to stretch the needle through the ring

Zyatyanut knot tight

Turn the work (wrong side up) and tighten the knot

The second chain. 
Tie needle 3-3-3-3. Pull the yarn through the chain and turn the work. 
After each ring or chain must tie a knot

ring 2.2 + (the previous peak to the penultimate ring) 2-2 + (to the second peak first made rings) 2-2, close, turn

Tie the chain 3-3-3-3, turn. Tighten the knot

Finished Medallion

The new two-tone thread and tatting 

New thread
New thread can only be added at the end of the ring or chain. After the ring is better.

two-color tatting

Ankars-weaving technique to lace beads.  

Connection rings

(C) Source Workshop: Tatting crochet, needle, shuttle, on the fingers

Very often weaving products are used in the technique of tatting closed motifs , each of which is woven separately and joined with others in poschi pico. These reasons there are so many, different in size, shape and complexity of execution. If you decide to weave a product entirely of individual motifs, the first weave several different samples of paper vyrezhte patterns in shape and size of these motives, spread patterns in the pattern of the product. This way you will be able to accurately calculate all the nuances of the work. 

 The square motif

A simple square motif is woven in a row. 
1.7 – K (6p4p2p4p6) 
2.6 – D (4p4), 
3,4,5 – K (5p4p2p2p4p5) 
8 – D (6p3p3p6)


This four-tune the whip is very simple – job in a row. All the rings – (3p3p3p3p3p3p3) All arcs – (3p3p3p3)

Hexagonal motif of “snowflake”

This motif is woven in a row. The motif of the gossip threads of different colors. 
1 K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 
2. K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 
3. K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 
4. A (2p11), 
5. K (5p5p3p5p5) 
6. A (11p2)

The motif of “eight-pointed snowflake”

Closed motif is woven in two rows. The first row consists of one element – ring number 1. 1. K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 2.6 K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 3.5 D (3p3p3) 4. K (3p3p3p3p3p3)

Hexagonal motif tatting

1 – Ring (8p5p3) 
2 – O-ring (3p5p1p1p5p3) 
3 – O-ring (3p5p8) 
4 – O-ring (4p4p4) 
5 – Ring (4p4p1p1p4p4)

The square motif tatting 1

1 – K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 
2 and 10 – Doug (5p5) 
3, 5, 7 and 9 – Rings (5p5), 
4, 6 and 8 – Arcs with decorative picot (2p2p2p2p2) 
11 and 13 – Arc (7) 
12 – Ring (5p5)

The square motif tatting 2

This version of the previous motif

1 – K (3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3p3) 
2 and 10 – Doug (5p5) 
3, 5, 7 and 9 – Rings (5p5), 
4, 6 and 8 – Arcs with decorative picot (2p2p2p2p2) 
11 – Doug (7p7)

Many more reasons can be found here Schemes closed motives

Bookmark book - small graceful thing for which the technique is suitable tatting just perfect. A strip of openwork lace looks perfectly flat and easily satisfied. If you have yet to comprehend the art of lace knot – the bookmark is izdedie from which to begin.

An arc – 2p3p3 
2 and 4 – Rings – 3p2p2p2p2p2p3 
3 Ring – 3p2p2p2p2p2p2p3 
5 arc – 3p3p3p3p5pp3 
6 Doug – 3p3 
7 Ring – 3p3p3p3 
8 Doug – 4 dual host tatting 
9 Ring – 4p2p2p2p2p2p3 
10 Ring – 3p2p2p2p2p2p2p3 
11 Ring – 3p2p2p2p2p2p4 
Further observing the symmetry of spin

Under this scheme can weave the strands of the favorites in two colors

(C) “lacy bookmarks

By New Year lace mask

The mask is woven in three steps. First have two similar stroke to the eye, combined with only one peak, and then total framing lace embellished with decorative picot. Instead, decorative picot can weave beads. The scheme of work is a series of simple elements tatting : rings and arcs.

The first row (2 pcs) 
1 – ring (5p5p5p5) 
2 – arc (6) 
3, 5, and all the other rings of the first row – (4p5p5p4) 
4, 6, 7, 8. 9 – arc (7) 
10 – arc (4) 
11 and 12 – the arc (3) 
13 – arc (5) 
14 – arc (7) 
15 – arc (6) 
16, 17, 18 – arc (7) 
19 21 – arc (5) 
20 – arc (4) 
22 – arc (5) 
23 – arc (8) 
24 and 25 – the arc (3)

The second row of 
1, 3 – ring (6p6) 
2.8 – arc (4p2p2p4) 
4 and 6 – ring (5p5), 
5, 11 – arc (3p2p2p3) 
7, 9, 10, 12 – ring (6p6) 
13 – Ring (5p5) 
14, 17, 20 – arc (5p2p2p5) 
15, 16, 18, ??19, 21, 22 – ring (5p5) 
23, 26 – arc (4p2p2p4) 
24, 25 – ring (5p5) 
27, 29 – ring (5p5) 
28 – Ring (5p4p5) 
30 and 32 – ring (4p4) 
31 – Ring (4p2p2p4) 
33, 36, 39, 42, 45 – arc (3p2p2p3) 
34, 35, 37 – ring (4p4) 
38, 40 , 41, 43, 44, 46 – ring (5p5) 
47, 49, 50, 52, 53 – ring (6p6) 
48, 51, 54 – arc (4p2p2p4) 
55 – Ring (7p7) 
56 – arc (5p2p2p5) 
57 – ring (10p10) 
58 – arc (4p2p3) 
59 and 61 – ring (3p3p3p3) 
60 – Ring (3p3p2p2p3p3) 
62 – arc (3p2p4) 
63 – Ring (8p8), 
64 and 66 – ring (7p7) 
65, 68 – arc (5p2p2p5) 
69 – Ring (6p6)

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