



Competition Announcement




Overall Urban Planning of 14.6 Square Kilometers around Xi'an Sports Center Project and 'One-stadium, Two-hall and One-center' Architecture Conceptual Design International Competition Announcement


Commissioned by Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park Management Committee, Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. invites the potential participants with intention to apply for pre qualification examination for overall urban planning of 14.6 square kilometers around Xi'an Sports Center Project and 'One-stadium, Two-hall and One-center' architecture conceptual design for organization of international competition.  


I. Background of Project


Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park is located in the northeast of the downtown area of Xi'an city, the Urban planning area of 88.6 square kilometers, it is along the Ba River in the west, to Weihe River in the north, to Xiyu Expressway in the east and Xi'an beltway in the south, and it is the frontier region for economic and social development and urban construction of 'north expansion, east extension and west connection' in Xi'an. In the Overall Urban Planning of Xi'an (2008-2020), Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park is located in the main axis of urban development, and it is the core development zone of export-oriented economy of Xi'an.


On December 29, 2015, the General Office of the State Council agreed the Fourteenth National Games to be hosted in Shaanxi Province in 2021; on June 13, 2016, the thirteenth meeting of the Standing Committee of Xi'an Municipal Committee agreed to the main venue of the Fourteenth National Games - Xi'an Sports Center- to be built in Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park; on June 20, the standing committee of the provincial government approved the overall work plan of the Fourteenth National Games and agreed with the opinion on the selection of site in Xi'an.


Xi'an Sports Center is the main venue of the Fourteenth National Games in 2021, during the key period when Xi'an is comprehensively promoting the 'Quality Xi'an' construction and international metropolis construction, the construction of the project of Xi'an sports center has an important significance to the equilibrium distribution of sports resources in Xi'an City, promotion of the large-scale development of the sports industry in Xi'an, promotion of public happiness index, urban livable level, quality of opening up, urban reputation and international popularity. Xi'an municipal government has established the construction goal to construct Xi'an Sports Center into the 'century boutique and masterpiece' and the overall requirements to make the area of 14.6 square kilometers around the project into a 'modern, stylish, atmospheric, green' new center of modern city with the construction of Xi'an Sports Center as the 'engine'.


II. Project Overview


Take the construction of Xi'an Sports Center as an opportunity to promote the development of urban areas and plan the area of 14.6 square kilometers around the Xi'an Sports Center project into the new center of Xi'an city in the 'Chanbawei Delta' region.


Xi'an sports center is located in Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park, adjacent to the Ba River, with the total area of about 108.6 hectares. The construction includes 'One-stadium, Two-hall and One-center', respectively a 60-thousand-seat stadium, a 18-thousand-seat stadium, a 4000-seat swimming and dibing gymnasium and a 15-thousand-seat tennis center and related ancillary facilities.


III. Competition content


The design of the collection activities includes the following two levels:


(1) The overall Urban planning of 14.6 square kilometers around the Xi'an Sports Center


(2) 'One-stadium, Two-halls One-center' Architecture Conceptual Design


The design work submitted by the design unit to participate in the contest shall completely includes the design content of the above two levels. It is designed to be the large Class A comprehensive sports center to host the national comprehensive sports events and the international single sports event. At the same time, there are conditions to serve the public leisure and sports activities after the game.


IV. Organizational form


1. Form of competition


(1) This collection announcement is released to domestic and foreign public and takes the form of public registration. From the date of the announcement, the application of the domestic and foreign design units shall be accepted


(2) Organizational unit shall carry out pre-qualification on the design units for qualification application, including the comprehensive performance of the design unit, the qualifications of project leader, strength of design team and other relevant conditions. Finally, it shall choose 5 design units or consortiums as invitation units to participate in the contest, and issue a formal invitation and solicitation documents; the design units that are not accepted shall not be notified.


(3) The design unit that receives the formal invitation shall fax or mail the confirmation letter to the organization unit within 3 days after receiving the invitation letter and later send the paper confirmation letter to the organization unit.


(4) The design unit that receives the formal invitation shall complete and submit a design within the specified time. Any design submitted by the design unit has not been formally invited will not be accepted.


(5) For participation as a consortium, every party of the team shall sign the Consortium Agreement, and it shall be submitted to the organizer with other registration documents. The parties of the consortium may not participate in the competition in their own name or in combination with other design agencies.


2. Selection method and cost payment for competition activities


 (1) Remuneration: For the participating units through the qualification examination, after submission of the design result that is in accordance with the requirements of the collection activities in accordance with the requirements, the competition organization unit shall pay each participating unit RMB 300 thousand as remuneration.


 (2) Bonus: The bonus is paid by the competition unit to the participants whose designs are nominated in addition to the remuneration.


The expert review committee will select the top three respectively from the 'overall urban planning of 14.6 square kilometers around the Xi'an Sports Center', 'One-stadium, Two-halls One-center' Architecture Conceptual Design' and 'Tennis Center', the total of the first prize is RMB 1.5 million, the total of the second prize is RMB 1.2 million and the total of the third prize is RMB 800 thousand.


V. Basic requirements of participants


1. The participant shall be a legally registered enterprise with an independent legal personality.


2. Potential participants in the territory of People's Republic of China shall have a comprehensive qualification of engineering design or Class A qualification in the design of the construction industry issued by the administrative department of construction in the People's Republic of China, and Class A qualification for the preparation of urban and rural planning issued by the administrative department of construction in People's Republic of China. The potential participants outside People's Republic of China shall form a consortium with the domestic units that have the aforementioned planning, design qualification to participate in the contest, and the domestic units shall be the leader of the consortium.


3. Performance requirements for the recent three years (after January 1, 2013 and the date of signing of the contract shall prevail): ① with the performance of urban planning and design (planning area ≥ 8 square kilometers); ② with performance of large-scale sports engineering construction design.


4. The person in charge of the proposed project of the participating unit shall have the national registered planner certificate or the national level 1 registered architect certificate.


5. The competition activity accepts the domestic design institutions and foreign design institutions to form a consortium for registration, and all members of the consortium shall meet the above requirements and shall submit the Consortium Agreement, and specify the leading unit of the consortium in the agreement. Members of the consortium shall not register in their own name alone, and may not form a new consortium or participate in other consortiums for registration, otherwise the application is invalid. The number of consortiums within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall not be more than 2 and the number of domestic and foreign consortiums shall not be more than 3.


6. Credit requirements: the participants have good social reputation, not in the state of being ordered for suspension of production, property taken over, frozen, bankruptcy and restructuring and other states.


VI. Pre-qualification method: limited quantity system


VII. Registration for competition and sale of pre-qualification documents


(1) Registration time: from December 15, 2016 to December 29, 2016, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, 14:00 pm to 17:00 pm (Beijing Time, the same below).


(2) Registration location: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. (Room 1101, No. 58 Growth Edifice, Western Part of South Second Ring Road, Xi'an City, Southwest Corner of Cross between South Second Ring Road and Zhuque Road). The registration can be conducted through fax and network.


(3) The agent shall hold the introduction letter of the unit or ID card for registration.


(4) Sale of pre-qualification documents: time, place shall be the same as time and place for registration.

资格预审文件每份售价300元整,售后不退。Price of each piece of pre-qualification document is RMB 300, non-refundable.


(5) Understanding and consultation of pre-qualification documents: Northwest (Shaanxi) International Tendering Co., Ltd. Second Project Bidding (Room 1105, F/11, No. 58 Growth Edifice, Western Part of South Second Ring Road, Xi'an City)


Contact: Mr. Yang


Telephone, Fax: 029-85222242


VIII. Supplementary provisions


1. Correspondence, documents and design results involved in the competition shall be in simplified Chinese.


2. Fees shall be paid in RMB, design compensation and bonuses shall be pre-tax amount. Taxes generated by design compensation and bonus obtained by the design units and all the costs by the units in the process of collection activities shall be paid by themselves.


3. The organization unit has the final interpretation of the announcement of this competition activity.

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