

九全英语人教Unit 3单元测评卷

Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


(  )1.—Excuse me. Where is the nearest bookstore?

—Go     Center Street and you'll find it.                 

A. for            B. along        C. with         D. off

(  )2.Ithink     isdifficult tolearn Englishgrammar. 

Youcan domore Englishexercises.

A.that          B.this                      C.those        D.it

(  )3.(2021·重庆一中月考)It is meaningful to send your friend a     with best wishes on it during the Spring Festival. 

A. request     B. stamp       C. sentence   D. postcard

(  )4.(2021·内蒙古呼和浩特中考)It is very     for passengers to use e-tickets when they are taking high-speed trains. 

A. peaceful   B. basic        C. convenient         D. natural

(  )5.—    you give me a hand? I can't move the box by myself. 

—No problem.

A. Could      B. Should     C. Must        D. Need

(  )6.We discussed the problem and Tim     doing some research first. 

A. suggested          B. enjoyed   C. finished D. practiced

(  )7.(2021·浙江温州中考)At the meeting, the managers kept arguing about the problem     they reached an agreement(达成一致). 

A. after         B. when        C. until         D. since

(  )8.When I     the KFC, I saw some children eating hamburgers in it. 

A. cared for           B. set up      C. passed by          D. turned on

(  )9.(2022·重庆一中期中)—Clara, I'm going to a party tonight. Could you please tell me     

—With pleasure.Wait a moment,please.

A. what should I pay attention to

B. that I should take some flowers

C. how I can order a taxi online

D. when the subway arrived there

(  )10.—Could you please do the dishes?

    . I cut my finger and I'm trying not to get it wet. 

A. Yes, sure            B. Sorry, I'm afraid I can't

C. No problem        D. That would be fine


  Lastweek, mygrandma cameto visitus. Mom 11 atable ata restaurantfor usto havedinner together. 

Afterwe tookour seats,the waitresscame tous withtwo  12 .She passedone tome andthe otherto Grandma.Grandma wasa vegetarian(素食者),so she 13 needed moretime toorder thefood thatshe wantedto eat.She chosethe foodpatiently. Iwasn't afussy(挑剔的)eater andcould alwaysquickly  14 my foodwhen weate out."One applejuice andone burger,"I saidwhen Iwas stilllooking atthe menu.Grandma  15 what Isaid. Shelooked atme andsaid, "Peter,that isnot thecorrect  16 to orderyour food.Have manners."ThenI said,"One applejuice andone burger,please." 17 my eyeswere stillon thepictures onthe menu.Grandma wasstill alittle bitangry, andshe continued,"Peter,can youpossibly be 18 and lookpeople inthe eyewhen youtalk tothem, please?

Grandmaalways valued(重视)goodmanners andI didn'twant tolet  19 down. Feelingashamed(惭愧的),I quickly 20 the menu,looked thewaitress inthe eyeand said,"Can Ipossibly haveone applejuice andone burger,please?"This timeGrandma gaveme abig smileand said,"That'sa goodboy." 

(  )11.A. booked         B. stole        C. mailed     D. laid

(  )12.A. dishes           B. menus     C. chairs      D. bowls

(  )13.A. always          B. already    C. hardly     D. still

(  )14.A. share            B. grow       C. cook        D. choose

(  )15.A. pardoned     B. explained C. heard      D. trusted

(  )16.A. way              B. time        C. place       D. chance

(  )17.A. Or                 B. But         C. Since       D. So

(  )18.A. polite            B. direct      C. happy      D. secret

(  )19.A. him               B. her          C. you         D. me

(  )20.A. put up          B. cut down           C. looked up          D. put down



  Welcometo theGrand CanyonNational Park!

TheGrand CanyonNational Parkis oneof themost popularparks inthe UnitedStates. Everyyear, around5.5 millionpeople goto seethe GrandCanyon. Itis oftenconsidered asone ofthe Wondersof theWorld.

The"South Rim(南缘)"

Mostvisitors seethe GrandCanyon fromthe "SouthRim". The"South Rim"is openall yearlong. Itincludes:

Grand CanyonVillage: Itcan bereached bydriving andis servedby theGrand CanyonRailway.

Hermit Road:west ofthe village

Desert ViewDrive: eastof thevillage

Afree bussystem operateson the"South Rim".Make yourvisit easierby parkingyour carat theVisitor Centerand usingthe freebuses totravel aroundthe "SouthRim".

The"North Rim"

Amuch smallernumber ofpeople seethe canyonfrom the"North Rim"of thepark. The"North Rim"has ashort season.During wintermonths, allroads areclosed tovisitors. Evenin goodweather, the"North Rim"is harderto getto.

Feesand passes

Admission(入场费)to theGrand CanyonNational Parkis forseven daysand includesboth the"North Rim"and the"South Rim".

Vehicle(车辆)Pass:$ 35

For one single vehicle and all its passengers.

Motorcycle Pass:$ 30

For one single motorcycle and its passenger(s).

Individual(个人的) Pass:$ 20/person

For one individual when entering by foot, bicycle, bus or the Grand Canyon Railway. Admission is free for individuals 15 years old and younger.

2020 Annual (每年的)Pass:$ 70

Valid(有效的)for 12months fromthe dateof purchase,for unlimited(无限制的)visitsto thepark.

(  )21.Which of the following statements about the "South Rim" and the "North Rim" is TRUE?

A. The "South Rim" is higher than the "North Rim".

B. The "South Rim" is more popular than the "North Rim".

C. The "South Rim" is more beautiful than the "North Rim".

D. The "South Rim" is more dangerous than the "North Rim".

(  )22.David wants to drive his car to visit the Grand Canyon National Park with his two sons. How much should he pay for the admission?

A. $ 60.        B. $ 20.        C. $ 35.        D. $ 70.

(  )23.David wants to find out whether he can take the Grand Canyon Railway to Grand Canyon Village or not. Which part of the passage would you advise him to read first?

A. The "South Rim".        B. The "North Rim".

C. Fees and passes.            D. The opening paragraph.

(  )24. According to the passage, where is Desert View Drive located on this map?


Chinais anation ofetiquette(礼仪).Chinese peopleare amongthe mosthospitablepeople inthe world.Ifforeigners visita Chinesefamily, theywould besurprised atthe warmththat theywould receiveas guests.

Whenyou visita Chinesefamily, thehost usuallymakes teafor you.Thenhe willserve yousnacks likebiscuits orcandy.Someonein thefamily willalso chatwith you,never lettingyou feellonely.

Atthe sametime, otherfamily memberswill preparea mealfor you.Chinese peopletreat theirguests witha bigmeal.They alwayspresent morefood thanthe guestcan eat.At table,the guestmust bethe firstto eat.Perhapsone ofthe thingsthat surprisesa Westernguest mostis thatthe Chinesehost likesto pickfood forvisitors,whichwon't happenat Westerntables.The Chinesefamily goout oftheir wayto makeyou feelat home.Asyou aredone eating,thehost usuallysays, "Itseems thatyou didn'teat much.Pleasehave more."Although youtell themyou arefull,they stillput morefood inyour bowl.

Beingwarm andhospitable haslong beenan importantpart ofChinese cultureand tradition.As Confucius(孔子)saidthousands ofyears ago:

Tomeet friendsfrom afar

Howhappy weare!

(  )25.What does the underlined word "hospitable" mean in this passage?                   

A. 好客的              B.勤劳的

C. 朴实的              D.富有的

(  )26.Why does a Western visitor feel surprised when the host picks food for him?

A. Because he thinks it's not polite.

B. Because he thinks it's not necessary.

C. Because it won't normally happen in China.

D. Because it won't happen in Western countries.

(  )27.新风向 跨学科融合What's the meaning of the words by Confucius at the end of the passage?

A. 学而时习之,不亦说乎?

B. 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?

C. 人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎?

D. 不敬,何以别乎?

(  )28.In which part of a magazine can we read the passage?

A. Health.               B. Sport.

C. Culture.              D. Language.


  Youeither haveit, oryou don'ta senseof direction.But whyis itthat somepeople couldfind theirway acrossthe Saharawithout amap whileothers canlose themselvesin thenext street?

  Scientistssay we'reall bornwith asense ofdirection, butit isnot properlyunderstood howit works.One theory(理论)is thatpeople witha goodsense ofdirection havesimply workedharder atdeveloping it.The researchbeing carriedout atLiverpool Universitysupports thisidea andsuggests thatif wedon't useit, wewill loseit.

  "Childrenas youngas sevenhave theability tofind theirway around,"says JimMartland, researchdirector ofthe project."However,if theyare notallowed outalone orare takeneverywhere bycar, theywill neverdevelop theskill."

  JimMartland alsoemphasizesthat youngpeople shouldbe taughtcertain skillsto improvetheir senseof direction.He makesthe followingsuggestions:

  ·Ifyou areusing amap, turnit tothe wayyou arefacing.

  ·Ifyou leaveyour bikein astrange place,put itnear somethinglike abig stoneor atreesomethingeasy torecognize(辨别出).Note landmarks(地标)on theroute asyou goaway fromyour bike.When youreturn, goback alongthe sameroute.

  ·Thesimple wayof findingyour directionis byusing streetsin atown, streams,or wellsin thecountryside toguide you.Count yoursteps sothat youknow howfar youhave goneand notesome landmarkssuch astall buildingsor hillswhich canhelp tofind outwhere youare.

  Nowyou willnever getlost again!

(  )29.Scientists believe that                   

A. few babies are born with a sense of direction

B. people develop a sense of direction as they grow older

C. people never lose their sense of direction

D. everybody has a sense of direction from birth

(  )30.Children have the ability to find the way around when they are     years old. 

A. five          B. six            C. seven       D. eight

(  )31.What does the underlined word "emphasizes" mean in the passage?

A. Gives special importance to something.

B. Expresses thanks to somebody.

C. Understands or realizes a fact.

D. Admires somebody.

(  )32.Which of the following things cannot be used as landmarks?

A. Tall buildings.              B. Hills.

C. Wells.                          D. Bikes.

(  )33.What may be the best title of the passage?

A. A research on direction.

B. The sense of direction.

C. People's ability to find the way.

D. Scientists' research on skills.



Whatare magicwords? Wordslike "thankyou" "please"and "sorry"can workwonders inour dailylife. 34.    

Peoplewith goodmanners alwayscommunicate withothers wellby usingthese magic words. What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday?

35.    The words"thank you"are veryimportant andused veryoften. Wesay themwhen someonehands usa letter,passes usa book,offers usa drinkor lendsus anumbrella. 

36.    It's notpolite toask someonefor helpwithout saying"please".We aresupposed touse itwhen weask forsomething, too.It maybe abook, apen ormore milk.It maybe inthe classroom,at homeor atthe busstop. Wecan use"please"to makea requestpleasant. Weshould learnto say"sorry",too. Ifwe havehurt someone'sfeelings wewill haveto say"sorry".37.     

Sometimeswe haveforgotten somethingor brokena promise,so weneed toexplain withthe wordas abeginning. "Sorry"is sucha wordthat canmake peopleforget wrongs.38.     Mansaid themlong ago.We usethem now.So willour kids. 

A. You'd better sit down and write a thank-you note.

B. When you have told a lie and regretted it, the same word should be used.

C. "Please" is another important word, but many people forget to use it.

D. You can make good friends with them.

E. These polite expressions are used every day — among strangers, friends and families.

F. Thank you! Please! Sorry! — these words are simple but useful.



suggest, reply, she, when, success, without, seat, pay, once, something

Anairplane isin flightto Chicago,when ablonde womansitting ineconomy(经济舱)gets upand movesto anopen seatin thefirst classsection. Aflight attendantwatches 39.    do this,and politelytells thewoman thatshe mustreturn toher seatin economybecause that'sthe kindof ticketshe 40.    for. 

Theblonde woman41.    ,"I'mblonde, I'mbeautiful, I'mgoing toChicago and I'm staying right here." After repeating several times and no

42.    in askingthe womanto returnto economy,the flightattendant tellsthe pilotabout it. 

Theco-pilot goesback tothe womanand explainswhy sheneeds tomove, but43.     againthe womanreplies,"I'mblonde, I'mbeautiful, I'mgoing toChicago andI'm stayingright here." 

Theco-pilot returnsand 44.    that perhapsthey shouldcall thepolice andhave thewoman punished45.     theyland.The pilotsays,"Yousay she'sblonde? I'llhave atry. I'mmarried toa blonde."Hebends nextto thewoman andwhispers 46.    in herear, andshe says,"Oh,I'm sorry."Then shequickly movesback toher 47.    in economy. 

Theflight attendantand theco-pilot areamazed andask thepilot whathe saidto gether tomove backto economy48.     causingany problems. 

"Itold herthe firstclass isn'tgoing toChicago."



David:Excuse me,Iam newhere.49.            

Grace:Yes,there is.Goalong thisstreet andturn leftat thesecond crossing.You willsee thesupermarket onthe rightside ofthe road.


Grace:It isonly about300 meters.Youcan simplywalk there.


Grace:You arewelcome. Bythe way,52.            

David:I'm fromAustralia.Haveyou beento Australiabefore?

Grace:53.            .But Ihope togo thereone day.Gladto seeyou today. 





提示:1.Why do you think politeness is important?

2. What do you usually do to be polite?




It's important and necessary to be polite in our daily life.                                        



1.B 考查介词的用法。答语的含义是"沿着中心大街走,你将会找到它"。表示


2.D 考查代词的用法。"it's+adj.+to do sth."为固定句型,意为"做某事是……",it在此作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的动词不定式短语。故选D

3.D 考查名词辨析。根据设空后的"with best wishes on it"可知此处指的是明信片,故选D

4.C 考查形容词。此处是说,当乘客乘坐高铁时,使用电子票是很方便的。convenient意为"方便的",符合语境。故选C

5.A 考查情态动词的用法。根据本题语境可知,问句的含义是"你能帮我一下吗",礼貌地请求帮助时要用could

6.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们讨论了那个问题,蒂姆建议先做一些研究。suggest doing sth.意为"建议做某事",符合题意。

7.C 考查连词。句意:在会议上,经理们一直争论这个问题直到他们达成了一致意见。until"直到……为止"符合语境,故选C

8.C 考查动词短语辨析。care for"照顾";set up"建立,设立";pass by"经过";turn on"打开(电灯、电视等)"。根据句意"当我经过肯德基时,我看到一些孩子正在里面吃汉堡包"可知选C

9.C 考查宾语从句。句中tell me 后跟宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序,先排除A项。前面用的be going to结构表将来,D项的时态不符,故排除D项。根据"Could you please"可知空处的宾语从句应由疑问词引导,故排除B,所以答案为C

10.B 考查情景交际。A项意为"是的,当然可以";B项意为"很抱歉,我恐怕不能";C项意为"没问题";D项意为"那不错"。句意:——请你洗一下碗好吗?——很抱歉,我恐怕不能。我割破了手指,我正努力不把它弄湿。故选B


  【短文大意】 本文主要讲述了作者一家人在餐馆点餐时祖母教育作者与别人说话时要有礼貌的故事。

11.A 根据下文点餐可知母亲是在餐馆预订了桌子,故用booked



That's one of the best books I've read in a long time.那是我很长时间以来读到的最好的书之一。


She has booked a table for four at their favorite restaurant. 她已在他们最喜欢的餐厅预订了四人桌。

12.B 根据下文中的" 'One apple juice and one burger,’ I said when I was still looking at the menu"可知,餐馆女服务员拿了两本菜单朝我们走来,故用menus

13.A 根据上文中的"Grandma was a vegetarian(素食者)"和下文中的"She chose the food patiently"可知,我的祖母总是需要花费更多的时间来点她想吃的食物,故所缺的词是always

14.D 根据上下文可知,此处是说,我不挑食,当我们在外用餐时,我总是可以很快挑选好我的食物,choose符合文意。

15.C 结合下文中祖母说的话可知,此处是说,祖母听到了我所说的话,故选C

16.A 根据设空后的"Have manners"可知,祖母说的是,那不是正确的点餐方式,故用way

17.B 结合上文中的"I said when I was still looking at the menu"以及下文祖母对我说的话可知此处是说,但是我的目光仍然停留在菜单上的那些图片上。故用But

18.A 设空后是说,当你和他人说话时,请直视他们,可以吗?因此此处表示"你能礼貌一点吗?"。故所缺的词是polite

19.B 结合文意可知,此处是说,祖母一向很注重礼仪,我不想让她失望,故所缺的词是her

20.D put up张贴,搭建;cut down砍倒,削减;look up查阅,抬头看;put down放下。根据上文中的"我不想让她失望"可知,此处是说,我很快放下菜单,直视那位女服务员,故所缺的短语是put down


  A篇短文大意】 文章主要介绍了美国的大峡谷国家公园及收费标准。

21.B 推理判断题。根据The "South Rim(南缘)"中的"Most visitors see the Grand Canyon from the 'South Rim’. The 'South Rim’ is open all year long"(大多数游客都是从南缘来观赏大峡谷的。南缘全年开放)The "North Rim"中的"A much smaller number of people see the canyon from the 'North Rim' of the park. The 'North Rim' has a short season"(从公园北缘观赏大峡谷的人要少得多。北缘的观光季节很短)可推断the "South Rim"the "North Rim"更受欢迎,故选B

22.C 细节理解题。根据Vehicle(车辆) Pass:$ 35中的 "For one single vehicle and all its passengers"可知答案为C

23.A 细节理解题。题干中的信息the Grand Canyon Railway to Grand Canyon Village出现在The "South Rim(南缘)"包含的信息中,故选A

24.D 细节理解题。根据The "South Rim(南缘)"包含的信息Desert View Drive: east of the village可知答案为D

  B篇短文大意】 本文讲述了中国是一个礼仪之邦,中国人对待客人非常热情,并且介绍了中国的家庭是如何接待客人的。

25.A 词义猜测题。Step One:先确定这个单词所在的句子"Chinese people are among the most hospitable people in the world"Step Two: 根据画线词所在句的上下句进行推测。我们从"China is a nation of etiquette(礼仪)"(中国是一个礼仪之邦)"If foreigners visit a Chinese family, they would be surprised at the warmth that they would receive as guests"(如果外国人到中国人家里去做客,他们会对中国人的热情感到吃惊)中的关键信息"warmth""as guests"推测hospitable意为"好客的"Step Three: 通读全文,验证推测。根据下文中的"Being warm and hospitable has long been..."我们可以看出,and作为并列词连接了warmhospitable,说明这两个单词为同义词,warm意为"热情的",所以最后我们可以确定答案为A

26.D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的"Perhaps one of the things that surprises a Western guest most is that the Chinese host likes to pick food for visitors, which won't happen at Western tables"可知,也许,其中让西方人最吃惊的事情之一是,中国的主人喜欢为客人夹菜,而这不会发生在西方的餐桌上,由此可知选D

27.B 细节理解题。根据全文的大意可知,这篇文章写的是中国作为一个礼仪之邦是热情好客的。"To meet friends from afar How happy we are!"中的friends也可作为解题的关键词,再结合我们学过的语文知识可知选B

28.C 推理判断题。本文主要介绍了中国人的待客之道,属于文化类阅读,所以我们可以在杂志的"文化"版块读到这篇文章,故选C

  C篇短文大意】 本文主要围绕"方向感"这一话题展开论述。

29.D 细节理解题。通读第二段内容可知,每个人生来都具有方向感。故选D

30.C 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句中的"Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around"可知选C

31.A 词义猜测题。根据上下文并结合四个选项可知A项符合题意。

32.D 细节理解题。根据Jim Martland所给出的第三条建议中的内容可知选D

33.B 标题归纳题。本文主要是围绕"方向感"这一话题展开论述的。故B项为本文的最佳标题。

  D篇短文大意】 本文介绍了我们生活中最常用的三个礼貌用语。

34.E 前面一句提到,在我们的日常生活中,"谢谢你" """对不起"这样的词语是有魔力的,E项中的"这些礼貌用语"正是指代上文的三个礼貌用语,符合语境。

35.A 后面一句提到"谢谢你"这个词语很重要而且经常使用,由此可知,空格处提到的内容与表达感谢有关,A"你最好坐下写个感谢便条"符合语境。

36.C 第三段主要内容与使用礼貌用语""有关。C"'是另一个很重要的词,但是很多人忘记使用它"与此相对应,是承上启下的主题句。

37.B 前面一句提到,如果我们伤害了别人的感情,我们必须说"对不起"B"当我们说了谎并且后悔了的时候,也应该用这一个词"紧承上文。

38.F 本段是对全文内容的总结,文章讲述了"谢谢你" "" "对不起"这三个礼貌用语,最后总结说这些词语很简单但很实用,故选F


  【短文大意】 本文通过发生在飞机上的一则趣事告诉我们要遵守规则。

39.her   40.paid/pays  41.replies        42.success    43.once         44.suggests

45.when       46.something          47.seat          48.without


49.Is there a supermarket around here/...

50.How far is it/...

51.Thanks (a lot/for helping me/for your help)/Thank you (very much/so much/for helping me/a lot/for your help)/Many thanks/...

52.where are you from/where do you come from/which place (which country)are you from/what place (what country) are you from/which place (which country) do you come from/what place (what country) do you come from

53.No/Never/Of course not/Not yet/Never before/No, never/No, I haven't






One possible version:

It's important and necessary to be polite in our daily life. Politeness can help us gain respect from others and communicate well with others. In fact, we can't do anything without politeness. 

In my daily life, I'm always trying to be polite. Whenever I meet my teachers, I always greet them with a bow and a big smile. Also, I always say "hello" to my classmates wherever I see them.Besides,"thank you" and "sorry"are what I say most when others help me or when I do something wrong.What's more, in some special places like the library,I especially follow the public rules and try to be very quiet. 

All in all, I think if everyone can do a bit to become more polite,our world will surely be different

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