







The high priest of ha ha



The high priest of ha ha


Obituary: Herb Kelleher died on January 3rd


Co-founder and, for 30 years, chairman of Southwest Airlines was 87


Unusually for a man who believed in cutting costs wherever possible, Herb Kelleher, the boss of Southwest Airlines, America’s most successful carrier, liked being flexible with trade unions. In 1994, during discussions over an unprecedented ten-year agreement that would freeze pilots’ wages for five years in return for stock options in the airline, he promised Gary Kerans, president of the pilots’ association, that if the contract went through, he would freeze his own salary and bonus for five years as well. Chairman and pilots should get the same treatment. The deal was done.



Born in New Jersey, he studied English and philosophy at Wesleyan University and then law at New York University. It was his wife, Joan, whom he met on a blind date, who persuaded him to set up a law firm in Texas. Southwest Airlines was born, not on the back of a cocktail napkin, as he later liked to boast, but when one of his legal clients, Rollin King, owner of a small commuter airline, and his banker, John Parker, came to his office. Both men found travelling between Houston, Dallas and San Antonio inconvenient and expensive, and thought they could do it better.


American aviation in the 1970s was dominated by the hub-and-spoke approach, pioneered by Delta Air Lines in the belief that the most efficient way to fill planes was to fly through hub cities and hoover up passengers. What King and Parker were proposing was cheap, point-to-point travel using small, convenient airports near to fast-growing centres. The competition was not other airlines, they believed, but cars. After all, the distance between Houston and San Antonio was less than 200 miles, a three-hour journey by road. Pacific Southwest Airlines had made city-hopping efficient in California, so why would it not work in Texas? He put up $10,000 of his own money and on November 27th 1967 he filed Southwest’s application to fly between the three cities.


What he hadn’t reckoned on was the airborne competition. Within a day, Braniff, Trans Texas (later Texas International) and Continental applied for a restraining order stopping Southwest from taking to the skies, arguing that Texas was perfectly well served by existing airlines. For the next four years, through the state district court in Austin, the state court of civil appeals, the Texas Supreme Court and the us Supreme Court, the big airlines pleaded for injunctions that would kill off the new business. As the airline’s lawyer, and later its general counsel, he laid out its arguments and rebuttals. When, the night before one final hearing, an anxious chief executive suggested that a sheriff might show up at the last minute and stop Southwest’s first plane from taking off, Mr Kelleher gave him strict instructions: “You roll right over the son of a bitch and leave our tyre tracks on his uniform if you have to.”


The legal battles forged the Southwest culture. Mr Kelleher, who became chairman in 1978 and then also ceo in 1981, was deeply affected by the tactics his rivals had used to try to strangle Southwest at birth. It offended the sense instilled in him by his mother that you should treat all people equally, and with respect. And it challenged his beliefs about what America stood for. As he would later tell Kevin and Jackie Freiberg, two academics who studied Southwest and went on to write the bestselling “Nuts! Southwest Airlines’ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Success”: “It was an affront to my idealism. If you’re going to let these guys get away with this, it’s a radically different type of country from the one I wanted to believe in.”


Southwest became his cause. When one airline ran an ad claiming that Southwest was a cheap carrier, he had himself filmed with a bag over his head, saying the airline was prepared to offer the same to any mortified passenger. When another started a price war and halved its Dallas-Houston fare to $13, Southwest countered: pay full price and get a bottle of vodka or whisky in return. When a rival airline complained that Southwest pinched its slogan and began advertising itself as “Just Plane Smart”, he suggested the two chairmen settle the matter over three rounds of arm-wrestling instead of using lawyers.


Kool cigarette and a glass of Wild Turkey bourbon at hand, he was always ready to tell stories about his airline. How it hired for attitude; skills, you could always teach. How all its flight attendants wore hotpants. How when it won its first triple crown for best on-time performance, fewest customer complaints and smallest number of mishandled bags, all its customer-service employees were allowed to give up their uniforms and dress casually for a year. He put his workers first, ahead of his customers. Fortune dubbed him the “high priest of ha ha”.

酷尔(Kool)香烟在手,再加一杯威凤凰波本(Wild Turkey Bourbon)威士忌, 赫比·凯莱赫随时都能讲个美西南航空的段子:录用员工看中的是态度,至于技术嘛,总是可以通过培训习得的;空乘人员全都穿着热裤;当美西南荣获第一次航班准点率冠军、顾客最低投诉率冠军和行李转送准确率冠军而成就三冠王之际;所有美西南服务人员可以摒弃制服,穿休闲服装上班一年。他奉行员工第一而非顾客至上的原则。《财富》杂志戏称他为“哈哈大师”。

That every-day’s-a-holiday atmosphere would be called branding today, and was an important part of the Southwest story. But it hid some hard-headed business decisions. In the 1970s Southwest bought three brand-new 737-200s that Boeing had been unable to sell in the slump. The airline paid $4m rather than the usual $5m for the planes, and Boeing provided 90% of the finance. Southwest used no other aircraft, a boon for servicing and spare parts. It served no meals; just peanuts. And, to ensure the fastest turnaround, it offered no seat assignments. Planes don’t make money when they are on the ground. And making money in good times to ride out the lean years was what it was all about; Southwest has made an annual profit for 45 years on the trot.

“天天都是节日”的欢乐客舱气氛在今天会被称作品牌推广,当时是美西南航空故事中重要的一部分;在这种光芒掩映下,许多清醒冷静的商业决策显得不那么明显了。上世纪七十年代,正值波音公司萧条时期,美西南以低于正常价500万美元的400万美元,购买了三架全新的波音737-200S 客机,而其中90%的款项还是向波音公司融资获得。美西南使用唯一机型,因而有利于控制维修和备用件耗费成本;除了花生,不提供任何配餐服务。同时,为了保证迅速转机,也不提供座位分配服务。飞机停在地面上是赚不到钱的。美西南的经营之道就是在经济景气的时候赚钱以便在行业萧条时安然渡过。至今,美西南已经实现连续盈利45年。

Without Mr Kelleher, there would have been no Michael O’Leary and Ryanair or Stelios Haji-Ioannou rolling up his sleeves at EasyJet. And yet somewhere along the line something was lost. Cut-price air travel today is endured rather than enjoyed. It has become a hideous blend of zero-hours contracts and excuses to extort charges for everything from handbaggage that is deemed too big to failing to check in online. It is hard to imagine today’s airline workers taking out a full-page newspaper advertisement praising their chairman. On Bosses’ Day in 1994, Southwest’s employees did just that, pitching in an hour’s salary each to raise $60,000. “Thanks Herb. For remembering every one of our names…For listening…For being a friend, not just a boss.”

没有凯莱赫,就没有迈克尔·奥利里(Michael O’Leary)和瑞安航空,也不会有斯特里奥·哈吉·艾安诺(Stelios Haji-Ioannou)开创易捷航空(EasyJet)。然而, 在廉价航空如火如荼的今日,有些东西似乎丢失了。如今的廉价航空旅行只有忍受毫无愉快可言。而廉价航空公司一方面与雇员签订零时工合同,另一方面运用种种蹩脚借口勒索顾客,譬如以手提行李太大而不能办理网上登记为借口,收取额外费用;诸多作为,导致其口碑甚差。时至今日,再难出现航空公司员工筹款买下报纸的整版页面来夸奖航空主席的盛事。1994年老板日的那天,美西南航空的员工们拿出自己一小时的薪水,筹集了六万美金,登报赞扬他们的老板,“感谢赫比,感谢他记住我们每一个人的名字……感谢他乐于倾听……感谢他不仅仅是我们的老板更乐于做我们的朋友。”


Li Xia, 女, 爱爬山的自由翻译,美食狂人










美国当地时间1月3日,美国航空界传奇人物、美国西南航空联合创始人、名誉主席、前总裁Herb Kelleher去世,享年87岁

Herb Kelleher出生于美国东北部,毕业于纽约大学法学院,曾在新泽西州最高法院任书记员。他的终生成就即美国西南航空公司。美国西南航空公司创建于1971年6月18日,在几年内迅速扩张和发展,成为以美国国内城际间航线为主的航空公司,创造了多项美国民航业纪录。2001年9.11事件后,几乎所有的美国航空公司陷入了困境,美西南航却幸免遇难。2005年运力过剩和史无前例的燃油价格让美国整个航空公司行业共亏损100亿美元,达美航空和美国西北航空都是同年申请破产法保护,相比之下,美国西南航空公司则连续第33年保持赢利。美国西南航空是自1973年以来唯一一家连续盈利时间最长的航空公司。



第二,员工队伍。Herb Kelleher一直坚持员工第一而非顾客第一。员工是公司最宝贵的财富。美西南花费了大量的时间和精力雇用、培训和保留那些聪慧的员工。虽然是低成本航空公司,但公司向员工队伍提供了极佳的福利方案。同时公司注重培养一种合作、信任和团队精神的工作氛围——鼓励员工具有创新性并且对所从事工作心怀高兴,比如他们所具有的标志性的幽默感能让乘客拥有一段令人愉悦和令人回想的旅行经历。

第三,企业文化。Herb Kelleher曾说:“西南航空公司的商业模式可能被抄袭,但我们的企业文化难以复制。” “在美西南,我们宁愿让公司充满爱,而不是敬畏。”“不仅仅是一项工作,而是一项事业”。等一系列口号中可以看出美西南企业文化的特质。在其员工培训中强调员工应该“承担责任、做主人翁”(take accountability and ownership),“畅所欲言”(celebrate and let you hair down),在企业文化中真正引导员工形成一种主人翁意识,让其认为公司的发展也就是个人的发展,促使员工愉快地投入到工作中去。

Herb Kelleher 是一个身负重任的人,是他让美国人实现了自由飞行;他改变了世界,让飞行价格更低廉,让人们可以支付以前支付不起的飞行,让天空民主化。



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