

高级中学课本 英语 第三册 5课
标签: 高级中学课本
分类: 英文资料
It was morning. I finished my breakfast and waited for the rest of the team. It was going to be another hot day in the jungle. The heat took the strength out of us. But we had a job to do. I was the head engineer. It was up to me to get the four of us moving.
Vargas and our Indian guide joined me. But Al wasn’t up yet. I went to wake him up.
On the way to his sleeping bag, I called, “Al wake up!” Al didn’t move. Then, when I was almost up to him, I saw his eyes. They were open – and rolling wildly. His face was as gray as ashes.
I stopped. Al’s eyes warned me. Then his lips moved. I crawled close and heard his whisper. “Snake!”
My eyes followed Al’s – down to the lump over his stomach. My blood froze. A snake was in Al’s sleeping bag!
Another sound from me and the snake might strike. I inched backward. Then I turned and tiptoed toward the Indian and Vargas and in a whisper told them what I had seen. We stared at one another, not daring to speak out loud.
“It’s our own fault,” I thought bitterly. “We should have cut away the jungle brush. There’s always a chance of a snake hiding there.” But we had talked it over and decided we would be safe on the top of the hill. How wrong we were!
The three of us tiptoed toward Al. We stared silently at the lump the snake made in the bag. From its shape, it could be a bushmaster – the most deadly snake of all!
Vargas reached for his gun. But Al’s eyes rolled from left to right. That meant “No.” And I knew why. How could we know where the snake’s head was? And if Vargas’s shot missed the head, the snake would strike at Al. We didn’t dare try a shot.
Suddenly the Indian spoke, “Smoke!” It was just one word, but it broke the silence like a shot. And the snake moved!We held our breath. Slowly the snake settled itself again. Quietly we moved away.
Then the Indian showed us what he meant. He acted as if he were smoking. Then he cupped his hands. He puffed breath in and out. On the ground, he drew a sleeping bag. He got out his knife and acted out cutting into the bag.
Vargas and I got the idea. Cut a hole in Al’s sleeping bag. Smoke out the snake! Yes, it might work. Vargas and I nodded.
The Indian began tearing up damp grass. He piled it up near our breakfast fire. Vargas emptied his tool bag and left the bag with the Indian. Then Vargas and I crawled back to Al.
I studied the part of the sleeping bag around Al’s feet. Then quietly but quickly my knife cut into the bag, making a hole the size of an orange. Vargas waved, and the Indian brought me the tool bag filled with smoke. We were ready to rush away when the snake moved. If it started out and sensed that we were near, it might strike Al.
I put the smoke bag to the hole in the sleeping bag. Soon smoke curled around Al’s face. Tears came to his eyes. Suddenly the snake twisted. The smoke was doing its work!
We dashed away. But now the smoke was gone. The snake settled back on Al’s stomach.
What were we going to do now?
The sun was now high in the sky. Al’s face was washed in sweat. I knew how hot that sleeping bag could be. I looked at the rain cover above the sleeping bag. At least it gave Al shade.
Suddenly I remembered something Al had told me. “Snakes are cold-blooded,” he said. “Their body heat changes with the air around them. They can heat up fast. A half hour in the hot jungle sun will kill them.”
I knew what we had to do. Excitedly, I acted it out for the others. Remove the rain cover and let the sun heat the sleeping bag. That would drive the snake out. Al spoke with his eyes, “Yes!”
We took the rain cover away. The sun beat down on Al and the bag. He looked half dead, his eyes closed tight. The heat was like fire. Could Al hold out? “Just a little longer,” I prayed. The Indian and Vargas were praying too.
The snake made a small move. The sun was doing its work! Quickly we slid into the brush and then watched.
The snake twisted, humped up, then became flat. Then it moved up slowly toward the open end of the sleeping bag. A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al’s face. The snake was a bushmaster – a deadly bushmaster!
The head turned this way and that. Then the ugly brown body poured itself through the neck of the sleeping bag. It slid past Al’s face and moved toward a nearby bush.
Vargas pulled out his gun. Crack! The snake was blown to pieces.
Sleeping bag睡袋(野外用)
Jungle n.(常用定冠词)丛林,密林
Be up to someone由某人负责;由某人决定
Vargas n.瓦格斯(男名)
Indian adj.印第安人的 n.印第安人;印第安语
Guide n.向导,导游者
Al n.艾尔(男名)
Wildly adv.疯狂地,急切地
Gray(美)= grey adj.灰色的
Lump n.团;隆起;肿块
Crawl vi.爬
Strike vi.(蛇、兽等)咬;抓
Inch n.英寸 vi. & vt. (使)慢慢地移动;(使)渐进
Backward adj.向后的;落后的 adv.向后;倒
Tiptoe n.脚趾尖 vi.踮起脚;踮着脚走;蹑手蹑脚地行进
Loud adj.响亮的;吵闹的 adv.响亮地
Bitterly adv. 苦苦地;悲痛地;沉痛地
Cut away砍掉,剪掉
Chance n.可能性
Brush n.灌丛地带;灌丛
Talk over 商谈,商量
Shape n.形状
Bushmaster n.一种美洲产的大毒蛇
Deadly adj.致死的;致命的
Shot n.射击;射手
Hold one’s breath屏息,憋住气
Cup vt.使成杯形
Puff vt.喷出;吹气
Act out 表演,比画着表达
Tear up拔出,连根拔起
Damp adj.潮湿的 n.潮湿,湿气
Pile up堆积
Tool n.工具;器具
Wave vi.挥手
Sense vt.感觉到;发觉
Curl vt. & vi.卷曲;盘绕 n.卷发;卷曲
Twist vi.盘旋;缠绕;扭动 vt.拧,扭
Dash away飞快地跑开
Remove vt.拿走,去掉
Tight adv.紧紧地 adj.不松动的;牢固的
Hold out 坚持,支持
Pray vi. & vt. 请求;祈祷
Slide (slid, slid) vi.滑;滑动 vt.使滑动
Hump n.驼峰;驼背 vi.隆起;弓起
Flat adj.平的;扁平的;平伸的
Evil adj.邪恶的;恶毒的;凶恶的 n.罪恶,灾祸
Next to 相邻,靠近;贴近
Pour vt.倒,注,灌 vi.流出;倾泻;(雨等)倾盆而下
Crack n.破裂声;(手枪、鞭子等的)噼啪声
Blow vi. & vt. 爆炸;爆裂
1.       The heat took the strength out of us.相当于The heat tired us out.炎热使我们精疲力竭。
out of 相当于away from。
2.       It was up to me to get the four of us moving.该由我来使我们这四个人行动起来。
be up to someone意为be someone’s duty or responsibility(应由某人负责)。又如:
It is up to you to decide.这由你来决定。
It is up to us to give them all the help we can.我们有责任尽力帮助他们。
3.       Then, when I was almost up to him … 然后,当我快走到他跟前时……
He went straight up to the entrance.他径直朝门口走去。
A little girl was coming up to me.一个小姑娘正向我走来。
4.       Another sound from me and the snake might strike. = if another sound came from me, the snake might strike. 要是我再弄出一点儿响声,蛇就可能咬人。
5.       We should have cut away the jungle brush.我们本来应该把丛林中的灌木丛砍掉。
should + 动词不定式的完成形式表示“过去应该做某事而没有做到”,含有责备或遗憾的意思。
6.       There’s always a chance of a snake hiding there.那里面总有可能藏着蛇的。
7.       He acted as if he were smoking.他做出吸烟的样子。
在由as if (though)引导的状语从句中,谓语动词一般用虚拟语气。
8.       Then he cupped his hands.然后他把两手弯成杯形。
cup在这里是动词,意思是form the hands into the shape of a cup。又如:
The old man cupped a hand behind his ear.这位老人把手窝起来置于耳后(以便听得更清楚)。
9.       He puffed breath in and out.他来回地吸气吹气。
10.   He got out his knife and acted out cutting into the bag.他掏出刀子,比比划划地做着割睡袋的样子。
act out 意思是show an idea, story, or happening by one’s looks, talk and movements。又如:
He tried to act out a story that he had read.他想要把他读过的故事连说带比地讲出来。
11.   Vargas emptied his tool bag and left the bag with the Indian.瓦格斯腾出自己的工具袋,把它交给那个印第安人。
leave something with somebody把某物交给某人。
12.   I studied the part of the sleeping bag around Al’s feet.我仔细察看了艾尔脚周围的那部分睡袋。
study在这里的意思是examine carefully。又如:
The general was studying a map.将军在仔细地察看地图。
13.   Then quietly but quickly my knife cut into the bag, making a hole the size of an orange.接着我悄悄地但很迅速地用刀在睡袋上割了一个桔子大小的口子。
the size of an orange是定语,相当于定语从句which was the size of an orange, 修饰 a hole.
14.   We were ready to rush away when the snake moved.我们作好了准备,蛇一动我们就跑开。
句中when相当于as soon as。
15.   If it started out and sensed that we were near, it might strike Al.要是蛇开始向外移动时,觉察到我们在近旁的话,它可能会咬艾尔的。
16.   The smoke was doing its work!烟在起作用了!
work在这里当“作用”、“效用”解。又如:The medicine has begun to do its work.这药开始起作用了。
17.   A half hour in the hot jungle sun will kill them.丛林地带火辣辣的太阳,只消半个小时就能把蛇晒死。
a half hour相当于half an hour。
18.   The sun beat down on Al and the bag.太阳火辣辣地直晒在艾尔的身上和睡袋上。
beat down在此意为shine hotly。又如:
The sun beat down mercilessly on the dry earth.太阳无情地直晒在干旱的土地上。
19.   Could Al hold out?艾尔支持得住吗?
hold out在此意为refuse to give up(支持,坚持)。又如:
He was so cold that he couldn’t hold out any longer.他冻得支持不住了。
20.   A heavy, evil head appeared, right next to Al’s face.一个笨重的、凶恶的蛇头紧挨着艾尔的脸钻出来了。
next to 在这里是介词,意思是immediately beside。又如:
She sat next to me.她坐在我身旁。
The post office is next to the department store.邮局就在百货大楼的隔壁。
Ⅰ. Answer the following questions:
1.       Tell something about the jungle.
1) What does the word “jungle” mean?
2) What is the weather like in the jungle?
3) Is there usually a chance of a snake hiding in the jungle brush?
2.       What happened to Al that morning?
1) Where did Al sleep?
2) Did Al get up early that morning?
3) Who came to wake him up?
4) What was in his sleeping bag?
5) Where had the snake settled?
3.       How did the men try to smoke out the snake?
1) What did the Indian begin tearing up?
2) Where did he pile up the grass?
3) What did Vargas do then?
4) What did the writher of the story do with his knife?
5) Who brought the tool bag filled with smoke to the writer?
6) Where did the writer put the bag?
7) Did the smoke do its work?
4.       What made the men take away the rain cover that gave Al some shade?
1) What did the writer suddenly remember?
2) A half hour in the hot sun will kill snakes. Why?
5.       What happened to the snake after it was heated up by the hot jungle sun?
6.       What part of the story did you find most frightening? Why?
Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct words according to the text:
1.       The men tried to be quiet because their noise might      .
1) make the snake crawl away
2) draw out other snakes from the brush
3) make the snake strike
4) frighten Al
2.       The men saved Al’s life by      .
1) smoking out the snake
2) letting the sun heat the sleeping bag
3) cutting open the sleeping bag
4) shooting the snake in the bag
3.       The plan that saved Al’s life was based on the fact that snakes      .
1) are warm-blooded
2) hate the smell of smoke
3) are afraid of very loud noises
4) are cold- blooded
4.       The lesson learned by the team was to      .
1) keep away from sleeping bags
2) be sure to cut away the jungle brush when they camped
3) talk softly in the jungle
4) sleep on the top of a hill
5.       The writer of this story wanted mainly to      .
1) teach you about safety
2) tell you an adventure(惊险活动)story
3) tell you about the life of a snake
4) warn people about snakes in the brush
Ⅲ. Use suitable words or phrases from the text to complete the following passage:
In the     , even the heat of the morning sun too the strength      us. But we had      to do. So we had to get      . Vargas and our Indian       joined me. I went to      Al. When I was almost      him, I saw his face was as      as ashes. A      was in his sleeping bag! I      toward the Indian and Vargas and in a      told them what I had seen. The      of us went to Al, walking as quietly as possible. Then we realized that any      from us might make the snake strike, so we      moved away. The Indian had and idea. He      as if he were smoking. He       breath in and out. I got the      . Smoke might     ! Then I cut a      in the sleeping bag with my knife and put a      which the Indian had brought me to the hole. The snake     . But it      on Al’s      when the smoke     . Suddenly I remembered that snakes are      and can      fast. The hot jungle sun can      them. So we      the rain cover       the sleeping bag. The sun      on Al and the bag. After a while the snake       slowly toward the      end of the sleeping bag. The sun was doing its     ! The snake slid      Al’s face and     toward a     bush. Vargas       his gun and shot the snake dead.
Ⅳ. Learn the following:
Adj.       n.
Strong     strength
Long      length
Broad    breadth
Deep     depth
True     truth
Warm    warmth
Wide     width
Ⅴ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, than tell what part of speech each italicized word is:
1.       The guide showed them around the old temple.
The village boy will guide you to the top of the mountain.
2.       The baby inched across the carpet.
He is six feet five inches tall.
3.       I went up to him very quietly on tiptoe.
I tiptoed out of the room.
4.       She dropped the cup and broke it.
Cup your hands to catch the ball.
5.       A puff of smoke came out of the window.
Don’t puff smoke into my face.
6.       She waved me goodbye.
He gave me a friendly waves as he passed.
7.       This road has so many twists.
The road twists over the hills.
8.       He made a dash for the door.
The boy dashed out of the house.
9.       These shoes are too tight for me.
The mother held her child tight in her arms.
10.   Will you move a bit so that I can pass?
It’s getting late – we ought to make a move.
Ⅵ. Find single words in the text which have roughly the meanings given below. The first letter of each word is given.
1.       Walk on one’s toes (t    )
2.       Move on one’s hands and knees (c    )
3.       Run quickly and suddenly (d    )
4.       go smoothly over a surface (s    )
5.       move slowly and carefully (i    )
6.       form into the shape of a cup (c   )
7.       breathe in and out (p    )
8.       a person who shows others the way (g   )
9.       a degree of bigness or smallness (s    )
10.   likely or able to cause death (d    )
Ⅶ. Fill in each blank with a suitable word or phrase in its proper form from the list below:
Be up to  stare at  hold one’s breath  tear up  beat down  up  cut away  hold out  talk over
1.       We must       till the other side gives up.
2.       The burning sun       on our heads.
3.       The wind       several trees by the roots.
4.       It      you to decide whether to accept the gift or not.
5.       I have an important matter to       with you.
6.       It’s impolite to       people.
7.       I tiptoed quietly towards a pigeon on the fence. When I was almost      to it. It suddenly flew away.
8.       We      as we watched the snake crawling towards the frog.
Ⅷ. Translate the following sentences into English after the models:
Model A. Another sound from me and the snake might strike.
1.       把一块木头加热到很高的温度,它就会燃烧。
2.       把湿衣服挂在炉火旁边,不久就会看到蒸汽从上面升起来。
3.       努力学习,你就会进步。
4.       再坚持一会儿,我们就会得救。
Model B. There’s always a chance of a snake hiding there.
1.       弱者常常有可能战胜强者。
2.       还是有可能再见到他的。
3.       他还是有恢复健康的希望的。
4.       你赶上他的希望不大。
Model C. He cut into the bag a hole the size of an orange.
1.       在艾尔的肚子上隆起一个篮球大的包。
2.       他被一颗鸡蛋大的石子打着了背部。
Ⅸ. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A Pleasant Surprise
For a long time I had been longing for a piano of my own to practice on.
There was a piano shop on the street through which I went to school every day. Whenever I passed the shop, I would stop, looking at the piano which stood in the corner of the shop window. How I had been dreaming day and night to possess a piano like that!
Unfortunately, my father was just a clerk, he could not afford to buy me an expensive piano, though he knew that I was very anxious for one.
On my birthday, I went as usual to the shop window to look at the piano, but to my surprise the piano had gone. In fact, I should not have been surprised, others had the right to buy it, if they could afford to. Tears filled my eyes when I thought of not being able to see that piano any more.
I had just come back from school, when I heard my mother calling me. I brushed away my tears and went into the dining-room where she was. I could not believe my eyes. There was the piano, my piano. “Am I dreaming?" I said to myself. “Come on the piano,” my mother told me. I approached it and lifted the glossy lid of the piano, then touched the keys with my fingers. What beautiful tone! I held Mother’s hand, not knowing what to say. I knew at once that it was a gift from Father. How I wished that I could kiss him right there! He was still in office working. I waited eagerly for his return.
As soon as he appeared, I held him tight and kissed him. Hot tears were running down my cheeks when I said: “Thank you very much, Dad!” I could find no words that could express my feelings at that time.
Father had cut down his expenses on cigarettes in order to save up enough money for the gift. How generous and kind of him!
That birthday was the happiest one I had ever had. Later, much later, I came to realize that although the gift was costly, no gift could measure the love of my parents for me.
1.       What had the author been longing for? What did she do whenever she passed the piano shop on her way to school every day?
2.       Did she think that her father could afford to buy her the expensive piano? Why not?
3.       How did she feel when she found the piano no longer in the shop window on her birthday?
4.       What did her mother tell her when she was back home after school? What did she see in the dining-room? Could she believe her eyes? How did she feel then?
5.       What did she do to her mother to show her happiness? What did she say to her father as soon as he appeared?
6.       Was it easy for her father to buy her the piano? What had he had to do in order to buy it?
7.       Had the author expected the gift? What did she realize much later?
8.    What did the author think of her parent’s gift for her?
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