


Get More Done: 18 Tips for Telecommuters (II)


文 / 克里斯蒂娜·戴马雷

译 / 苏相宜

By Christina DesMarais 

Remote workers weigh in on what helps them amp productivity and stay in touch with the office.  远程上班族们在掂量:怎样增强生产力,并与办公室保持联系呢?

7. Invest in creating a comfortable office. 

7. 投资打造舒适的工作室。

Deb McAlister-Holland, a freelance marketing professional in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, says the $5,000 she spent remodeling her home office was the best thing she ever did to increase her productivity. “I love my home office. It has a big leather sofa, three walls covered with built-in bookshelves and storage cabinets, dedicated circuits for my computers, special lighting, and a soft hand-woven rug on the floor that’s the perfect spot for my dog to nap while I work,” she says.

达拉斯福特沃斯地区的营销专业自由作家德布·麦卡利斯特-霍兰说,她花费 5000 美元重塑家庭办公室,那是她为了提升工作效率而做过最正确的事情。她说:“我爱我的家庭办公室。它有大大的真皮沙发,三面墙壁内嵌着书架和储物柜,有电脑专用线路,有特殊照明。地板上一块柔软的手织地毯,工作时我的狗狗最爱在上面打盹儿。”

Frank Niles, co-founder and partner of Fayetteville, Arkansas-based Scholar Executive Group, a boutique executive coaching and executive counseling firm, sings a similar tune. “It may sound trivial but it’s not—also buy yourself a comfortable business chair,” he says. “You’ll be more inclined to stay working... As a result, you’ll be more productive.”


8. Be clear about your working hours.

8. 清楚你的工作时间。

“Post your hours of operation on your door, as with any office and stick to them. Indicate on your voicemail your hours of operation and refer the caller to your residence phone if it is personal,” says Denise Beeson, small business loan officer  and business instructor at Santa Rosa Jr. College, in Santa Rosa, California.


9. Pretend you’re not home. 

9. 假装不在家。

Don’t answer your home phone or door during business hours, advises Ron Sellers, president of Phoenix-based Grey Matter Research & Consulting. “That way, I’m never tempted to chat or take time off or slack off in any way, and I remain focused on business,” he says.


10. Don’t go to non-work appointments in the middle of the day. 

10. 白天不进行跟工作无关的约会。

“I try to make doctor and dentist appointments just as I would in a company office, first thing in the morning, last thing in the day to minimize disruptions of my work,” says Linda Stokes, managing partner of the Academy Physicians, a physician recruiting company in the Albuquerque, New Mexico, area.


11. Get in-person time with co-workers. 

11. 设定同事见面时间。

Once a month the four-person virtual team at Moreno Valley, California-based commercial telecom company TelecomQuotes meets in person. “I’m a big believer in kinesthetic learning or learning by doing and that’s a bit of a lost art with our virtual world,” says CEO Michael Bremmer. “There is something about white boarding an idea, while talking through the story and everyone is leaning in, engaged, thinking about a common goal, drawing on the deep water thoughts, that you just don’t seem to get on a conference call or video call.”


12. Use Google+ Hangouts. 

12. 使用 Google+ 环聊。

While it’s ideal if you can occasionally meet in-person with coworkers, sometimes it’s not possible because teams are separated by geography. In that case, video chatting is the next best thing, with Google+ Hangouts being an excellent medium for doing it. You can meet with up to 10 people for free, unlike Skype in which at least one person in the group has to have a paid subscription for meetings between more than two people. It also lets you do things like share your screen with others or pull in apps such SlideShare or Cacoo to draw or give presentations, respectively. Check out Google+ a Ghost Town? Hardly, which discusses why Hangouts are good for business.

能和同事经常碰头是理想状态,然而有时候办不到,因为团队受地域限制。这种情形下,视频聊天是退而求其次的选择。Google+ 环聊是一种绝佳媒介,你可以免费与多达十人会面;它不像Skype群组,多于两个人参会,就需要其中至少一人付费订购。Google+环聊还能让你做许多事,比如共享屏幕,或者嵌入 SlideShare、Cacoo 等应用程序,用来绘图表或播放演示文稿。要退出被称为“鬼城”的Google+ 服务吗?不太可能。这也说明了环聊对商业有利。

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