













Heyang: One of our greatest fears which hurts us when we go into the world and socialize with others is that we may in our hearts be really boring. But the good news and fundamental truth too is that no one is ever truly boring, we will give you some tips on how to become a person that I guess can be called Mr. or Ms. popularity.


Niu Honglin: Very interesting and I want to say according to the dictionary, the definition of boring is that causing weariness and restlessness though lack of interest. And I think that sentence has bored both Heyangand Ryan away.


H: No, you’ve got my attention.


N: Really? I think the first tip of being a person who is not boring is to not start a sentence with “the definition of boring in the dictionary is”. And that’s my first tip.


Ryan Price: Yes. Yeah, you know. Ok, so we’ve got actually these kind of ways you can being boring, the things you do that are actually the most boring. So don't do these is what I’m saying, ok? That’s negative, ego centrism, ok? That’s being negative and complaining, talking about one’s problems, so basically you know you are always that person someone walks up to, like “Hey, Ryan, how you doing?”  “I’m doing awful, man. Oh my god,so today again Kelly took the water off my desk and I am just getting so sick of it. And then I didn’t get on the train at the right time this morning and I got what...” You are like “Oh my god, I’m sorry I asked you how you’re doing.” You know, you just wanna skip that guy and never talk to him again.


Banality. Talking about trivial or superficial things. So it’s like “Oh my god,  and then balabala” basically someone who says a bunch of stuff. And you like “Oh my god, what’s the meaning of that conversation we literally said nothing, it was all trivial. Low effectivity showing little enthusiasm, speaking monotone. So talking like this would be very boring, probably you, don’t turn off the dial, ok? We are still here. Round Table is still here. We are not boring. Ok, tedious, talking slowly, taking a lot of pauses, this kind of thing. Ok, passivity being a person has no opinions. So preoccupation, talking only about yourself, how great you are ok? Being… God just seriousness. Don't be serious all the time. Have fun.


Boring and ingratiation. Try to be funny. You know, don’t be that person that is always just, you know, trying to impress people in a superficial way. That’s not cool but be yourself. These kind of things are ways you can avoid being boring. Also I was saying before the show anytime you start a sentence, cause you know Niu Honglin, you started the sentence like this, you are snore’s vill.You are boring, alright? I think if you start a sentence like it’s about to be the opening to a musical like “hello, everybody.” People will be like that guy is weired, but so interesting. Let’s talk to him.


H: Interesting, yes, that guy is real interesting. That’s a funny word. It could have so many meanings in different connotations. But certainly, I think it’s kind of important. I agree with you Ryan that you need to spot the symptoms and try to correct them, so that it is the first step in reversing that disease of being boring. So let’s go through the next step of tips. How do you avoid? What do you need to do to not be boring?


N: I was stick to the script first to telling people how to be not boring with this tip but offer for a little bit of my own, let’s say, two cents. First, go exploring. And I think go exploring means you should go out and have some experience to share with people so they don't think you are boring. Next, share what you discovered. Well, that’s after the exploring part. And third, do something, anything. That is kind of sad for people who really don’t know how to be interesting or fun. And also embrace your innate weirdness. That’s what I do all the time.


R: Thank you so much for that one.


N: You do that as well, right?


R: Me too.


N: And also there has a cause like if you don't give anything, if you don't care about anything, no one will care about you.


R: Just care, just care.


N: Care is very important, but what I actually want to say here is that I don't think anyone is boring to everybody, because different people have different interests and things. Let’s take Ross from Friends for example. He is a very nerdy person. He talks slowly and he talks with pauses all the time. But sometimes I think he is very interesting, because he is knowledgeable, he can share you with weird dinosaur knowledge. I find it interesting, so maybe if you do read a lot, do have your own experience, you will find a person who thinks you are not a boring person.

R: Yeah, you know, but looking at your tips, what if I said, hey, Niu HonglinI went exploring in my bed. And I found a pillow. And now I’m going to sleep. And this is what I tell you. Oh my god, this guy is so boring. He just live in his bed.  But maybe I talk to somebody else like, oh my god, I live in my bed too. It’s great. What kind of bed do you have? I think is all relative at the same time. To personality, how you see other people, being boring or being awesome. You know, that’s relative to who you are. Let’s say, if I talk like this, and I meet another person. We are just like, oh my god, let talk for an hour. Because we put each other to sleep, and it’s great. You know, these kind of things, I think it’s all relative. I wouldn’t say, you know, though we did have a kind of general list of things you should avoid, which are generally seen as boring. Never try to be a people-pleaser. That is never try to be anyone but yourself. Because you awake up every day, feeling like you never did justice  for yourself. You are chasing something that not you. Your body wants to run this direction. You, your personality is this. Embrace it, don’t be ashamed of it. Make it your own. If people, some dude says you are boring like. Whatever, he is a loser. You are awesome, OK? And someday, you are going to meet a group of people that like, yes, we are awesome. And we all have the similar personality trait. But people will always have opinions about you. Your personality, whether you are boring or not, I tend actually to be a pretty serious person. In my personal life, when it comes to stuff, I get, you know, not serious in bad way, but I definitely like to make sure that the things happened in my life are taken with a grain of salt. You know, I don’t think that makes me boring. And you know, sometimes, maybe I am, what else am I, I’m probably a couple other things on this, you know. And so, I don’t think that makes me a boring person. I think you are who you are. And that’s all relative. Don’t get bent out of shape about it.


N: Totally, and also I do have one little tip for you. That is, if you don’t want to be a boring person, maybe you should read more, and know more stuff, and maybe travel more. Just explore the world as well as you explore your inner yourself.


H: Yeah,actually, just a small little personal anecdote here. I know someone, who reads a lot, and travels, and has a pretty important job. I hope he is not listening to the show right now. Well, anyhow, I think I would say this guy has very little charisma. Maybe zero charisma. Actually, well, if he is not listening, I know you are not listening, then anti-charisma. Do you know why? That is because the way he speaks. And the way you present your ideas. And not having the ability to read the room. So sometimes, when you say someone is boring, that is sort of just putting that tag on a person when (there is) this person could be interesting if he got those things fixed.


R: Wo, wo, let me jump in here. Because I actually think those people are great. The ones can’t read the room. They make it so interesting because they just do the craziest stuff. You know, you like, did that guy really just say that? No? Oh my god, he did! He is like engaging this other dude. Oh my god, what’s next? These people make things so interesting. Sometimes the ones that cannot read the room are the ones you want to watch because you are like, I would never do that. But this guy did it. And sometimes I think those are the people that I just think that’s all relative.


N: I think I want to be popular, not be laughed at.


H: Yeah, also one thing I found out as we grew older, that is boring or not, it doesn’t matter that much. Once you grow out of the teenage years, and I think it is important to realize that you don’t need to please anyone but yourself.


R: And guys, if you are listening to the show, chances are that you are awesome and not boring.So you don’t even worry about it.


H: Totes! Yeah, at least you got Roundtable to show up to people. Yeah, I’m a cool Roundtable listener! Hahahahahahahahah~~~~~~~~~~



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