


为什么你那么爱招蚊子咬? 来自RoundTable英语新闻脱口秀 06:47







Are you a mecca for mosquitoes? Studies show that 20% of people are especially irresistible. Let’s find out who would make mosquitoes swoon and how to avoid their attack in the summer. So what are some the reasons that mosquitoes can bite you or want to bite you.


Buh, bluh, I want to something blurred. That was, um, my very shabby impression at Dracula, who was famous for being the OG vampire original,vampire, OK. So he was the OG vampire. But he sucked blood to stay alive much like mosquitoes do. He was also many times depicted evil much like mosquitoes are.[Heyang:And he was also pretty good looking.] much like wait, wait a minute.[Heyang: no.] No so let’s talk about this guys, I got some bad news for you. If you are type O blood, you are nearly twice as often gonna get bit by those guys. They love ya. You are literally their cup of tea, OK. Type A not so much, I’m sorry, but, actually, that’s a good thing. Type B blood. You guys are in the middle. So, you know if there’s no O blood around. They’re gonna just bite you.

Niu Honglin: Yeah. And if you are a type A and you are feeling like you are walking buffet to those mosquitoes. It’s probably because, in your gene because,,85% of people secrete chemical signal through their skin. [Ryan:Yeah.] That actually is inviting all the mosquitoes.  [Ryan:Yes .] That’s also possible. 


OK. So keep type O friends around, because they are the mecca for this. And you’ll be OK. Alright, maybe the best repellent is your good friend that is type O. Also, maybe a larger person, that is somebody is tall, just a big person overall. Um, I guess studies have shown that larger people, they ,you know, they have bigger breaths so they let out more carbon dioxide which also attracts these little vampires. I’ll call’em it. Um, also having more exercise and metabolism, higher metabolism, more exercise-prone lifestyle, OK. I guess through sweat certain things are excreted. That those guys just love, love, love. Also hotter body temperatures, they love it. Um, so you got skin bacteria on your skin. If you are like one of the germphobes. I’m sorry. Everybody’s got them. And you need them, I think. But basically in a 2011 study from the medical center of ….McKinney, sorry, in northeast Dallas. They show that a large amount of , I guess, a certain type of bacteria on your skin make you real appealing baby. And also drinking beer guys, I guess, in France, they did some research in Francis, and found just single twelve ounce bottle of beer can make you more attractive than those insects. So pregnant ladies. Ladies be careful. Basically if you are a pregnant lady you should not be wearing any dark colors because as I understand it also attracts them. You should not drink beer running near, ah, river with type O blood and breathing heavily.


Yeah, I see a good reason why I should have Ryan Price and Niu Honglin with me when there’s mosquito around.


We’ll protect you.



Niu Honglin: 

We’re sacrificing ourselves to protect her! That’s deep love!


Don’t tell them though. You know we know, so now we know why Heyang is like, ‘Hey, can you guys come outside with me?’ Keep your friends in the dark, okay? Then you always got a human meat shield.


Yeah, for those of us who don’t have the blood type O or type B, or you aren’t really that tall or huge and don’t have a huge (Niu Honglin: Baby inside.) metabolism level and no baby inside, thank god! And then beer or any of those things. You have practically human shields, Ryan Price and Niu Honglin with you! So that’s what I’ve just figured out, and are there such natural repellents that mosquitos simply just wanna stay away from? 

Niu Honglin:

Well my way of dealing this is always setting my AC really low to freeze myself so that I don’t emit to any kind of radiation or signals to  mosquitoes, or they just freeze to death, I don’t know. But that’s my way of doing it, what about you?


Yeah. I think, you know, I’ve heard a lot of natural remedies for this, I know you can get those sprays pretty easily, I don’t know if they are necessarily ‘natural’. But I know campfires, I remember when we lit up a camp fire, the smoke, kinda, I think, mixing with the carbon dioxide, you can play around with maybe some certain things to make it a little bit better. We told you how they are attracted, so basically try to cut off those points where they’re sniffing ya out and then maybe they won’t find you and they’ll find somebody else and they’ll have to learn the hard way. But I’m definitely one of those people I think that ‘learns the hard way’, it could be having those beers occasionally, I’d like to have a cold brewski, and I guess maybe they love that. It could also be for me, particularly, cause I’m a big dude, that I’m just a big dude, and I exhale a lot of carbon dioxide. So I’m in trouble, basically.


I do see some of our WeChat listeners joining your league (Ryan: It’s okay, guys!) of those ‘Mosquitoes Love’. We’ve got a few of you including Yuanxing saying that, ‘I know why I always get targeted by mosquitoes because I’m a blood type O.’ And also, Maidi says, ‘I always get mosquito bites on my ankles, bummer!’ Because that’s the worst, because he’s got these hairy legs that fend off mosquitoes. Yeah I thought I’ll share that with everybody because it made me chortle  quite a bit.



企鹅FM主播号:China Plus

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