

2018年曼布克奖长名单公布 | 卫报

The Guardian first book award-winner Donal Ryan makes this list with his story of a Syrian refugee, a care worker and a crooked accountant, From a Low and Quiet Sea

《卫报》第一位图书获奖者多纳尔·瑞安入围榜单,他在《From a Low and Quiet Sea.》一书中讲述了一个叙利亚难民的故事:一个医疗工作者、一个做账的会计。

Esi Edugyan’s Washington Black, the story of a slave who becomes the personal servant to an eccentric scientist, and Anna Burns’ Milkman, a look at Ireland during the Troubles through the perspective of a young girl, complete a 13-strong longlist assembled from 171 submissions – the highest number of books ever entered for the prize.

艾斯·伊多格彦的《Washington Black》中,一个奴隶成为一个怪咖科学家的仆人,安娜·伯恩斯的《Milkman》则从一个年轻女子的视角观察了爱尔兰的动乱时期。曼布克奖长名单从171个提交作品中选出13部,提交作品创了纪录。

“We tried to read blind as much as we could,” said Val McDermid. “We didn’t care where the writers came from or whether it was their first book or their 40th. I read most on my iPad so I really was reading blind, with no author bio or publisher information.”


Kwame Anthony Appiah said that he and his fellow judges had been struck by the way the novels on the longlist “disrupted the way we thought about things we knew about, and made us think about things we didn’t know about”..


“Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the times,” he said, “there were many dystopian fictions on our bookshelf – and many novels we found inspirational as well as disturbing. Some of those we have chosen for this longlist feel urgent and topical; others might have been admired and enjoyed in any year. All of these books – which take in slavery, ecology, missing persons, inner-city violence, young love, prisons, trauma, race – capture something about a world on the brink.”


Appiah is joined on the panel by McDermid, the critic Leo Robson, the feminist academic Jacqueline Rose and the artist and graphic novelist Leanne Shapton.

The shortlist for the Booker will be announced on 20 September, and the winner on 16 October.


Man Booker prize 2018 longlist includes graphic novel for the first time

A graphic novel about a vanished young woman and a thriller about a vanished mother have elbowed their way on to a giant-slaying Man Booker prize longlist that “capture[s] something about a world on the brink”.


Nick Drnaso’s Sabrina, the first graphic novel ever to reach the Booker longlist, explores the chilling effect of 24-hour news after a girl has disappeared. Judges picked it as a contender for the £50,000 prize ahead of titles from former winners including Pat Barker, Julian Barnes, Peter Carey and Alan Hollinghurst, describing it as “oblique, subtle [and] minimal” and saying the “changing shape of fiction” meant it was only a matter of time before a graphic novel made the cut.


“We all read it and were blown away by it,” said the judge and bestselling crime novelist McDermid. “The graphic novel has increasingly become front and centre in terms of storytelling [and] we felt [Sabrina] does just what good fiction should do.”


Also in the running for the UK’s most prestigious literary award is a thriller from the crime writer Belinda Bauer. Snap opens with a mother abandoning her three children in a broken-down car and plays out as they struggle to deal with her disappearance. The judges called it an “acute, stylish, intelligent novel about how we survive trauma”, which “undermines the tropes of its own genre and leaves us with something that lingers”.


“I’d read it even before I knew I would be a Booker judge and it seemed to me to be an outstanding novel,” said McDermid. “My fellow judges read it and one said, ‘This transcends genre’, and someone else said, ‘This shows what genre can do at its best’ ... It is an extremely clever piece of storytelling with characters you care about, and that’s what we were looking for – something well written that engages with mind and heart.”


A longlist that stands out for its “willingness to take risks with form”, according to chair of judges Kwame Anthony Appiah, also features debuts from Sophie Mackintosh and Guy Gunaratne. Mackintosh’s The Water Cure“unpicks patriarchy at its core”, according to the panel, while Gunaratne’s In Our Mad and Furious City is “an inner city novel for our times”. 

评委会主席阿皮亚说,本次长名单的特点是“愿意在形式上冒风险”,进入长名单的作家还有索菲·麦金托什和盖伊·古娜拉特尼。评委会说,麦金托什的《The Water Cure》“把父权制剔了个干净”,而古娜拉特尼的《In Our Mad and Furious City》是“我们这个时代的城市小说”。

The poet Robin Robertson mixes verse and prose in his first novel, The Long Take, while Daisy Johnson’s first novel, Everything Under, is enough to put the 27-year-old alongside Sally Rooney, picked for Normal People, as the youngest authors on this year’s list. Johnson and Rooney are “looking at the world from the perspective of their age and their books have a very different flavour”, McDermid explained, “but they’re there because they impressed us”.

诗人罗宾·罗伯森的处女作小说《The Long Take》把韵律和散文融合在一起,而黛西·约翰逊的处女作《Everything Under》则让这位27岁的作家与写《Normal People》的莎莉·鲁尼一起,成为今年长名单中最年轻的作家。约翰森和鲁尼“从她们的年纪看待这个世界,让作品显得风格独特”,麦克德米德说,“但它们也入围了,因为它们打动了我们”。

Only one former winner made this year’s Booker longlist: Michael Ondaatje, for Warlight, which opens in 1945 with London still reeling from the blitz. The other major name in the running for the Booker is the Pulitzer-winning novelist Richard Powers, selected for his novel The Overstory

此前获奖者再次入围布克奖长名单的只有迈克尔·翁达杰,其作品《Warlight》从1945年讲起,当时伦敦还没从闪电战中恢复过来。另外一个入围布克奖名单的大人物是普利策奖获得者理查德·鲍尔斯,入选小说是《The Overstory》。

With US writers having won the last two Man Booker prizes after the award was opened up to authors from outside the UK and Commonwealth – a decision that Julian Barnes described as “daft” earlier this month – naysayers will be celebrating the fact that just three US writers were longlisted this year: Powers, Drnaso and Rachel Kushner, chosen for The Mars Room. Called “terrifyingly authentic” by judges, The Mars Room follows the story of a woman beginning two consecutive life sentences, plus six years, at Stanville Women’s Correctional Facility.

向英国和英联邦以外地区作者开放后,美国作者赢得上两届曼布克奖,朱利安·巴恩斯本月初说这一决定“蠢笨”,唱衰者今年得意了,只有三个美国作者进入长名单:鲍尔斯、德纳索和蕾切尔·库什纳,后者的入选作品是《The Mars Room》。评委说这一作品“令人恐怖地真切”,讲述了一个女人被判两个无期徒刑另加六年徒刑的故事,她被关在斯塔克维尔女子劳改所。


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