


  Profile of the Industrial Park in West China Shoes Centre

中国西部鞋都是在中国轻工业联合会、中国皮革协会和重庆市委、市政府的关心支持下,由璧山县人民政府与中国奥康集团为整合西部鞋业资源,提高制鞋档次,形成产业集群,增强鞋业整体竞争力而规划建设的,集鞋业生产、鞋材交易、成品贸易、物流储运、质量检测、资讯信息、人才培训、研发设计、商住配套为一体的现代鞋业工业城。鞋都工业园位于重庆璧山,毗邻重庆都市圈,距离主城 30 公里、火车站 30 公里、港口 40 公里、国际机场 50 公里,地理位置优越,区位优势独特,交通运输便捷,基础设施完善,市政配套齐全。

园区占地面积 2600 亩,总投资逾 10 亿元,分两期建设,一期工程建设近 1000 亩,二期工程建设 1600 亩。另外,鞋都三期工程现已通过专家组评审。园区自 2003 年奠基动工以来,建成并投运西南鞋材交易中心、金都鞋业孵化区、园区物流中心,园区仓储中心等主体项目。园区被列为重庆市特色工业园区,西南鞋材交易中心被评为“重庆市商品交易市场 20 强”、“重庆市商贸流通 100 强”、“重庆市四星级文明市场”。园区已引进制鞋及配套企业 80 多家,引进鞋材经营商 500 多户,已初步形成工商互动、产业联动、示范带动、持续发展的良性格局。 2006 年 2 月,中国轻工业联合会、中国皮革协会在北京人民大会堂举行了隆重仪式,将“中国西部鞋都”荣誉称号授予重庆璧山。 2007 年 5 月,来自全国的 32 家鞋企集体入驻鞋都, 70 余万平方米厂房集中奠基开工,还有鞋都精品展销中心(中国西部鞋玛特)、重庆奥康大厦(鞋都商务中心)、 32 幢园区标准厂房、鞋材交易市场二期、国家皮革质检中心等配套项目也陆续进场开工建设。

重庆奥康置业有限公司由浙江奥康集团控股,以整合重庆鞋业资源、培育产业集群为已任,致力于中国西部鞋都工业园区的开发建设。公司 承担着园区整体开发建设、招商引资、经营管理和协调服务的重任。凝聚着各级领导的关注、厚爱与支持,饱含着建设者的理想、希望和辛勤,中国西部鞋都从理想变成为现实,园区建设跨入了“完善一期、建设二期、谋划三期”新阶段,在各级领导一如既往的关心支持下,鞋都已经步入新的起点,迈上新的征程,再通过 3—5 年的努力,一座拥有 100 余家制鞋企业, 1000 余家经营商,年产皮鞋 1 亿多双,产值逾 100 亿元,劳动就业 6 万余人,功能齐全、配套完善、产业集群、富有特色、充满生机与活力的现代鞋业城将展示在世人面前。

Under the support and concern of National Light Industrial Union, National Leather Association and Chongqing Municipal government and state council, The agreement for The Industrial park of The West China Shocs Centre has been signed up formally on Jan 9,2003, thc Modern Shoes industrial city integrated with Shoes manufacturing, Market Circulation, Scientific Research infonnation, Technological training and Business Occupancy accessories has been planned to be constructed by Bishan County People's Govemement and Chinese AoKang Group in order to rectify the shoes resources in Chongqing and Western areas, and improve the grade of shoes manufacturing, and formed industries groups, enhance the overall competitive power. The industrial park is located in Bishan of Chongqing, neighboring to Chongqing Urban circles, with excellent gcographic location, which is 30~dns from the downtown area, 30Kms from railway station, 40 Kms from the ports, 50 Kms from the international airport, neighboring to Chenyu Free way and Yushui free way, very near to the Urban light rail line No I nearly to be constructed and the terminal station of Western University City fast speed trunk road phase, with distinct area advantages and convenient transportation, integrated infrastructure facilities such as water ,electricity ,gas and fibre optic circular net programmable controlled Telphones, and complete city planning construction accessories.

The industrial park occupied an area of 2600 Mu, the total investment is more than 1 billion yuan, and to be constructed by two stages, the first project construction for 1000 mu, the second project construction for 1600 Mu, and is planned to be constructed in 5 year. It has been planned for The industrial park constructed to bc AoKang Production Base, Shoes Hatching areas, Acccssories production base, Shoes materials trading center, Warehousing ccnter, Logistic delivery center, Business center, Eductional Training center, Leather testing center, Accessory Residential district etc. It will own 100 shoes manufacturing enterprises and nearly 1000 shocs materials acccssories plant, thc annual output for shoes production will be 0.1billion pairs, the output valuc will be over 10 billion yuan, and soloved the employment for 40000 persons.

The industrial park has estabished thc western largest shoes materials professional market South west shoes materials trading center, National first privately owed enterprise invested developmental hatching industrial park-Jingdu shoes hatching area, and AoKang Group production base since it has been fbunded and constructed in 2003. And the Industrial park has been listed into the starting area for Chongqing Characteristic industrial park, and the south west shoes materials trading center has been listed into Chongqing Important contacting market, and has been evaluatcd to be Chongqing Commodities trading market Top 20 in 2005. The industrial park has introduced more than 40 shocs manufacturing and accessory enterprises and more than 400 shoes matcrials dealers to reside the southwest shoes materials trading center, and has initially funned modern industrial park with pilot spot demonstrative leading, Industrial linkage, Business and Industry interaction. With the construction for 3 years, and "Western shoes metropolitan founding ceremony", "Western shoes industry developmental demonstration","Resided enterprises agreement signing up ceremony","Western shoes metropolitan and area economical developmental demonstration", "Enterprises partnership signing up ceremony for AoKang Group and Western shoes metropolitan","Western large development and area characteristic economical demonstration" "EU Anti-dumping demonstration"etc, important activities have been hold, successfully hold two national large exhibitions"Chinese Western shoes industry exposition", and be cared and highly regarded by the relatcd leaders of Thc National light industry Union, Chinese Lcather Association, Chongqing State council and Municipal government, and attracted 100 Journalist medias to make thc spot interviews and tracing rcports in Shoes metropolitan, The reputation and popularity of the Western shoes metropolitan has been improved greatly, and has been conferred to be the honor of Chinese Wcstern Shoes Metropolitan by thc Cinese light industry Union and Chinese Leather Association in Dec ,2005.The namcplate authorized ceremony has been hold sensationally in the Great hall of the people in Beijing on Feb 26,2006.

Chongqing AoKang Real Estate Co.,Ltd under the leadership of the Bishan County council, Bishan county government and Chinese AoKang Group, shouldered the mission for the construction of Chinese Western Shoes Metropolitan, and responsible for the overall developmental construction and businesses invited and investment introduced, Business operational adnmistration and Coordinatcd service. It agglomerated the cohesion under support and dccp caring of leaders in all grades, and contained the ambition,hope and hardworking of thc builders, thc first construction project for West China Shoes Centre has changed the ambition into the reality, the construction for the Industrial park has entered into the new stage of "integrated the first stge, constructed the second stage, and planned the third stage", Under the devoted caring and support of the leaders in all grades, the development and construction for the industrial park has entered into a new starting point, and stepped onto the new journey, the new climax tide will be lifted in the industrial park, and rcalized the developing of new breakthrough, and recasted the new glories of shoes metropolitan.

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