

1、  弯腰蹲起,刚入园时经常做
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
   2walking walkinghop hop… jumping jumping jumping……now let’s stop.跑跑跳跳的,户外活动经常做。
   3Down by the station,开火车的游戏,头尾相接,转圈。
  4、daddy finger mummy fingerRow row row your boatl、数数歌等等,这个非常多,一时例举不过来。

二、what’s the time, mr. Wolf?
刚入托时,一个老师当老狼,其余的老师和小朋友当小羊,One two three four five……..,数到几就前进几步,学会数数而已,快走到老狼面前的时候,老狼比划要吃羊状,小朋友四散而逃。
后来老师不参与羊,小朋友自己玩,游戏演变为what’s the time? Mr.wolf? 答:One o’clock, two o’clock, three o’clock…….it’s the dinner time.说完dinner time老狼开始抓羊,游戏目的变成了时间的学习。
三、        duck duck ….goose(类似丢手绢)
In this game, kids sit down in a circle facing each other. One person is 'it' and walks around the circle. As they walk around, they tap people's heads and say whether they are a 'duck' or a 'goose'. Once someone is the 'goose' they get up and try to chase 'it' around the circle. The goal is to tap that person before they are able sit down in the 'goose's' spot. If the goose is not able to do this, they become 'it' for the next round and play continues. If they do tap the 'it' person, the person tagged has to sit in the center of the circle. Then the goose become it for the next round. The person in the middle can't leave until another person is tagged and they are replaced.
Desk desk ….window,规则同上。估计想学什么单词了,老师就把要学的单词替换duck duck …goose.

四 red light or green light 类似于木头人的游戏,突起急停,锻炼小朋友的反应能力。幼儿园的规则是:有一人当红绿灯,喊口 令:red light, stop小朋友就要停下来,再喊:green light,go就可以动了;喊yellow light, hop需要单腿跳。
        In this game, one person plays the 'stop light' and the rest try to touch him/her.
        At the start, all the children form a line about 15 feet away from the stop light.
       The stop light faces away from the line of kids and says 'green light'. At this point the kids are allowed to move towards the stoplight.
       At any point, the stop light may say 'red light!' and turn around. If any of the kids are caught moving after this has occurred, they are out.
      Play resumes when the stop light turns back around and says 'green light'.
        The stop light wins if all the kids are out before anyone is able to touch him/her.
Otherwise, the first player to touch the stop light wins the game and earns the right to be 'stop light' for the next game.

London Bridge Is Falling Down
     两名老师面对面用手搭桥,其余小朋友一起边唱歌曲《London bridge is falling down》,边从桥下通过。当唱到“My fair lady”时,搭桥的老师手放下,将正在从桥下通过的小朋友捉到,被捉到的小朋友需回答一个英语问题或者唱首歌。

六、热身操。外教公开课时,外教领操孩子跟着边说边做,大约有十分钟,淋漓大汗那种的。活动开后,开始教学内容,学一些单词+造句,后来又做了desk desk….window的游戏,游戏后,图形对应该的单词连线,学认单词。下面这些热身操的内容感觉和外教的全套动作不完全相符,外教跳的操里还涉及了tummy什么的,此套热身操里没有,也许是外教根据需要做了少许改变,找时间我问问小朋友有哪些不同。
1、 One two three four
one two three four ,clap your hands (1 2 3 4,拍拍手)
two two three four,stomp your feet(2 2 3 4 ,跺跺脚)
three two three four,nod your head,(3 2 3 4 ,点点头)
four two three four,hands on knees.(4 2 3 4 ,小手放到膝盖上)

2、Let’s count
one two ,tie your shoe (伸出手指数数,作系鞋带状)
Three four ,touch the floor(伸出手指,蹲下摸地面)
Five six ,stir and mix (伸出另一只手数数,作搅拌状)
Nine ten ,count again (双手反过来再数一遍)
One two three four five six seven eight nine ten (一只手指,一只手指的再数一遍)

3、Clap stomp snap bump
clap clap clap (拍拍手)
Stomp stomp stomp (跺跺脚)
Snap snap snap (打响指)
Bump bump bump (打击膝盖)

4、Shake your body(1)
shake your shoulders,shua shua shua (上下抖动肩膀)
Shake your hands ,clap clap clap (甩甩手,拍三下)
Shake your hip ,pia pia pia (扭扭屁股,打三下)
Shake your feet ,dong dong dong (抖抖脚,跺三下)

5.Shake your body(2)
Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)
Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)
Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇)
Let’s turn around (转一圈)
Shake shake up (胳膊和手全部向上摇摆)
Shake shake down (胳膊和手全部向下摇摆)
Shake shake shake shake (摇一摇,摇一摇)
Let’s sing a song (做出唱歌的样子)
6、Finger play
one finger ,one finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a toothbrush ,shua shua shua
Two finger, two finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a rabbit ,jump jump jump
Three finger ,three finger,turn turn turn ,turn to a fork ,cha cha cha
Four finger ,four finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a cat ,meow meow meow
Five finger ,five finger ,turn turn turn ,turn to a tiger ,aw aw aw
7、Oh rabbit
Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (双手做兔耳朵学兔跳两下)
red red eyes (双手OK眼前晃三下)
Oh shua ,oh shua ,oh shua shua shua (双手向前开合五次)
Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit (同上)
long long ears (双手兔耳朵往上伸三次)
Oh wu ,oh wu ,oh wu wu wu (左右手交换做聆听状)
Oh rabbit ,oh rabbit(同上)
Short short tail (右手放臀后)
Oh pia, oh pia, oh pia pia pia(轻拍屁股五下)
8、follow me
Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)
Hands up ,hands down (双手头上举晃腕,向下晃腕)
Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)
Stand up sit down (起立,坐下)
Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)
Let’ s turn around (转一圈)
Follow follow follow me (双手从左往右拍手四下)
Let’s sing a song (手拿话筒做唱歌状)
Oh lei ,oh lei ,oh lei (双手头上晃两下)
Go go go (左手叉腰,右手握拳上举三次,同时跺脚三下)
9、one two three four five
Point up point down (双手食指上指,下指)
Show me one (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示1)
Jump up jump down (学兔上下跳)
Show me two (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示2)
Look up look down (双手OK在眼前上下看)
Show me three(双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示3)
Stand up sit down (起立坐下)
Show me four (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示4)
Hands up hands down (双手上举放下)
Show me five (双手半握拳胸前绕动后出示5)
One two three four five (依次出手指表示1、2、3、4、5后砍头)
10、up and down
Up up touch your head (单手依次上举然后摸头)
Down down touch your toes (单手依次向下摸脚)
Up and down (双手齐上下)
Touch your hips (摸屁股)
Turn around (转一圈)
Touch the ground (摸地)
Yeah ! (双手上举欢呼)
11、come on
Come on ,come on (单手依次招手)
Join me join me (单手依次半握拳于胸前)
Let’s play a ball(左手拍球状)
Let’s play a ball (右手拍球状)
Ok ? ok ?(双手OK晃)
Yeah ! yeah ! yeah !(双手上举欢呼)
12、Nod your head
Nod your head ,yes yes yes (点三下头)
Shake your head , no no no (摇头)
Raise youe hand ,one two three (举右手伸手指示1、2、3)
Put down your hand, one two three(放下右手伸手指示1、2、3)
Look at me ,look at him ,chua chua chua (双手OK指自己,指任一男小朋友,前伸手三下)
Look at her ,chua chua chua (指任一女小朋友)
Clap your hands pia pia pia (拍手三下)
Very good ,ha ha ha (双手胸前绕圈,放嘴边大笑)
Two big eyes chua chua chua (双手做望远镜状前伸手三下)
Two big ears wu wu wu ,wu wu wu (双手放耳边倾听)
One small nose ,eng eng eng  (单手指鼻子,学小猪拱三下)
One little mouth , bo bo bo (指嘴,啵三下)
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