

香港经典老电影 1990-99年历年华语片票房排名
1990 1 All For The Winner;God Of Gamblers 赌圣 2 God Of Gamblers II 赌侠 3 Front Page 新半斤八两 4 Heart Into Hearts 三人新世界 5 Terra-Cotta Warrior, A 秦俑;古今大战秦俑情 6 Chinese Ghost Story II, A 倩女幽魂Ⅱ人间道 7 Her Fatal Ways 表姐,你好! 8 Fun, The Luck And The Tycoon, The 吉星拱照 9 No Risk,No Gain 至尊计状元才 10 When Fortune Smiles 无敌幸运星 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1991 1 Fight Back To School 逃学威龙 2 Armour Of God 2: Operation Condor;Project Eagle 飞鹰计划 3 To Be Number One 跛豪 4 Once A Thief 纵横四海 5 Tricky Brains 整蛊专家 6 God Of Gamblers II: Back To Shanghai 赌侠2之上海滩赌圣 7 Lee Rock I 五亿探长雷洛传I:雷老虎 8 Once Upon A Time In China 黄飞鸿 9 Her Fatal Ways II 表姐,你好续集 10 Prison on Fire II 监狱风云Ⅱ逃犯 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1992 1 Justice, My Foot! 审死官 2 Alls Well Ends Well 家有喜事 3 Royal Tramp 鹿鼎记 4 Royal Tramp II 鹿鼎记2神龙教 5 Now You See Love… Now You Dont 我爱扭纹柴 6 Magic Touch, The;Gameboy 神算 7 Swordsman II 笑傲江湖II:东方不败 8 Twin Dragons, The 双龙会 9 Police Story III Super Cop 警察故事3:超级警察 10 Fight Back To School II 逃学威龙2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1993 1 Flirting Scholar 唐伯虎点秋香 2 King Of Beggars 武状元苏乞儿 3 Alls Well Ends Well, Too 花田喜事 4 City Hunter 城市猎人 5 Cest La Vie, Mon Cheri 新不了情 6 Legend II, The;Fong Sai Yuk II 方世玉续集 7 Once Upon A Time In China III 狮王争霸 8 Crime Story 重案组 9 Fight Back To School III 逃学威龙三之龙过鸡年 10 Dong Cheng Xi Jiu 射雕英雄传之东成西就 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1994 1 God Of Gamblers 2 赌神2 2 Drunken Master II 醉拳II;大醉拳 3 From Beijing With Love 国产凌凌漆 4 Its A Wonderful Life 大富之家 5 Love On Delivery 破坏之王 6 American Shaolin;Treasure Hunt 花旗少林;美国少林 7 Hail The Judge 九品芝麻官 8 Hes A Woman, Shes A Man 金枝玉叶 9 I Have A Date With Spring 我和春天有个约会 10 In Between;Conjugal Affairs 新同居时代 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1995 1 Rumble In The Bronx;Red Bronx;Hong faan kui 红番区 2 Thunderbolt 霹雳火 3 Sixty Million Dollar Man 百变星君 4 Chinese Feast, The 金玉满堂;满汉全席 5 Full Throttle 挑战者 6 Chinese Odyssey Part One - Pandoras Box, A 西游记第一百零一回之月光宝盒;大话西游之月光宝盒 7 Peace Hotel 老板的故事 8 Chinese Odyssey Part Two - Cinderella, A 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘 9 Doctor Mack 流氓医生 10 Out Of The Dark 回魂夜 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 1 First Strike 白金龙;警察故事4之简单任务 2 God Of Cookery 食神 3 Forbidden City Cop 大内密探 4 Tri-Star 大三元 5 Young And Dangerous 2 古惑仔2之猛龙过江 6 Young And Dangerous 古惑仔之人在江湖 7 Whos The Woman, Whos The Man 金枝玉叶2 8 Shanghai Grand 新上海滩 9 Feel 100% 百分百感觉 10 Young And Dangerous 3 古惑仔3之只手遮天 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1997 1 Mr. Nice Guy 一个好人 2 Alls Well Ends Well 97 97家有喜事 3 Once Upon A Time In China And America 黄飞鸿之西域雄狮 4 Lawyer, Lawyer 算死草 5 Armageddon 天地雄心 6 Fireline 十万火急 7 God of Gamblers 3: The Early Stage 赌神3 8 Felling 100% Once More 百分百感觉Ⅱ 9 Killing Me Tenderly 爱您爱到杀死您 10 Young And Dangerous IV 97古惑仔战无不胜 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1998 1 Storm Riders, The 风云雄霸天下 2 Jackie Chans Who Am I?;Who Am I? 我是谁 3 Luckly Guy, The 行运一条龙 4 True Mob Story, a 龙在江湖 5 Conman, The;Conman 1999 赌侠1999 6 Young And Dangerous V 98古惑仔之龙争虎斗 7 Casino 濠江风云 8 Hitman;King of Assassins 杀手之王 9 Raped By An Angel 2: The Uniforn Fan 强奸2制服诱惑 10 Ninth Happiness 九星报喜 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1999 1 King Of Comedy 喜剧之王 2 Gorgeous 玻璃樽 3 Man Called Hero, A 中华英雄 4 Tricky Master, The 千王之王2000 5 Conmen In Vegas, The 赌侠大战拉斯维加斯 6 Great Teacher Onizuka 伟大教师鬼冢;麻辣教师GTO 7 Legend Of Speed, The 挑战者2极速传说 8 Prince Charming 黑马王子 9 Running Out Of Time 暗战 10 Tempting Heart 心动
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