

eCosPro Eclipse/CDT plugin update
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eCosPro Eclipse/CDT Plugin Install and Update Site
This procedure installs theeCosProEclipse/CDT Plugin for Eclipse and its dependent components from theEclipse CDT (C/C++ Development Tool)Plugin. These instructions assume that you have already installed someflavour of Eclipse. If you have not, Eclipse can be downloaded fromhttp://www.eclipse.org/downloads/.
As an alternative to installing from this plugin update site, you can install the plugin, including Eclipse, by downloading and running the eCosPro Eclipse installer from theeCosPro Developer's Kit Portal.
We recommend upgrading your local Eclipse to Juno SR2 when using the eCosPro Eclipse/CDT Plugin.
A local copy of the eCosPro Eclipse/CDT plugin documentation will not be installed on your computer if you use this plugin update site, although the current documentation can always be accessed online athttp://www.ecoscentric.com/ecospro/doc/html/eclipse-docs/.
Update sites
If you are already familiar with installing Eclipse plugins, you can justuse the update site URL below for your version of Eclipse.
Eclipse 4.2(Juno)
Eclipse 3.8 and prior releases
Releases of Eclipse prior to 4.2 are not supported from this plugin updatesite.
eCosPro Eclipse/CDT Plugin for Eclipse Installation Instructions
Start Eclipse, then select Help > Install New Software...
In the Available Software dialog that appears, select "Available Software Sites" outlined in red in the illustration below:
the Preferences dialog that appears, confirm that both the Juno and The Eclipse Project Updates software sites are in the list of Available Software Sites and are checked to indicate they are enabled. If they are not checked, check them and select OK.
If either of these do not appear, add the missing sites by selecting Add and in the new Add Site dialog that appears enter into the Name and Location fields, the following value pairs, followed by OK:
The Eclipse Project Updateshttp://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/updates/4.2
Once both sites have been added, select OK in the Preferences dialog to close it.
Back in the Available Software dialog, enter the update site URL into the Work with text box:
and press the Add key.
The pop-up dialog below appears. Enter eCosCentric into the Name: field and select OK.
At this point you will be required to provide login details for www.ecoscentric.com. Enter yourbugzilla login and password as the Username and Password respectively. These are also the same details used to gain access to theeCosPro Developer's Kit Portal. Check Save password before selecting OK.
Note: The login details that provide access to this update site will only remain valid while you have an active support contract with eCosCentric and will expire automatically as soon as you no longer have an active support contract.
If you have not already set up a master password, a new one will be created for you by eclipse and you will be prompted to provide additional information for password recovery. While it is not essential, you are recommended to do so now by selecting Yes and providing two sets of questions and answers that will allow recovery of passwords from secure storage.
At this point you should see the dialog below:
If you open eCosCentric C/C++ development tools for eCosPro you will see CDT extensions for eCosPro application development. Select the checkbox next to the required option CDT extensions for eCosPro application development and click Next.
If you do not immediately see the above option and see There are no categorized items instead, uncheck Group items by category and the required option should appear.
Note:For multi-user installations where the administrator of the computer has performed the installation of Eclipse and non-administrators (users) run Eclipse, the plugin installation must be performed by an administrator if it is to be run by all the users of the computer. If the plugin is not installed by an administrator it will only be available to the user that installed the plugin.
Review the feature you are about to install and click Next.
Read the license agreements. If you agree select I accept the terms of the license agreements and click Finish. If you do not agree, click Cancel to cancel the installation and contact immediately.
Wait while Eclipse downloads any dependencies as well as the plugin.
Click OK on the Security Warning
Once the software has been installed, you will be asked if you would like to restart Eclipse for the changes to take effect. Click Yes.
You are now ready to begin developing eCosPro applications. For further instructions please refer to theeCosPro Eclipse/CDT plugin documentation.
Troubleshooting Installation
The operation cannot be completed
If you get an error message such as the one below, the most likely causeis that you do not have theJunoandThe EclipseProject Updates sites enabled as described .
Select Back and follow the instructions provided to add or enable the sites and try again.If the problem persists, please file aBug Report.
Saved login details were not accepted
If the popup below appears when attempting to install a new component,update the plugin or just check for updates, you may have changed yourbugzilla password or yoursupport contract may have expired (you must have an active support contractin order to access the update site).
Steps to resolve this issue are:
If you changed yourbugzilla password, enter the new password now and press OK.
Login to theeCosPro Developer's Kit Portal and verify you have an active support contract. If there is an active support contract please email immediately to notify them of this problem. If there is no active support contract and you wish to renew, email for the latest pricing information.
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