


There are a few things which are always worth keeping to yourself. Telling the world about them — however much you want to — just won’t bring you anything good. Here are seven of the most crucial things we think you should always keep secret.


1. Don’t reveal your most ambitious plans. Keep silent about these until you’ve actually managed to fulfill them. Such plans often have weak spots and ill-thought out parts which you haven’t noticed; therefore, the chances are that someone could pick them apart quite easily, leading you to become too disheartened to even try to overcome them.

1. 不要向别人诉说你雄心勃勃的计划。在你做出成果之前请保持沉默。因为你看似完美的计划可能有一些你没注意到的薄弱环节和未经考虑的部分。有些人可能轻易的就把你们的计划毁掉了,会让你变得灰心,甚至最后让你没有勇气和能力克服困难。

2. Don’t deliberately share information about any good or generous deeds or charitable work that you’ve done.The greatest virtue lies in doing something good without hope of recognition. Boasting about such things can quickly lead to arrogance. If you feel the need to, perhaps you should evaluate why it is that you’re really doing these things — is out of altruism, or the desire to be praised?

2. 不要向别人炫耀你所做过的好事或者慈善工作。你要知道做好事本身最大的价值在于做好事本身,而非做好事带来的认可。如果你喜欢向别人说你做了多少多少好事,最后可能导致你变得很自傲。如果你觉得做了好事就得让别人知道,那么请你想想——你做这些好事是出于利他,还是被认可,被表扬?

3. Never reveal the secrets of your lifestyle.It’s not worth bragging about how you’ve gone on a diet, or overcome your habit of sleeping too much in the morning, or stopped indulging your appetite for sex. If you’ve given up on worldly pleasures for the sake of spiritual goals, then it makes no sense to talk about this — your emotional condition needs to be harmonious, and such a desire to impress others and receive praise is a sign that it is not.

3. 不要向别人炫耀你的生活方式是怎样的。自己如何节食,自己如何克服睡懒觉的习惯,自己如何不近男色/女色,这些都不值得向别人吹嘘炫耀。如果你是为了精神目标做了这些事情,宁愿放弃世俗的快乐,那么向别人诉说是没有意义的。如果你有这样的情况,你真的应该好好自我调节一下了。因为你追求的是别人眼里的自己,而并不是自己的精神世界。

4. Another thing it is always worth keeping silent about are those moments when you’ve shown courageor heroism.We all come up against various challenges every day — both in the external world and on the inside, in our own minds. Your achievements in dealing with both, should they become known, will be rewarded appropriately. It’s not for you to decide whether they are worthy of recognition — therein lies the lesson.

4. 在你应该表现出勇气和魄力的时刻,你应该保持沉默,用实际行动来证明。我们每天会面临各种各样的挑战,这些挑战有的来自于外部世界,有的来自于我们的内心。别人知不知道你所经历的磨难无所谓,别人认不认可你也无所谓,只要无惧挑战,总有一天你会得到应有的回报。真理就是这样。

5. Never share your thoughts on what you consider to be your enlightened knowledge of the universe and on questions of life and death. It’s only your interpretation, rather than objective truth, and the chances are you will only seem condescending to others when you try to convince them that they’re mistaken.Only in very rare cases will someone benefit from your thoughts on this subject.

5. 不要跟别人分享你自己总结的关于世间万物,关于生死的观点。那只是你自己的理解,而非客观真理。当你试图让别人相信你所说的就是真理的时候,真理并不在你这边,而你也会显的很屈尊。要知道,只有少数的情况下,一些人才会相信你的观看,并且从中受益。

6. It’s never worth revealing any conflicts or problems in your family life to others. Always bear in mind: the less you divulge such secrets about your family to others, the stronger it will be. Such things can only ever be resolved within the privacy of your own home, between loved ones. The more you complain to others about them the harder they will be to overcome.

6. 永远不要向外人谈起你的家庭内部问题。永远记住:你向别人说起的家庭问题越少,你的家庭就会越幸福美满强大。家庭内部问题是稳私问题,你和家人自己解决就好了。你向外人透漏的越多,事情反而越难解决。

7. Don’t talk about all the unpleasant things you’ve heard people say or do.Just as it’s possible to get your clothes dirty, you can also soil your mind. And the person who recounts all the foolish and awful things he hears and sees going on in the world as soon as he gets home is no different from the one who forgets to take of his shoes when he walks through the door.

7. 不要谈论别人说的或别人做的不愉快的事情。这就像污秽的东西会弄脏你的衣服一样,你的思想也会被影响。那些一进你的家门,就整天说些负能量的话的人,就好像他说完后,人虽然已经走了,但是留给了你一双臭气熏天鞋忘了带走。

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