

Chapter 10: Jython and Java Integration

Java integration is the heart of Jython application development.Most Jython developers are either Python developers that arelooking to make use of the vast library of tools that the JVM hasto offer, or Java developers that would like to utilize the Pythonlanguage semantics without migrating to a completely differentplatform. The fact is that most Jython developers are using it sothat they can take advantage of the vast libraries available to theJava world, and in order to do so there needs to be a certainamount of Java integration in the application. Whether you plan touse some of the existing Java libraries in your application, oryou’re interested in mixing some great Python code into your Javaapplication, this chapter is geared to help with the integration.

This chapter will focus on integrating Java and Python, but it willexplore several different angles on the topic. You will learnseveral techniques to make use Jython code within your Javaapplications. Perhaps you’d like to simplify your code a bit; thischapter will show you how to write certain portions of your code inJython and others in Java so that you can make code as simple aspossible.

You’ll also learn how to make use of the many Java libraries withinyour Jython applications while using Pythonic syntax! Forget aboutcoding those programs in Java: why not use Jython so that the Javaimplementations in the libraries are behind the scenes? Thischapter will show how to write Python code and use the librariesdirectly from it.

Using Java Within Jython Applications

Making use of Java from within Jython applications is about asseamless as using external Jython modules within a Jython script.As you learned in Chapter 8, you can simply import the requiredJava classes and use them directly. Java classes can be called inthe same fashion as Jython classes, and the same goes for methodcalling. You simply call a class method and pass parameters thesame way you’d do in Python.

Type coercion occurs much as it does when using Jython in Java inorder to seamlessly integrate the two languages. In the followingtable, you will see the Java types that are coerced into Pythontypes and how they match up. Table 10-1 was taken from the Jythonuser guide.

Table 10-1. Python and Java Types

Java TypePython Type
charString(length of 1)
booleanInteger(true = not zero)
byte, short, int, longInteger
java.lang.String, byte[], char[]String
Foo[]Array(containing objects of class or subclass of Foo)
FooJavaInstance representing Java class Foo

Another thing to note about the utilization of Java within Jythonis that there may be some naming conflicts. If a Java objectconflicts with a Python object name, then you can simply fullyqualify the Java object in order to ensure that the conflict isresolved. Another technique which was also discussed in Chapter 8is making use of the ‘as’ keyword when importing in order to renamean imported piece of code.

In the next couple of examples, you will see some Java objectsbeing imported and used from within Jython.

Listing 10-1. Using Java in Jython

>>> from java.lang import Math>>> Math.max(4, 7)7L>>> Math.pow(10,5)100000.0>>> Math.round(8.75)9L>>> Math.abs(9.765)9.765>>> Math.abs(-9.765)9.765>>> from java.lang import System as javasystem>>> javasystem.out.println("Hello")Hello

Now let’s create a Java object and use it from within a Jythonapplication.


public class Beach {    private String name;    private String city;    public Beach(String name, String city){        this.name = name;        this.city = city;    }    public String getName() {        return name;    }    public void setName(String name) {        this.name = name;    }    public String getCity() {        return city;    }    public void setCity(String city) {        this.city = city;    }}

Using Beach.java in Jython

>>> import Beach>>> beach = Beach("Cocoa Beach","Cocoa Beach")>>> beach.getName()u'Cocoa Beach'>>> print beach.getName()Cocoa Beach

As we had learned in Chapter 8, one thing you’ll need to do isensure that the Java class you wish to use resides within yourCLASSPATH. In the example above, I created a JAR file thatcontained the Beach class and then put that JAR on the CLASSPATH.

It is also possible to extend or subclass Java classes via Jythonclasses. This allows us to extend the functionality of a given Javaclass using Jython objects, which can be quite helpful at times.The next example shows a Jython class extending a Java class thatincludes some calculation functionality. The Jython class then addsanother calculation method and makes use of the calculation methodsfrom both the Java class and the Jython class.

Listing 10-2. Extending Java Classes


/*** Java calculator class that contains two simple methods*/public class Calculator {    public Calculator(){    }    public double calculateTip(double cost, double tipPercentage){        return cost * tipPercentage;    }    public double calculateTax(double cost, double taxPercentage){        return cost * taxPercentage;    }}


import Calculatorfrom java.lang import Mathclass JythonCalc(Calculator):    def __init__(self):        pass    def calculateTotal(self, cost, tip, tax):        return cost + self.calculateTip(tip) + self.calculateTax(tax)if __name__ == "__main__":    calc = JythonCalc()    cost = 23.75    tip = .15    tax = .07    print "Starting Cost: ", cost    print "Tip Percentage: ", tip    print "Tax Percentage: ", tax    print Math.round(calc.calculateTotal(cost, tip, tax))


Starting Cost: 23.75Tip Percentage: 0.15Tax Percentage: 0.0729

Using Jython Within Java Applications

Often, it is handy to have the ability to make use of Jython fromwithin a Java application. Perhaps there is a class that would bebetter implemented in Python syntax, such as a Javabean. Or maybethere is a handy piece of Jython code that would be useful withinsome Java logic. Whatever the case may be, there are severalapproaches you can use in order to achieve this combination oftechnologies. In this section, we’ll cover some of the oldertechniques for using Jython within Java, and then go into thecurrent and future best practices for doing this. In the end, youshould have a good understanding for how to use a module, script,or even just a few lines of Jython within your Java application.You will also have an overall understanding for the way that Jythonhas evolved in this area.

Object Factories

Perhaps the most widely used technique used today for incorporatingJython code within Java applications is the object factory designpattern. This idea basically enables seamless integration betweenJava and Jython via the use of object factories. There aredifferent implementations of the logic, but all of them do have thesame result in the end.

Implementations of the object factory paradigm allow one to includeJython modules within Java applications without the use of an extracompilation step. Moreover, this technique allows for a cleanintegration of Jython and Java code through usage of Javainterfaces. In this section, I will explain the main concept of theobject factory technique and then I will show you variousimplementations.

Let’s take a look at an overview of the entire procedure from ahigh level. Say that you’d like to use one of your existing Jythonmodules as an object container within a Java application. Begin bycoding a Java interface that contains definitions for those methodscontained in the module that you’d like to expose to the Javaapplication. Next, you would modify the Jython module to implementthe newly coded Java interface. After this, code a Java factoryclass that would make the necessary conversions of the module froma PyObject into a Java object. Lastly, take the newly created Javaobject and use it as you wish. It may sound like a lot of steps inorder to perform a simple task, but I think you’ll agree that it isnot very difficult once you’ve seen it in action.

Over the next few sections, I will take you through differentexamples of the implementation. The first example is a simple andelegant approach that involves a one-to-one Jython object andfactory mapping. In the second example, we’ll take a look at a veryloosely coupled approach for working with object factories thatbasically allows one factory to be used for all Jython objects.Each of these methodologies has its own benefit and you can use theone that works best for you.

One-to-One Jython Object Factories

We will first discuss the notion of creating a separate objectfactory for each Jython object we wish to use. This one-to-onetechnique can prove to create lots of boilerplate code, but it hassome advantages that we’ll take a closer look at later on. In orderto utilize a Jython module using this technique, you must eitherensure that the .py module is contained within your sys.path, orhard code the path to the module within your Java code. Let’s takea look at an example of this technique in use with a Javaapplication that uses a Jython class representing a building.

Listing 10-3. Creating a One-To-One Object Factory


# A python module that implements a Java interface to# create a building objectfrom org.jython.book.interfaces import BuildingTypeclass Building(BuildingType):    def __init__(self, name, address, id):        self.name = name        self.address = address        self.id = id    def getBuildingName(self):        return self.name    def getBuildingAddress(self):        return self.address    def getBuldingId(self):        return self.id

We begin with a Jython module named Building.py that is placedsomewhere on our sys.path. Now, we must first ensure that there areno name conflicts before doing so or we could see some quiteunexpected results. It is usually a safe bet to place this file atthe source root for your application unless you explicitly placethe file in your sys.path elsewhere. You can see that ourBuilding.py object is a simple container for holding buildinginformation. We must explicitly implement a Java interface withinour Jython class. This will allow the PythonInterpreter to coerceour object later. Our second piece of code is the Java interfacethat we implemented in Building.py. As you can see from the code,the returning Jython types are going to be coerced into Java types,so we define our interface methods using the eventual Java types.Let’s take a look at the Java interface next.


// Java interface for a building objectpackage org.jython.book.interfaces;public interface BuildingType {    public String getBuildingName();    public String getBuildingAddress();    public String getBuildingId();}

Looking through the definitions contained within the Javainterface, it is plain to see that the python module thatsubclasses it simply implements each of the definitions. If wewanted to change the python code a bit and add some code to one ofthe methods we could do so without touching the Java interface. Thenext piece of code that we need is a factory written in Java. Thisfactory has the job of coercing the python module into a Javaclass.


/** * * Object Factory that is used to coerce python module into a * Java class */package org.jython.book.util;import org.jython.book.interfaces.BuildingType;import org.python.core.PyObject;import org.python.core.PyString;import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;public class BuildingFactory {    private PyObject buildingClass;    /**     * Create a new PythonInterpreter object, then use it to     * execute some python code. In this case, we want to     * import the python module that we will coerce.     *     * Once the module is imported than we obtain a reference to     * it and assign the reference to a Java variable     */    public BuildingFactory() {        PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter();        interpreter.exec("from Building import Building");        buildingClass = interpreter.get("Building");    }    /**     * The create method is responsible for performing the actual     * coercion of the referenced python module into Java bytecode     */    public BuildingType create (String name, String location, String id) {        PyObject buildingObject = buildingClass.__call__(new PyString(name),                                                         new PyString(location),                                                         new PyString(id));        return (BuildingType)buildingObject.__tojava__(BuildingType.class);    }}

The third piece of code in the example above plays a most importantrole, since this is the object factory that will coerce our Jythoncode into a resulting Java class. In the constructor, a newinstance of the PythonInterpreter is created. We then utilize theinterpreter to obtain a reference to our Jython object and store itinto our PyObject. Next, there is a static method named createthat will be called in order to coerce our Jython object into Javaand return the resulting class. It does so by performing a__call__ on the PyObject wrapper itself, and as you can seewe have the ability to pass parameters to it if we like. Theparameters must also be wrapped by PyObjects. The coercion takesplace when the __tojava__ method is called on the PyObjectwrapper. In order to make object implement our Java interface, wemust pass the interface EmployeeType.class to the__tojava__ call.


package org.jython.book;import org.jython.book.util.BuildingFactory;import org.jython.book.interfaces.BuildingType;public class Main {    private static void print(BuildingType building) {        System.out.println("Building Info: " +                building.getBuildingId() + " " +                building.getBuildingName() + " " +                building.getBuildingAddress());    }    /**     * Create three building objects by calling the create() method of     * the factory.     */    public static void main(String[] args) {        BuildingFactory factory = new BuildingFactory();        print(factory.create("BUILDING-A", "100 WEST MAIN", "1"));        print(factory.create("BUILDING-B", "110 WEST MAIN", "2"));        print(factory.create("BUILDING-C", "120 WEST MAIN", "3"));    }}

The last bit of provided code, Main.java, shows how to make useof our factory. You can see that the factory takes care of all theheavy lifting and our implementation in Main.java is quite small.Simply call the factory.create() method to instantiate a newPyObject and coerce it into Java.

This procedure for using the object factory design has the benefitof maintaining complete awareness of the Jython object from withinJava code. In other words, creating a separate factory for eachJython object allows for the use of passing arguments into theconstructor of the Jython object. Since the factory is beingdesigned for a specific Jython object, we can code the__call__ on the PyObject with specific arguments that will bepassed into the new constructor of the coerced Jython object. Notonly does this allow for passing arguments into the constructor,but also increases the potential for good documentation of theobject since the Java developer will know exactly what the newconstructor will look like. The procedures performed in thissubsection are probably the most frequently used throughout theJython community. In the next section, we’ll take a look at thesame technique applied to a generic object factory that can be usedby any Jython object.

Summary of One-to-One Object Factory

The key to this design pattern is the creation of a factory methodthat utilizes PythonInterpreter in order to load the desired Jythonmodule. Once the factory has loaded the module viaPythonInterpreter, it creates a PyObject instance of the module.Lastly, the factory coerces the PyObject into Java code using thePyObject __tojava__ method.

Overall, the idea is not very difficult to implement and relativelystraightforward. However, the different implementations come intoplay when it comes to passing references for the Jython module anda corresponding Java interface. It is important to note that thefactory takes care of instantiating the Jython object andtranslating it into Java. All work that is performed against theresulting Java object is coded against a corresponding Javainterface. This is a great design because it allows us to changethe Jython code implementation if we wish without altering thedefinition contained within the interface. The Java code can becompiled once and we can change the Jython code at will withoutbreaking the application.

Making Use of a Loosely Coupled Object Factory

The object factory design does not have to be implemented using aone to one strategy such as that depicted in the example above. Itis possible to design the factory in such a way that it is genericenough to be utilized for any Jython object. This technique allowsfor less boilerplate coding as you only require one Singletonfactory that can be used for all Jython objects. It also allows forease of use as you can separate the object factory logic into itsown project and then apply it wherever you’d like. For instance,I’ve created a project named PlyJy(http://kenai.com/projects/plyjy) that basically contains a Jythonobject factory that can be used in any Java application in order tocreate Jython objects from Java without worrying about the factory.You can go to Kenai and download it now to begin learning aboutloosely coupled object factories. In this section we’ll take a lookat the design behind this project and how it works.

Let’s take a look at the same example from above and apply theloosely coupled object factory design. You will notice that thistechnique forces the Java developer to do a bit more work whencreating the object from the factory, but it has the advantage ofsaving the time that is spent to create a separate factory for eachJython object. You can also see that now we need to code settersinto our Jython object and expose them via the Java interface as wecan no longer make use of the constructor for passing argumentsinto the object since the loosely coupled factory makes a generic__call__ on the PyObject.

Listing 10-4. Using a Loosely Coupled Object Factory


from org.jython.book.interfaces import BuildingType# Building object that subclasses a Java interfaceclass Building(BuildingType):    def __init__(self):        self.name = None        self.address = None        self.id = -1    def getBuildingName(self):        return self.name    def setBuildingName(self, name):        self.name = name;    def getBuildingAddress(self):        return self.address    def setBuildingAddress(self, address)        self.address = address    def getBuildingId(self):        return self.id    def setBuildingId(self, id):        self.id = id

If we follow this paradigm then you can see that our Jython modulemust be coded a bit differently than it was in our one-to-oneexample. The main differences are in the initializer as it nolonger takes any arguments, and we therefore have coded settermethods into our object. The rest of the concept still holds truein that we must implement a Java interface that will expose thosemethods we wish to invoke from within our Java application. In thiscase, we coded the BuildingType.java interface and included thenecessary setter definitions so that we have a way to load ourclass with values.


package org.jython.book.interfaces;/** * Java interface defining getters and setters */public interface BuildingType { public String getBuildingName(); public String getBuildingAddress(); public int getBuildingId(); public void setBuildingName(String name); public void setBuildingAddress(String address); public void setBuildingId(int id);}

Our next step is to code a loosely coupled object. If you take alook at the code in the JythonObjectFactory.java class you willsee that it is a singleton; that is it can only be instantiated onetime. The important method to look at is createObject() as itdoes all of the work.


import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import org.python.core.PyObject;import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;/** * Object factory implementation that is defined * in a generic fashion. * */public class JythonObjectFactory {    private static JythonObjectFactory instance = null;    private static PyObject pyObject = null;    protected JythonObjectFactory() {    }    /**     * Create a singleton object. Only allow one instance to be created     */    public static JythonObjectFactory getInstance(){        if(instance == null){            instance = new JythonObjectFactory();        }        return instance;    }    /**     * The createObject() method is responsible for the actual creation of the     * Jython object into Java bytecode.     */    public static Object createObject(Object interfaceType, String moduleName){        Object javaInt = null;        // Create a PythonInterpreter object and import our Jython module        // to obtain a reference.        PythonInterpreter interpreter = new PythonInterpreter();        interpreter.exec("from " + moduleName + " import " + moduleName);        pyObject = interpreter.get(moduleName);        try {            // Create a new object reference of the Jython module and            // store into PyObject.            PyObject newObj = pyObject.__call__();            // Call __tojava__ method on the new object along with the interface name            // to create the java bytecode            javaInt = newObj.__tojava__(Class.forName(interfaceType.toString().substring(                        interfaceType.toString().indexOf(" ")+1,                        interfaceType.toString().length())));        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {            Logger.getLogger(JythonObjectFactory.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);        }        return javaInt;    }}

As you can see from the code, the PythonInterpreter is responsiblefor obtaining a reference to the Jython object name that we pass asa String value into the method. Once the PythonInterpreter hasobtained the object and stored it into a PyObject, its__call__() method is invoked without any parameters. Thiswill retrieve an empty object that is then stored into anotherPyObject referenced by newObj. Lastly, our newly obtained objectis coerced into Java code by calling the __tojava__() methodwhich takes the fully qualified name of the Java interface we’veimplemented with our Jython object. The new Java object is thenreturned.


import java.io.IOException;import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import org.jythonbook.interfaces.BuildingType;import org.jybhonbook.factory.JythonObjectFactory;public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {    // Obtain an instance of the object factory    JythonObjectFactory factory = JythonObjectFactory.getInstance();    // Call the createObject() method on the object factory by    // passing the Java interface and the name of the Jython module    // in String format. The returning object is casted to the the same    // type as the Java interface and stored into a variable.    BuildingType building = (BuildingType) factory.createObject(        BuildingType.class, "Building");    // Populate the object with values using the setter methods    building.setBuildingName("BUIDING-A");    building.setBuildingAddress("100 MAIN ST.");    building.setBuildingId(1);    System.out.println(building.getBuildingId() + " " + building.getBuildingName() + " " +        building.getBuildingAddress());    }}

Taking a look at the Main.java code, you can see that the factoryis instantiated or referenced via the use of theJythonObjectFactory.getInstance(). Once we have an instance ofthe factory, the createObject(**Interface, String) is calledpassing the interface and a string representation of the modulename we wish to use. The code must cast the coerced object usingthe interface as well. This example assumes that the object residessomewhere on your sys.path, otherwise you can use thecreateObjectFromPath(**Interface, String) that accepts the stringrepresentation for the path to the module we’d like to coerce. Thisis of course not a preferred technique since it will now includehard-coded paths, but it can be useful to apply this technique fortesting purposes. For example if you’ve got two Jython modulescoded and one of them contains a different object implementationfor testing purposes, then this technique will allow you to pointto the test module.

More Efficient Version of Loosely Coupled Object Factory

Another similar, yet, more refined implementation omits the use ofPythonInterpreter and instead makes use of PySystemState. Why wouldwe want another implementation that produces the same results?Well, there are a couple of reasons. The loosely coupled objectfactory design I described in the beginning of this sectioninstantiates the PythonInterpreter and then makes calls against it.This can cause a decrease in performance, as it is quite expensiveto use the interpreter. On the other hand, we can make use ofPySystemState and save ourselves the trouble of incurring extraoverhead making calls to the interpreter. Not only does the nextexample show how to utilize this technique, but it also shows howwe can make calls upon the coerced object and pass arguments at thesame time.

Listing 10-5. Use PySystemState to Code a Loosely Coupled Factory


package org.jython.book.util;import org.python.core.Py;import org.python.core.PyObject;import org.python.core.PySystemState;/** * Jython Object Factory using PySystemState */public class JythonObjectFactory { private final Class interfaceType; private final PyObject klass; // Constructor obtains a reference to the importer, module, and the class name public JythonObjectFactory(PySystemState state, Class interfaceType, String moduleName, String className) {     this.interfaceType = interfaceType;     PyObject importer = state.getBuiltins().__getitem__(Py.newString("__import__"));     PyObject module = importer.__call__(Py.newString(moduleName));     klass = module.__getattr__(className);     System.err.println("module=" + module + ",class=" + klass); } // This constructor passes through to the other constructor public JythonObjectFactory(Class interfaceType, String moduleName, String className) {     this(new PySystemState(), interfaceType, moduleName, className); } // All of the followng methods return // a coerced Jython object based upon the pieces of information // that were passed into the factory. The differences are // between them are the number of arguments that can be passed // in as arguents to the object. public Object createObject() {     return klass.__call__().__tojava__(interfaceType); } public Object createObject(Object arg1) {     return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1)).__tojava__(interfaceType); } public Object createObject(Object arg1, Object arg2) {     return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1), Py.java2py(arg2)).__tojava__(interfaceType); } public Object createObject(Object arg1, Object arg2, Object arg3) {     return klass.__call__(Py.java2py(arg1), Py.java2py(arg2),         Py.java2py(arg3)).__tojava__(interfaceType); } public Object createObject(Object args[], String keywords[]) {     PyObject convertedArgs[] = new PyObject[args.length];     for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {         convertedArgs[i] = Py.java2py(args[i]);     }     return klass.__call__(convertedArgs, keywords).__tojava__(interfaceType); } public Object createObject(Object... args) {     return createObject(args, Py.NoKeywords); }}


import org.jython.book.interfaces.BuildingType;import org.jython.book.util.JythonObjectFactory;public class Main{    public static void main(String args[]) {        JythonObjectFactory factory = new JythonObjectFactory(            BuildingType.class, "building", "Building");        BuildingType building = (BuildingType) factory.createObject();        building.setBuildingName("BUIDING-A");        building.setBuildingAddress("100 MAIN ST.");        building.setBuildingId(1);        System.out.println(building.getBuildingId() + " " +            building.getBuildingName() + " " +            building.getBuildingAddress());    }}

As you can see from the code, there are quite a few differencesfrom the object factory implementation shown previously. First, youcan see that the instantiation of the object factory requiresdifferent arguments. In this case, we pass in the interface,module, and class name. Next, you can see that the PySystemStateobtains a reference to the importer PyObject. The importer thenmakes a __call__ to the module we’ve requested. The requestedmodule must be contained somewhere on the sys.path. Lastly, weobtain a reference to our class by calling the __getattr__method on the module. We can now use the returned class to performthe coercion of our Jython object into Java. As mentionedpreviously, you’ll note that this particular implementationincludes several createObject() variations allowing one to passarguments to the module when it is being called. This, in effect,gives us the ability to pass arguments into the initializer of theJython object.

Which object factory is best? Your choice, depending upon thesituation you’re application is encountering. Bottom line is thatthere are several ways to perform the object factory design andthey all allow seamless use of Jython objects from within Javacode.

Now that we have a coerced Jython object, we can go ahead andutilize the methods that have been defined in the Java interface.As you can see, the simple example above sets a few values and thenprints out the object values. Hopefully you can see how easy it isto create a single object factory that we can be use for any Jythonobject rather than just one.

Returning __doc__ Strings

It is also very easy to obtain the __doc__ string from any ofyour Jython classes by coding an accessor method on the objectitself. We’ll add some code to the building object that was used inthe previous examples. It doesn’t matter what type of factory youdecide to work with, this trick will work with both.

Listing 10-6. __doc__ Strings


from org.jython.book.interfaces import BuildingType# Notice the doc string that has been added after the class definition belowclass Building(BuildingType):    ''' Class to hold building objects '''    def __init__(self):        self.name = None        self.address = None        self.id = -1    def getBuildingName(self):        return self.name    def setBuildingName(self, name):        self.name = name;    def getBuildingAddress(self):        return self.address    def setBuildingAddress(self, address):        self.address = address    def getBuildingId(self):        return self.id    def setBuildingId(self, id):        self.id = id    def getDoc(self):        return self.__doc__


package org.jython.book.interfaces;public interface BuildingType {    public String getBuildingName();    public String getBuildingAddress();    public int getBuildingId();    public void setBuildingName(String name);    public void setBuildingAddress(String address);    public void setBuildingId(int id);    public String getDoc();}


import java.io.IOException;import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import org.jython.book.interfaces.BuildingType;import org.plyjy.factory.JythonObjectFactory;public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        JythonObjectFactory factory = JythonObjectFactory.getInstance();        BuildingType building = (BuildingType) factory.createObject(            BuildingType.class, "Building");        building.setBuildingName("BUIDING-A");        building.setBuildingAddress("100 MAIN ST.");        building.setBuildingId(1);        System.out.println(building.getBuildingId() + " " +            building.getBuildingName() + " " +        building.getBuildingAddress());        // It is easy to print out the documentation for our Jython object        System.out.println(building.getDoc());    }}


1 BUIDING-A 100 MAIN ST.Class to hold building objects

Applying the Design to Different Object Types

This design will work with all object types, not just plain oldJython objects. In the following example, the Jython module is aclass containing a simple calculator method. The factory coercionworks the same way, and the result is a Jython class that isconverted into Java.

Listing 10-7. Different Method Types


from org.jython.book.interfaces import CostCalculatorTypeclass CostCalculator(CostCalculatorType, object):    ''' Cost Calculator Utility '''    def __init__(self):        print 'Initializing'        pass    # The implementation for the definition contained in the Java interface    def calculateCost(self, salePrice, tax):        return salePrice + (salePrice * tax)


package org.jython.book.interfaces;public interface CostCalculatorType {    public double calculateCost(double salePrice, double tax);}


import java.io.IOException;import java.util.logging.Level;import java.util.logging.Logger;import org.jython.book.interfaces.CostCalculatorType;import org.plyjy.factory.JythonObjectFactory;public class Main {    public static void main(String[] args) {        // Create factory and coerce Jython calculator object        JythonObjectFactory factory = JythonObjectFactory.getInstance();        CostCalculatorType costCalc = (CostCalculatorType)            factory.createObject(CostCalculatorType.class, "CostCalculator");        System.out.println(costCalc.calculateCost(25.96, .07));    }}



A Bit of HistoryPrior to Jython 2.5, the standard distribution of Jython included autility known as jythonc. Its main purpose was to provide theability to convert Python modules into Java classes so that Javaapplications could seamlessly make use of Python code, albeit in aroundabout fashion. jythonc actually compiles the Jython code downinto Java .class files and then the classes are utilized within theJava application. This utility could also be used to freeze codemodules, create jar files, and to perform other tasks dependingupon which options were used. This technique is no longer therecommended approach for utilizing Jython within Java applications.As a matter of fact, jythonc is no longer packaged with the Jythondistribution beginning with the 2.5 release.

In order for jythonc to take a Jython class and turn it into acorresponding Java class, it had to adhere to a few standards.First, the Jython class had to subclass a Java object, either aclass or interface. It also had to do one of the following:override a Java method, implement a Java method, or create a newmethod using a signature.

While this method worked well and did what it was meant to do, itcaused a separation between the Jython code and the Java code. Thestep of using jythonc to compile Jython into Java is clean, yet, itcreates a rift in the development process. Code should workseamlessly without the need for separate compilation procedure. Oneshould have the ability to utilize Jython classes and modules fromwithin a Java application by reference only, and without a specialcompiler in between. There have been some significant advances inthis area, and many of the newer techniques have been discussed inthis chapter.


With the release of Java SE 6 came a new advantage for dynamiclanguages on the JVM. JSR-223 enables dynamic languages to becallable via Java in a seamless manner. Although this method ofaccessing Jython code is not quite as flexible as using an objectfactory, it is quite useful for running short Jython scripts fromwithin Java code. The scripting project(https://scripting.dev.java.net/) contains many engines that can beused to run different languages within Java. In order to run theJython engine, you must obtain jython-engine.jar from the scriptingproject and place it into your classpath. You must also placejython.jar in the classpath, and it does not yet function withJython 2.5 so Jython 2.5.1 must be used.

Below is a small example showing the utilization of the scriptingengine.

Listing 10-8. Using JSR-223

import javax.script.ScriptEngine;import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;import javax.script.ScriptException;public class Main {    /**     * @param args the command line arguments     */    public static void main(String[] args) throws ScriptException {        ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("python");        // Using the eval() method on the engine causes a direct        // interpretataion and execution of the code string passed into it        engine.eval("import sys");        engine.eval("print sys");        // Using the put() method allows one to place values into        // specified variables within the engine        engine.put("a", "42");        // As you can see, once the variable has been set with        // a value by using the put() method, we an issue eval statements        // to use it.        engine.eval("print a");        engine.eval("x = 2 + 2");        // Using the get() method allows one to obtain the value        // of a specified variable from the engine instance        Object x = engine.get("x");        System.out.println("x: " + x);    }}

Next, we see the result of running the application. The first twolines are automatically generated when the Jython interpreter isinitiated; they display the JAR filescontained within theCLASSPATH. Following those lines, we see the actual programoutput.


*sys-package-mgr*: processing new jar,'/jsr223-engines/jython/build/jython-engine.jar'*sys-package-mgr*: processing modified jar,'/System/Library/Java/Extensions/QTJava.zip'sys module42x: 4

Utilizing PythonInterpreter

A similar technique to JSR-223 for embedding Jython is making useof the PythonInterpreter directly. This style of embedding code isvery similar to making use of a scripting engine, but it has theadvantage of working with Jython 2.5. Another advantage is that thePythonInterpreter enables you to make use of PyObjects directly. Inorder to make use of the PythonInterpreter technique, you only needto have jython.jar in your classpath; there is no need to have anextra engine involved.

Listing 10-9. Using PythonInterpreter

import org.python.core.PyException;import org.python.core.PyInteger;import org.python.core.PyObject;import org.python.util.PythonInterpreter;public class Main {    /**    * @param args the command line arguments    */    public static void main(String[] args) throws PyException {        // Create an instance of the PythonInterpreter        PythonInterpreter interp = new PythonInterpreter();        // The exec() method executes strings of code        interp.exec("import sys");        interp.exec("print sys");        // Set variable values within the PythonInterpreter instance        interp.set("a", new PyInteger(42));        interp.exec("print a");        interp.exec("x = 2+2");        // Obtain the value of an object from the PythonInterpreter and store it        // into a PyObject.        PyObject x = interp.get("x");        System.out.println("x: " + x);    }}

In the class above, we make use of the PythonInterpreter to executePython code within the Java class. First, we create an instance ofthe PythonInterpreter object. Next, we make exec() calls against itto execute strings of code passed into it. Next we use the set()method in order to set variables within the interpreter instance.Lastly, we obtain a copy of the object that is stored in thevariable x within the interpreter. We must store that object as aPyObject in our Java code.


<module 'sys' (built-in)>42x: 4

The following is a list of methods available for use within aPythonInterpreter object along with a description offunctionality.

Table 10-2.**PythonInterpreter Methods

setIn(PyObject)Set the Python object to use for the standard input stream
setIn(java.io.Reader)Set a java.io.Reader to use for the standard input stream
setIn(java.io.InputStream)Set a java.io.InputStream to use for the standard input stream
setOut(PyObject)Set the Python object to use for the standard output stream
setOut(java.io.Writer)Set the java.io.Writer to use for the standard output stream
setOut(java,io.OutputStream)Set the java.io.OutputStream to use for the standard output stream
setErr(PyObject)Set a Python error object to use for the standard error stream
setErr(java.io.WriterSet a java.io.Writer to use for the standard error stream
setErr(java.io.OutputStream)Set a java.io.OutputStream to use for the standard error stream
eval(String)Evaluate a string as Python source and return the result
eval(PyObject)Evaluate a Python code object and return the result
exec(String)Execute a Python source string in the local namespace
exec(PyObject)Execute a Python code object in the local namespace
execfile(String filename)Execute a file of Python source in the local namespace
execfile(java.io.InputStream)Execute an input stream of Python source in the local namespace
compile(String)Compile a Python source string as an expression or module
compile(script, filename)Compile a script of Python source as an expression or module
set(String name, Object value)Set a variable of Object type in the local namespace
set(String name, PyObject value)Set a variable of PyObject type in the local namespace
get(String)Get the value of a variable in the local namespace
get(String name, Class<T> javaclassGet the value of a variable in the local namespace. The value will be returned as an instance of the given Java class.


Integrating Jython and Java is really at the heart of the Jythonlanguage. Using Java within Jython works just as we as adding otherJython modules; both integrate seamlessly. What makes this nice isthat now we can use the full set of libraries and APIs available toJava from our Jython applications. Having the ability of using Javawithin Jython also provides the advantage of writing Java code inthe Python syntax.

Utilizing design patterns such as the Jython object factory, we canalso harness our Jython code from within Java applications.Although jythonc is no longer part of the Jython distribution, wecan still effectively use Jython from within Java. There are objectfactory examples available, as well as projects such as PlyJy(http://kenai.com/projects/plyjy) that give the ability to useobject factories by simply including a JAR in your Javaapplication.

We learned that there are more ways to use Jython from within Javaas well. The Java language added scripting language support withJSR-223 with the release of Java 6. Using a jython engine, we canmake use of the JSR-223 dialect to sprinkle Jython code into ourJava applications. Similarly, the PythonInterpreter can be usedfrom within Java code to invoke Jython. Also keep an eye onprojects such as Clamp(http://github.com/groves/clamp/tree/master): the Clamp project hasthe goal to make use of annotations in order to create Java classesfrom Jython classes. It will be exciting to see where this projectgoes, and it will be documented once the project has beencompleted.

In the next chapter, you will see how we can use Jython from withinintegrated development environments. Specifically, we will take alook at developing Jython with Eclipse and Netbeans. Utilizing anIDE can greatly increase developer productivity, and also assist insubtleties such as adding modules and JAR files to the classpath.

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